A control-function-focused implementation of the major ISOBUS and J1939 protocols
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isobus::InputNumber Class Reference

This object is used to format, display and change a numeric value based on a supplied integer value. More...

#include <isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for isobus::InputNumber:
Collaboration diagram for isobus::InputNumber:

Public Types

enum class  AttributeName : std::uint8_t {
  Type = 0 , Width = 1 , Height = 2 , BackgroundColour = 3 ,
  FontAttributes = 4 , Options = 5 , VariableReference = 6 , MinValue = 7 ,
  MaxValue = 8 , Offset = 9 , Scale = 10 , NumberOfDecimals = 11 ,
  Format = 12 , Justification = 13 , Value = 14 , Options2 = 15 ,
  NumberOfAttributes = 16
 Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command allows any writable attribute with an AID to be changed. More...
enum class  Options : std::uint8_t { Transparent = 0 , DisplayLeadingZeros = 1 , DisplayZeroAsBlank = 2 , Truncate = 3 }
 Options that can be applied to the input number. More...
enum class  Options2 : std::uint8_t { Enabled = 0 , RealTimeEditing = 1 }
 More options, for some reason they are different bytes. More...
enum class  HorizontalJustification : std::uint8_t { PositionLeft = 0 , PositionMiddle = 1 , PositionRight = 2 , Reserved = 3 }
 The allowable horizontal justification options. More...
enum class  VerticalJustification : std::uint8_t { PositionTop = 0 , PositionMiddle = 1 , PositionBottom = 2 , Reserved = 3 }
 The allowable vertical justification options. More...
- Public Types inherited from isobus::VTObject
enum class  AttributeError : std::uint8_t { InvalidObjectID = 0 , InvalidAttributeID = 1 , InvalidValue = 2 , AnyOtherError = 4 }
 Enumerates the bit indices of the error fields that can be set when changing an attribute. More...

