Virtual Terminal
This tutorial covers the basics on how to communicate with a Virtual Terminal (VT) Server using the CAN stack.
It is assumed you have completed all the other tutorials, as this tutorial covers application level use of the CAN stack.
The Virtual Terminal Client
The first step in communicating with a VT is creating an object called VirtualTerminalClient
This object will act as your interface for all VT communication.
The client requires two things to instantiate, a PartneredControlFunction
and a InternalControlFunction
This is so that it can send messages on your behalf needed to maintain the connection and simplify the API over sending raw CAN messages to the VT.
Let’s start our program fresh, with a folder containing only the CAN stack.
mkdir vt_example
cd vt_example
git clone
Create the file main.cpp as shown below inside that folder with the requisite control functions.
#include "isobus/hardware_integration/available_can_drivers.hpp"
#include "isobus/hardware_integration/can_hardware_interface.hpp"
#include "isobus/isobus/can_general_parameter_group_numbers.hpp"
#include "isobus/isobus/can_network_manager.hpp"
#include "isobus/isobus/can_partnered_control_function.hpp"
#include "isobus/isobus/can_stack_logger.hpp"
#include <atomic>
#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
//! It is discouraged to use global variables, but it is done here for simplicity.
static std::atomic_bool running = { true };
void signal_handler(int)
running = false;
void update_CAN_network(void *)
void raw_can_glue(isobus::CANMessageFrame &rawFrame, void *parentPointer)
isobus::CANNetworkManager::CANNetwork.can_lib_process_rx_message(rawFrame, parentPointer);
int main()
std::signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
// Automatically load the desired CAN driver based on the available drivers
std::shared_ptr<isobus::CANHardwarePlugin> canDriver = nullptr;
canDriver = std::make_shared<isobus::SocketCANInterface>("can0");
canDriver = std::make_shared<isobus::PCANBasicWindowsPlugin>(PCAN_USBBUS1);
canDriver = std::make_shared<isobus::InnoMakerUSB2CANWindowsPlugin>(0); // CAN0
canDriver = std::make_shared<isobus::MacCANPCANPlugin>(PCAN_USBBUS1);
if (nullptr == canDriver)
std::cout << "Unable to find a CAN driver. Please make sure you have one of the above drivers installed with the library." << std::endl;
std::cout << "If you want to use a different driver, please add it to the list above." << std::endl;
return -1;
isobus::CANHardwareInterface::assign_can_channel_frame_handler(0, canDriver);
if ((!isobus::CANHardwareInterface::start()) || (!canDriver->get_is_valid()))
std::cout << "Failed to start hardware interface. The CAN driver might be invalid." << std::endl;
return -2;
isobus::CANHardwareInterface::add_can_lib_update_callback(update_CAN_network, nullptr);
isobus::CANHardwareInterface::add_raw_can_message_rx_callback(raw_can_glue, nullptr);
isobus::NAME TestDeviceNAME(0);
//! Make sure you change these for your device!!!!
//! This is an example device that is using a manufacturer code that is currently unused at time of writing
const isobus::NAMEFilter filterVirtualTerminal(isobus::NAME::NAMEParameters::FunctionCode, static_cast<std::uint8_t>(isobus::NAME::Function::VirtualTerminal));
const std::vector<isobus::NAMEFilter> vtNameFilters = { filterVirtualTerminal };
auto TestInternalECU = isobus::InternalControlFunction::create(TestDeviceNAME, 0x1C, 0);
auto TestPartnerVT = isobus::PartneredControlFunction::create(0, vtNameFilters);
while (running)
// CAN stack runs in other threads. Do nothing forever.
return 0;
It’s the same boilerplate we’ve done before, but note the following key things:
We’re using shared pointers (std::shared_ptr) to make our control functions. The VT client class requires shared pointers to your control functions, so we want to make sure we start with those.
Our partner has been defined to be any device on the bus with a function code that identifies it as a VT (see isobus::NAME::NAMEParameters::FunctionCode if you want to see some other function code that exist.)
With those notes in mind, let’s create our VT client:
#include "isobus/isobus/isobus_virtual_terminal_client.hpp"
//! It is discouraged to use global variables, but we have done it here for simplicity.
static std::shared_ptr<isobus::VirtualTerminalClient> TestVirtualTerminalClient = nullptr;
int main()
TestVirtualTerminalClient = std::make_shared<isobus::VirtualTerminalClient>(TestPartnerVT, TestInternalECU);
Now, we’ve got our client created, and we need to configure it. More specifically, we need to give it at least one object pool to manage.
Object Pools
An ISOBUS object pool is a serialized blob of objects defined in ISO 11783-6. Basically it’s the data the comprises the GUIs you see on a VT when you connect an ISOBUS ECU. In other words, it’s a way for a “headless” device to explain to a VT how to draw it’s UI in a very consistent way that will be portable across machines and platforms.
This data is essentially a long list of objects that represent things to a VT, such as:
Font attributes
A few more complex objects, like bar graphs and graphics contexts
An ECU uploads this blob of objects to the VT along with their semi-hierarchical relationships, the VT checks to make sure the format is valid, then starts displaying it on its screen. Then, the ECU can use a set of CAN messages to update what’s shown on the screen, and likewise, the VT can use CAN messages to tell the ECU when things like button presses happen.
This back-and-forth communication is the foundation for ISOBUS implement applications, and the CAN stack aims to make this communication as easy as possible.
The utility folder in the CAN stack contains a helper function to read standard ISOBUS .iop files. These files are the industry standard way of storing the binary blob that is the object pool.
You can make one for yourself if you have access to an ISOBUS object pool designer tool of some kind, but for our purposes, one has been included in the examples folder for you called VT3TestPool.iop.
For this example, let’s download that object pool (or grab it from the examples folder within the CAN stack), and place it in the same directory as your main.cpp file.
Let’s also grab this header file and place it in the same folder. This file is for convenience, and tells us what objects are inside the IOP file along with their object ID. Files like these are often created by VT object pool designer programs to give nice, human-readable names to your objects so that instead of referencing object 5001, we can instead reference it by the nicer name acknowledgeAlarm_SoftKey for example.
Now, let’s add some code to our example to read in this IOP file, and give it to our VT client as our only object pool.
#include "isobus/utility/iop_file_interface.hpp"
int main()
std::vector<std::uint8_t> testPool = isobus::IOPFileInterface::read_iop_file("VT3TestPool.iop");
if (testPool.empty())
std::cout << "Failed to load object pool from VT3TestPool.iop" << std::endl;
return -3;
std::cout << "Loaded object pool from VT3TestPool.iop" << std::endl;
// Generate a unique version string for this object pool (this is optional, and is entirely application specific behavior)
std::string objectPoolHash = isobus::IOPFileInterface::hash_object_pool_to_version(testPool);
TestVirtualTerminalClient->set_object_pool(0, isobus::VirtualTerminalClient::VTVersion::Version3,, testPool.size());
Note how testPool
is not static here. It is required that whatever pointer you pass into the VT client via set_object_pool
MUST remain valid (IE, not deleted or out of scope) during the object pool upload or your application may crash.
Furthermore, a hash is generated for the object pool. This is a unique string that represents the object pool. It is used to tell the VT if the object pool has changed since the last time it was uploaded. If it has, the VT will request the new object pool from the ECU. If it hasn’t, the VT will assume the object pool is the same as the last time it was uploaded and will not request it again but instead load it from their cache.
If your object pool is too large to store in memory, or you are on an embedded platform with limited resources, you may instead want to use the register_object_pool_data_chunk_callback
method instead which will get smaller chunks of data from you as the upload proceeds.
This can be used to read from some external device if needed in segments or just to save RAM.
You can also have the CAN stack automatically scale your object pool to match the dimensions of whatever VT it ends up loading to.
This can be helpful if you designed your object pool for a certain data mask size, but need the pool to load on VTs with different resolutions or VTs that support different fonts than you designed your pool with.
To do this, just tell the client what sizes you used when creating your object pool with the set_object_pool_scaling
function. The documentation for that function can be found in our api docs.
Since we are now using a function in the “isobus/utility” folder to load this IOP file, we will also need to link to the CAN stack’s utility library in our CMakeLists.txt file. You can do this by adding isobus::Utility
to your target_link_libraries
statement. We’ll also need to add some CMake to move the IOP file to the binary location, so that when the program is compiled, the IOP will end up in a location accessible to your program.