Public Member Functions

 InputNumber ()=default
 Constructor for an input number object.
 ~InputNumber () override=default
 Virtual destructor for an input number object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type () const override
 Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length () const override
 Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
bool get_is_valid (const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
 Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
bool set_attribute (std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
 Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool get_attribute (std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
 Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
HorizontalJustification get_horizontal_justification () const
 Returns the horizontal justification setting of the input number.
VerticalJustification get_vertical_justification () const
 Returns the vertical justification setting of the input number.
void set_justification_bitfield (std::uint8_t newJustification)
 Sets the justification bitfield of the input number.
float get_scale () const
 Returns the scale factor that is applied to the value of the input number.
void set_scale (float newScale)
 Sets the scale factor that is applied to the value of the input number.
std::uint32_t get_maximum_value () const
 Returns the maximum value for the input number.
void set_maximum_value (std::uint32_t newMax)
 Sets the maximum value for the input number.
std::uint32_t get_minimum_value () const
 Returns the minimum value for this input number.
void set_minimum_value (std::uint32_t newMin)
 Sets the minimum value for the input number.
std::int32_t get_offset () const
 Returns the offset that will be applied to the number's value when it is displayed.
void set_offset (std::int32_t newOffset)
 Sets the offset that will be applied to the number's value when it is displayed.
std::uint8_t get_number_of_decimals () const
 Returns the number of decimals to display when rendering this input number.
void set_number_of_decimals (std::uint8_t numDecimals)
 Sets the number of decimals to display when rendering this number.
bool get_format () const
 Returns if the format option is set for this input number.
void set_format (bool newFormat)
 Sets the format option.
bool get_option (Options option) const
 Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
void set_options (std::uint8_t newOptions)
 Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
void set_option (Options option, bool optionValue)
 Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
bool get_option2 (Options2 newOption) const
 Returns the state of a single option in the object's second option bitfield.
void set_options2 (std::uint8_t newOptions)
 Sets the second options bitfield for this object to a new value.
void set_option2 (Options2 option, bool newOption)
 Sets a single option in the second options bitfield to the specified value.
std::uint32_t get_value () const
 Returns the value of the input number (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
void set_value (std::uint32_t inputValue)
 Sets the value of the input number (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
std::uint16_t get_font_attributes () const
 Returns the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input Number object.
void set_font_attributes (std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue)
 Sets the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input Number object. Does no error checking on the type of the supplied object.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference () const
 Returns the object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Number object.
void set_variable_reference (std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue)
 Sets the object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Number object. Does no error checking on the type of the supplied object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from isobus::VTObject
 VTObject ()=default
 Constructor for a generic VT object. Sets up default values and the pointer to the member object pool.
virtual ~VTObject ()=default
 Virtual destructor for a generic VT object.
std::uint16_t get_id () const
 Returns the object ID of this VT object.
void set_id (std::uint16_t value)
 Sets the object ID of this VT object.
std::uint16_t get_width () const
 Returns the width of this object in px.
void set_width (std::uint16_t value)
 Sets the width of this object in px.
std::uint16_t get_height () const
 Returns the height of this object in px.
void set_height (std::uint16_t value)
 Sets the height of this object in px.
std::uint8_t get_background_color () const
 Returns the background color attribute of this object.
void set_background_color (std::uint8_t value)
 Sets the background color attribute of this object.
std::uint16_t get_number_children () const
 Returns the number of child objects within this object.
void add_child (std::uint16_t objectID, std::int16_t relativeXLocation, std::int16_t relativeYLocation)
 Adds an object as a child to another object, which essentially creates a tree of object association.
std::uint16_t get_child_id (std::uint16_t index) const
 Returns the ID of the child by index, if one was added previously.
std::int16_t get_child_x (std::uint16_t index) const
 Returns the X offset of the child object associated with the specified index into the parent object.
std::int16_t get_child_y (std::uint16_t index) const
 Returns the Y offset of the child object associated with the specified index into the parent object.
void set_child_x (std::uint16_t index, std::int16_t xOffset)
 Sets the X offset of the child object associated with the specified index into the parent object.
void set_child_y (std::uint16_t index, std::int16_t yOffset)
 Sets the Y offset of the child object associated with the specified index into the parent object.
bool offset_all_children_with_id (std::uint16_t childObjectID, std::int8_t xOffset, std::int8_t yOffset)
 Offsets all child objects with the specified ID by the amount specified relative to its parent.
void remove_child (std::uint16_t objectIDToRemove, std::int16_t relativeXLocation, std::int16_t relativeYLocation)
 Removes an object reference from another object. All fields must exactly match for the object to be removed. This is because objects can have multiple of the same child at different places, so we can't infer which one to remove without the exact position.
void pop_child ()
 Removes the last added child object. This is meant to be a faster way to deal with objects that only have a max of 1 child.
std::uint8_t get_number_macros () const
 Returns the number of macros referenced by this object.
void add_macro (MacroMetadata macroToAdd)
 Adds a macro to the list of macros referenced by this object.
MacroMetadata get_macro (std::uint8_t index) const
 Returns the macro ID at the specified index.

Private Attributes

float scale = 0.0f
 Scale to be applied to the input value and min/max values.
std::uint32_t maximumValue = 0
 Raw maximum value for the input.
std::uint32_t minimumValue = 0
 Raw minimum value for the input before scaling.
std::uint32_t value = 0
 The raw value of the object, used if no number variable child has been set.
std::int32_t offset = 0
 Offset to be applied to the input value and min/max values.
std::uint16_t fontAttributes = NULL_OBJECT_ID
 Stores the object ID of a font attributes object that will be used to display this object.
std::uint16_t variableReference = NULL_OBJECT_ID
 Stores the object ID of a number variable object that will be used in place of the value attribute if it is not NULL_OBJECT_ID.
std::uint8_t numberOfDecimals = 0
 Specifies number of decimals to display after the decimal point.
std::uint8_t options = 0
 Options byte 1.
std::uint8_t options2 = 0
 Options byte 2.
std::uint8_t justificationBitfield = 0
 Indicates how the number is positioned in the field defined by height and width.
bool format = false
 0 = use fixed format decimal display (####.nn), 1 = use exponential format ([-]###.nnE[+/-]##) where n is set by the number of decimals