We’ll go over the full CMake closer to the end of this tutorial.
Now, we’ve added all the code needed to upload the pool to the VT! But we haven’t added any actual application logic yet - we’ve just set up the communication. In the next section we’ll actually make the on-screen objects functional.
VT Application Layer
Now that we’ve got our VT client configured, let’s go over how to use the VT client in your application.
Other Events
In this example, we’re only using the button and softkey events, but be sure to check out all the other events you can use! They include events such as:
Change Numeric Value Events
Pointing Events
Change String Value Events
Select Input Object Events
Change Active Mask Events
User Layout Hide/Show Events
Audio Signal Termination Events
ESC Messages
With all those different events, you can get all kinds of context from the VT about what the user is doing.
Registering our Callbacks
Now that we have our callback, we have to tell the VT client about it so that it knows to call it when appropriate.
auto softKeyListener = TestVirtualTerminalClient->add_vt_soft_key_event_listener(handleVTKeyEvents);
auto buttonListener = TestVirtualTerminalClient->add_vt_button_event_listener(handleVTKeyEvents);
You could in theory have separate callbacks for softkeys and buttons, but in this example we’re just re-using the same callback for both.
Note, the add_vt_soft_key_event_listener
and add_vt_button_event_listener
functions return a shared pointer to the listener. This is so that the listener doesn’t get destroyed until you’re done with it. If you don’t store the listener in a variable, it will be destroyed as soon as the function returns, and your callback will never be called. So make sure to keep it alive as long as you want to receive events.
Other Actions
Of course, you have the ability to do a lot more than just react to events. The VT client exposes many functions that you can call to make the VT do things with your object pool. We’ve already used a few of them in our callback, such as:
Changing the active mask
Changing a numeric value
Check out the API documentation (or the header file isobus_virtual_terminal_client.hpp) for the full list of functionality available, but the most commonly used ones are listed below along with the name of the function to use on the API.
- Changing the active mask
- Changing a numeric value
- Changing a string value
- Changing a soft key mask
- Changing a list item
- Changing an attribute, such as hiding a container
Final Result
Here’s the final code for this example:
#include "isobus/hardware_integration/available_can_drivers.hpp"
#include "isobus/hardware_integration/can_hardware_interface.hpp"
#include "isobus/isobus/can_general_parameter_group_numbers.hpp"
#include "isobus/isobus/can_network_manager.hpp"
#include "isobus/isobus/can_partnered_control_function.hpp"
#include "isobus/isobus/can_stack_logger.hpp"
#include "isobus/isobus/isobus_virtual_terminal_client.hpp"
#include "isobus/utility/iop_file_interface.hpp"
#include "objectPoolObjects.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <csignal>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
//! It is discouraged to use global variables, but it is done here for simplicity.
static std::shared_ptr<isobus::VirtualTerminalClient> TestVirtualTerminalClient = nullptr;
static std::atomic_bool running = { true };
void signal_handler(int)
running = false;
void update_CAN_network(void *)
void raw_can_glue(isobus::CANMessageFrame &rawFrame, void *parentPointer)
isobus::CANNetworkManager::CANNetwork.can_lib_process_rx_message(rawFrame, parentPointer);
// This callback will provide us with event driven notifications of button presses from the stack
void handleVTKeyEvents(const isobus::VirtualTerminalClient::VTKeyEvent &event)
static std::uint32_t exampleNumberOutput = 214748364; // In the object pool the output number has an offset of -214748364 so we use this to represent 0.
switch (event.keyEvent)
case isobus::VirtualTerminalClient::KeyActivationCode::ButtonUnlatchedOrReleased:
switch (event.objectID)
case Plus_Button:
TestVirtualTerminalClient->send_change_numeric_value(ButtonExampleNumber_VarNum, ++exampleNumberOutput);
case Minus_Button:
TestVirtualTerminalClient->send_change_numeric_value(ButtonExampleNumber_VarNum, --exampleNumberOutput);
case alarm_SoftKey:
TestVirtualTerminalClient->send_change_active_mask(example_WorkingSet, example_AlarmMask);
case acknowledgeAlarm_SoftKey:
TestVirtualTerminalClient->send_change_active_mask(example_WorkingSet, mainRunscreen_DataMask);
int main()
std::signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
// Automatically load the desired CAN driver based on the available drivers
std::shared_ptr<isobus::CANHardwarePlugin> canDriver = nullptr;
canDriver = std::make_shared<isobus::SocketCANInterface>("can0");
canDriver = std::make_shared<isobus::PCANBasicWindowsPlugin>(PCAN_USBBUS1);
canDriver = std::make_shared<isobus::InnoMakerUSB2CANWindowsPlugin>(0); // CAN0
canDriver = std::make_shared<isobus::MacCANPCANPlugin>(PCAN_USBBUS1);
if (nullptr == canDriver)
std::cout << "Unable to find a CAN driver. Please make sure you have one of the above drivers installed with the library." << std::endl;
std::cout << "If you want to use a different driver, please add it to the list above." << std::endl;
return -1;
isobus::CANHardwareInterface::assign_can_channel_frame_handler(0, canDriver);
if ((!isobus::CANHardwareInterface::start()) || (!canDriver->get_is_valid()))
std::cout << "Failed to start hardware interface. The CAN driver might be invalid." << std::endl;
return -2;
isobus::CANHardwareInterface::add_can_lib_update_callback(update_CAN_network, nullptr);
isobus::CANHardwareInterface::add_raw_can_message_rx_callback(raw_can_glue, nullptr);
isobus::NAME TestDeviceNAME(0);
//! Make sure you change these for your device!!!!
//! This is an example device that is using a manufacturer code that is currently unused at time of writing
std::vector<std::uint8_t> testPool = isobus::IOPFileInterface::read_iop_file("VT3TestPool.iop");
if (testPool.empty())
std::cout << "Failed to load object pool from VT3TestPool.iop" << std::endl;
return -3;
std::cout << "Loaded object pool from VT3TestPool.iop" << std::endl;
// Generate a unique version string for this object pool (this is optional, and is entirely application specific behavior)
std::string objectPoolHash = isobus::IOPFileInterface::hash_object_pool_to_version(testPool);
const isobus::NAMEFilter filterVirtualTerminal(isobus::NAME::NAMEParameters::FunctionCode, static_cast<std::uint8_t>(isobus::NAME::Function::VirtualTerminal));
const std::vector<isobus::NAMEFilter> vtNameFilters = { filterVirtualTerminal };
auto TestInternalECU = isobus::InternalControlFunction::create(TestDeviceNAME, 0x1C, 0);
auto TestPartnerVT = isobus::PartneredControlFunction::create(0, vtNameFilters);
TestVirtualTerminalClient = std::make_shared<isobus::VirtualTerminalClient>(TestPartnerVT, TestInternalECU);
TestVirtualTerminalClient->set_object_pool(0, isobus::VirtualTerminalClient::VTVersion::Version3,, testPool.size(), objectPoolHash);
auto softKeyListener = TestVirtualTerminalClient->add_vt_soft_key_event_listener(handleVTKeyEvents);
auto buttonListener = TestVirtualTerminalClient->add_vt_button_event_listener(handleVTKeyEvents);
while (running)
// CAN stack runs in other threads. Do nothing forever.
return 0;
Writing up the CMake
The CMake for this program is a bit more complex than the other examples.
We’ll start off like we did in “ISOBUS Hello World”.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
DESCRIPTION "An example VT client program"
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
add_executable(vt_example main.cpp)
Looking “ISOBUS Hello World” we had this next:
target_link_libraries(isobus_hello_world PRIVATE isobus::Isobus isobus::HardwareIntegration Threads::Threads)
But like we mentioned earlier, we’re now using a function (the IOP file reader) in the isobus utility library called “Utility”, so we need to link that too:
target_link_libraries(isobus_hello_world PRIVATE isobus::Isobus isobus::HardwareIntegration isobus::Utility Threads::Threads)
We also want to move our IOP file to be in the same folder as the executable after it’s built, so that it can locate it. We can do that with this little handy bit of CMake:
TARGET vt_example
Now you should be able to build and run the program!
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
cd build
That’s it for this Tutorial. You should be able to run it as long as you have a VT and a supported CAN driver, see the test pool be uploaded, and be able to interact with all buttons on screen!
If you would like to see more advanced VT tutorials or have other feedback, please visit our GitHub page and feel free to open a discussion! We’re friendly, we promise.