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 38
 The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from isobus::VTObject
static std::shared_ptr< VTObjectget_object_by_id (std::uint16_t objectID, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool)
 Returns a VT object from its member pool by ID, or the null id if it does not exist.
- Protected Attributes inherited from isobus::VTObject
std::vector< ChildObjectDatachildren
 List of child objects.
std::vector< MacroMetadatamacros
 List of macros referenced by this object.
std::uint16_t objectID = NULL_OBJECT_ID
 Object identifier. Shall be unique within the object pool.
std::uint16_t width = 0
 The width of the object. Not always applicable, but often used.
std::uint16_t height = 0
 The height of the object. Not always applicable, but often used.
std::uint8_t backgroundColor = 0
 The background color (from the VT colour table)

Detailed Description

This object is used to format, display and change a numeric value based on a supplied integer value.

Displayed value = (value attribute + Offset) * Scaling Factor

Definition at line 1314 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AttributeName

enum class isobus::InputNumber::AttributeName : std::uint8_t

Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command allows any writable attribute with an AID to be changed.

Definition at line 1319 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ HorizontalJustification

enum class isobus::InputNumber::HorizontalJustification : std::uint8_t

The allowable horizontal justification options.


The input number is horizontally justified to the left side of its bounding box.


The input number is horizontally justified to the center of its bounding box.


The input number is horizontally justified to the right side of its bounding box.



Definition at line 1358 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ Options

enum class isobus::InputNumber::Options : std::uint8_t

Options that can be applied to the input number.


If TRUE, the input field is displayed with background showing through instead of using the background colour.


If TRUE, fill left to width of field with zeros; justification is applied after filling.


When this option bit is set, a blank field is displayed if and only if the displayed value of the object is exactly zero.


If TRUE the value shall be truncated to the specified number of decimals. Otherwise it shall be rounded off to the specified number of decimals.

Definition at line 1342 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ Options2

enum class isobus::InputNumber::Options2 : std::uint8_t

More options, for some reason they are different bytes.


If TRUE the object shall be enabled.


If TRUE the value shall be transmitted to the ECU as it is being changed.

Definition at line 1351 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ VerticalJustification

enum class isobus::InputNumber::VerticalJustification : std::uint8_t

The allowable vertical justification options.


The input number is vertically justified to the top of its bounding box.


The input number is vertically justified to the center of its bounding box.


The input number is vertically justified to the bottom of its bounding box.



Definition at line 1367 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_attribute()

bool isobus::InputNumber::get_attribute ( std::uint8_t attributeID,
std::uint32_t & returnedAttributeData ) const

Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.

[in]attributeIDThe ID of the attribute to get
[out]returnedAttributeDataThe raw data of the attribute, as decoded in little endian format with unused bytes/bits set to zero. You may need to cast this to the correct type. If this function returns false, this value is undefined.
True if the attribute was retrieved, otherwise false (the attribute ID was invalid)

Implements isobus::VTObject.

Definition at line 2494 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_font_attributes()

std::uint16_t isobus::InputNumber::get_font_attributes ( ) const

Returns the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input Number object.

The object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input Number object

Definition at line 2755 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_format()

bool isobus::InputNumber::get_format ( ) const

Returns if the format option is set for this input number.

The format option determines if the value is shown in fixed decimal or exponential form. A value of true means fixed decimal (####.nn), and false means exponential ([−]###.nnE[+/−]##)

true if the format option is set for this input number, otherwise false

Definition at line 2691 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_horizontal_justification()

InputNumber::HorizontalJustification isobus::InputNumber::get_horizontal_justification ( ) const

Returns the horizontal justification setting of the input number.

The horizontal justification setting of the input number

Definition at line 2626 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_is_valid()

bool isobus::InputNumber::get_is_valid ( const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > & objectPool) const

Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.

[in]objectPoolThe object pool to use when validating the object
true if the object passed basic error checks

Implements isobus::VTObject.

Definition at line 2303 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_maximum_value()

std::uint32_t isobus::InputNumber::get_maximum_value ( ) const

Returns the maximum value for the input number.

The VT shall not accept values higher than this for this input number's value

The maximum value for the input number

Definition at line 2651 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_minimum_value()

std::uint32_t isobus::InputNumber::get_minimum_value ( ) const

Returns the minimum value for this input number.

The VT shall not accept values smaller than this value for this input number

The minimum value for this input number

Definition at line 2661 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_minumum_object_length()

std::uint32_t isobus::InputNumber::get_minumum_object_length ( ) const

Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.

The minimum binary serialized length of the associated object

Implements isobus::VTObject.

Definition at line 2298 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_number_of_decimals()

std::uint8_t isobus::InputNumber::get_number_of_decimals ( ) const

Returns the number of decimals to display when rendering this input number.

The number of decimals to display when rendering the input number

Definition at line 2681 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_object_type()

VirtualTerminalObjectType isobus::InputNumber::get_object_type ( ) const

Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.

The VT object type of the underlying derived object

Implements isobus::VTObject.

Definition at line 2293 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_offset()

std::int32_t isobus::InputNumber::get_offset ( ) const

Returns the offset that will be applied to the number's value when it is displayed.

The offset that will be applied to the number's value when it is displayed

Definition at line 2671 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_option()

bool isobus::InputNumber::get_option ( Options option) const

Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.

[in]optionThe option to check the value of in the object's option bitfield
The state of the associated option bit

Definition at line 2701 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_option2()

bool isobus::InputNumber::get_option2 ( Options2 newOption) const

Returns the state of a single option in the object's second option bitfield.

[in]newOptionThe option to check the value of in the object's second option bitfield
The state of the associated option bit

Definition at line 2723 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_scale()

float isobus::InputNumber::get_scale ( ) const

Returns the scale factor that is applied to the value of the input number.

The scale factor that is applied to the value of the input number

Definition at line 2641 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_value()

std::uint32_t isobus::InputNumber::get_value ( ) const

Returns the value of the input number (only matters if there's no child number variable object).

The value of the input number

Definition at line 2745 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_variable_reference()

std::uint16_t isobus::InputNumber::get_variable_reference ( ) const

Returns the object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Number object.

The object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Number object

Definition at line 2765 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ get_vertical_justification()

InputNumber::VerticalJustification isobus::InputNumber::get_vertical_justification ( ) const

Returns the vertical justification setting of the input number.

The vertical justification setting of the input number

Definition at line 2631 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_attribute()

bool isobus::InputNumber::set_attribute ( std::uint8_t attributeID,
std::uint32_t rawAttributeData,
const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > & objectPool,
AttributeError & returnedError )

Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.

[in]attributeIDThe ID of the attribute to change
[in]rawAttributeDataThe raw data to change the attribute to, as decoded in little endian format with unused bytes/bits set to zero.
[in]objectPoolThe object pool to use when validating the objects affected by setting this attribute
[out]returnedErrorIf this function returns false, this will be the error code. If the function returns true, this value is undefined.
True if the attribute was changed, otherwise false (check the returnedError in this case to know why).

Implements isobus::VTObject.

Definition at line 2357 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ set_font_attributes()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_font_attributes ( std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue)

Sets the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input Number object. Does no error checking on the type of the supplied object.

[in]fontAttributesValueThe object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input Number object

Definition at line 2760 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_format()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_format ( bool newFormat)

Sets the format option.

The format option determines if the value is shown in fixed decimal or exponential form. A value of true means fixed decimal (####.nn), and false means exponential ([−]###.nnE[+/−]##)

[in]newFormatThe format value to set. true for fixed decimal, false for exponential.

Definition at line 2696 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_justification_bitfield()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_justification_bitfield ( std::uint8_t newJustification)

Sets the justification bitfield of the input number.

[in]newJustificationThe justification bitfield to set

Definition at line 2636 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_maximum_value()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_maximum_value ( std::uint32_t newMax)

Sets the maximum value for the input number.

The VT shall not accept values higher than this for this input number's value

[in]newMaxThe maximum value for the input number

Definition at line 2656 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_minimum_value()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_minimum_value ( std::uint32_t newMin)

Sets the minimum value for the input number.

The VT shall not accept values smaller than this value for this input number

[in]newMinThe minimum value to set for the input number

Definition at line 2666 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_number_of_decimals()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_number_of_decimals ( std::uint8_t numDecimals)

Sets the number of decimals to display when rendering this number.

[in]numDecimalsThe number of decimals to display

Definition at line 2686 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_offset()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_offset ( std::int32_t newOffset)

Sets the offset that will be applied to the number's value when it is displayed.

[in]newOffsetThe new offset that will be applied to the number's value when it is displayed

Definition at line 2676 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_option()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_option ( Options option,
bool optionValue )

Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.

[in]optionThe option to set
[in]optionValueThe new value of the option bit

Definition at line 2711 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_option2()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_option2 ( Options2 option,
bool newOption )

Sets a single option in the second options bitfield to the specified value.

[in]optionThe option to set
[in]newOptionThe new value of the option bit

Definition at line 2733 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_options()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_options ( std::uint8_t newOptions)

Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.

[in]newOptionsThe new value for the options bitfield

Definition at line 2706 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_options2()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_options2 ( std::uint8_t newOptions)

Sets the second options bitfield for this object to a new value.

[in]newOptionsThe new value for the second options bitfield

Definition at line 2728 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_scale()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_scale ( float newScale)

Sets the scale factor that is applied to the value of the input number.

[in]newScaleThe scale factor to set

Definition at line 2646 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_value()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_value ( std::uint32_t inputValue)

Sets the value of the input number (only matters if there's no child number variable object).

[in]inputValueThe value to set for the input number

Definition at line 2750 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

◆ set_variable_reference()

void isobus::InputNumber::set_variable_reference ( std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue)

Sets the object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Number object. Does no error checking on the type of the supplied object.

[in]variableReferenceValueThe object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Number object

Definition at line 2770 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fontAttributes

std::uint16_t isobus::InputNumber::fontAttributes = NULL_OBJECT_ID

Stores the object ID of a font attributes object that will be used to display this object.

Definition at line 1542 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ format

bool isobus::InputNumber::format = false

0 = use fixed format decimal display (####.nn), 1 = use exponential format ([-]###.nnE[+/-]##) where n is set by the number of decimals

Definition at line 1548 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ justificationBitfield

std::uint8_t isobus::InputNumber::justificationBitfield = 0

Indicates how the number is positioned in the field defined by height and width.

Definition at line 1547 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ maximumValue

std::uint32_t isobus::InputNumber::maximumValue = 0

Raw maximum value for the input.

Definition at line 1538 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.


constexpr std::uint32_t isobus::InputNumber::MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 38

The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.

Definition at line 1535 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ minimumValue

std::uint32_t isobus::InputNumber::minimumValue = 0

Raw minimum value for the input before scaling.

Definition at line 1539 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ numberOfDecimals

std::uint8_t isobus::InputNumber::numberOfDecimals = 0

Specifies number of decimals to display after the decimal point.

Definition at line 1544 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ offset

std::int32_t isobus::InputNumber::offset = 0

Offset to be applied to the input value and min/max values.

Definition at line 1541 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ options

std::uint8_t isobus::InputNumber::options = 0

Options byte 1.

Definition at line 1545 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ options2

std::uint8_t isobus::InputNumber::options2 = 0

Options byte 2.

Definition at line 1546 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ scale

float isobus::InputNumber::scale = 0.0f

Scale to be applied to the input value and min/max values.

Definition at line 1537 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ value

std::uint32_t isobus::InputNumber::value = 0

The raw value of the object, used if no number variable child has been set.

Definition at line 1540 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

◆ variableReference

std::uint16_t isobus::InputNumber::variableReference = NULL_OBJECT_ID

Stores the object ID of a number variable object that will be used in place of the value attribute if it is not NULL_OBJECT_ID.

Definition at line 1543 of file isobus_virtual_terminal_objects.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: