Enumerates a subset of standard ISOBUS DDIs.
Enumerator |
DataDictionaryVersion | This DDE is used to specify which version of the Data Dictionary is being used.
SetpointVolumePerAreaApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as volume per area.
ActualVolumePerAreaApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as volume per area.
DefaultVolumePerAreaApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as volume per area.
MinimumVolumePerAreaApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as volume per area.
MaximumVolumePerAreaApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as volume per area.
SetpointMassPerAreaApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as mass per area.
ActualMassPerAreaApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as mass per area.
DefaultMassPerAreaApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as mass per area.
MinimumMassPerAreaApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as mass per area.
MaximumMassPerAreaApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as mass per area.
SetpointCountPerAreaApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as count per area.
ActualCountPerAreaApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as count per area.
DefaultCountPerAreaApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as count per area.
MinimumCountPerAreaApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as count per area.
MaximumCountPerAreaApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as count per area.
SetpointSpacingApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as distance: e.g. seed spacing of a precision seeder.
ActualSpacingApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as distance: e.g. seed spacing of a precision seeder.
DefaultSpacingApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as distance: e.g. seed spacing of a precision seeder.
MinimumSpacingApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as distance: e.g. seed spacing of a precision seeder.
MaximumSpacingApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as distance: e.g. seed spacing of a precision seeder.
SetpointVolumePerVolumeApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as volume per volume.
ActualVolumePerVolumeApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as volume per volume.
DefaultVolumePerVolumeApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as volume per volume.
MinimumVolumePerVolumeApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as volume per volume.
MaximumVolumePerVolumeApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as volume per volume.
SetpointMassPerMassApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as mass per mass.
ActualMassPerMassApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as mass per mass.
DefaultMassPerMassApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as mass per mass.
MinimumMassPerMassApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as mass per mass.
MaximumMassPerMassApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as mass per mass.
SetpointVolumePerMassApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as volume per mass.
ActualVolumePerMassApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as volume per mass.
DefaultVolumePerMassApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as volume per mass.
MinimumVolumePerMassApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as volume per mass.
MaximumVolumePerMassApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as volume per mass.
SetpointVolumePerTimeApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as volume per time.
ActualVolumePerTimeApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as volume per time.
DefaultVolumePerTimeApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as volume per time.
MinimumVolumePerTimeApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as volume per time.
MaximumVolumePerTimeApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as volume per time.
SetpointMassPerTimeApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as mass per time.
ActualMassPerTimeApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as mass per time.
DefaultMassPerTimeApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as mass per time.
MinimumMassPerTimeApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as mass per time.
MaximumMassPerTimeApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as mass per time.
SetpointCountPerTimeApplicationRate | Setpoint Application Rate specified as count per time.
ActualCountPerTimeApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate specified as count per time.
DefaultCountPerTimeApplicationRate | Default Application Rate specified as count per time.
MinimumCountPerTimeApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate specified as count per time.
MaximumCountPerTimeApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate specified as count per time.
SetpointTillageDepth | Setpoint Tillage Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth. In case of a negative value the system will indicate the distance above the ground.
ActualTillageDepth | Actual Tillage Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth. In case of a negative value the system will indicate the distance above the ground.
DefaultTillageDepth | Default Tillage Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth. In case of a negative value the system will indicate the distance above the ground.
MinimumTillageDepth | Minimum Tillage Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth. In case of a negative value the system will indicate the distance above the ground.
MaximumTillageDepth | Maximum Tillage Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth. In case of a negative value the system will indicate the distance above the ground.
SetpointSeedingDepth | Setpoint Seeding Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth.
ActualSeedingDepth | Actual Seeding Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth.
DefaultSeedingDepth | Default Seeding Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth.
MinimumSeedingDepth | Minimum Seeding Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth.
MaximumSeedingDepth | Maximum Seeding Depth of Device Element below soil surface, value increases with depth.
SetpointWorkingHeight | Setpoint Working Height of Device Element above crop or soil.
ActualWorkingHeight | Actual Working Height of Device Element above crop or soil.
DefaultWorkingHeight | Default Working Height of Device Element above crop or soil.
MinimumWorkingHeight | Minimum Working Height of Device Element above crop or soil.
MaximumWorkingHeight | Maximum Working Height of Device Element above crop or soil.
SetpointWorkingWidth | Setpoint Working Width of Device Element.
ActualWorkingWidth | Actual Working Width of Device Element.
DefaultWorkingWidth | Default Working Width of Device Element.
MinimumWorkingWidth | Minimum Working Width of Device Element.
MaximumWorkingWidth | Maximum Working Width of Device Element.
SetpointVolumeContent | Setpoint Device Element Content specified as volume.
ActualVolumeContent | Actual Device Element Content specified as volume.
MaximumVolumeContent | Maximum Device Element Content specified as volume.
SetpointMassContent | Setpoint Machine Element Content specified as mass.
ActualMassContent | Actual Device Element Content specified as mass.
MaximumMassContent | Maximum Device Element Content specified as mass.
SetpointCountContent | Setpoint Device Element Content specified as count.
ActualCountContent | Actual Device Element Content specified as count.
MaximumCountContent | Maximum Device Element Content specified as count.
ApplicationTotalVolume_L | Accumulated Application specified as volume in liter [L].
ApplicationTotalMass_kg | Accumulated Application specified as mass in kilogram [kg].
ApplicationTotalCount | Accumulated Application specified as count.
VolumePerAreaYield | Yield as volume per area.
MassPerAreaYield | Yield as mass per area, not corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184.
CountPerAreaYield | Yield as count per area.
VolumePerTimeYield | Yield as volume per time.
MassPerTimeYield | Yield as mass per time, not corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184.
CountPerTimeYield | Yield as count per time.
YieldTotalVolume | Accumulated Yield specified as volume.
YieldTotalMass | Accumulated Yield specified as mass, not corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184.
YieldTotalCount | Accumulated Yield specified as count.
VolumePerAreaCropLoss | Crop yield loss as volume per area.
MassPerAreaCropLoss | Crop yield loss as mass per area.
CountPerAreaCropLoss | Crop yield loss as count per area.
VolumePerTimeCropLoss | Crop yield loss as volume per time.
MassPerTimeCropLoss | Crop yield loss as mass per time.
CountPerTimeCropLoss | Crop yield loss as count per time.
PercentageCropLoss | Crop yield loss.
CropMoisture | Moisture in crop yield.
CropContamination | Dirt or foreign material in crop yield.
SetpointBaleWidth | Setpoint Bale Width for square baler or round baler.
ActualBaleWidth | Actual Bale Width for square baler or round baler.
DefaultBaleWidth | Default Bale Width for square baler or round baler.
MinimumBaleWidth | Minimum Bale Width for square baler or round baler.
MaximumBaleWidth | Maximum Bale Width for square baler or round baler.
SetpointBaleHeight | Setpoint Bale Height is only applicable to square baler.
ActualBaleHeight | Actual Bale Height is only applicable to square baler.
DefaultBaleHeight | Default Bale Height is only applicable to square baler.
MinimumBaleHeight | Minimum Bale Height is only applicable to square baler.
MaximumBaleHeight | Maximum Bale Height is only applicable to square baler.
SetpointBaleSize | Setpoint Bale Size as length for a square baler or diameter for a round baler.
ActualBaleSize | Actual Bale Size as length for a square baler or diameter for a round baler.
DefaultBaleSize | Default Bale Size as length for a square baler or diameter for a round baler.
MinimumBaleSize | Minimum Bale Size as length for a square baler or diameter for a round baler.
MaximumBaleSize | Maximum Bale Size as length for a square baler or diameter for a round baler.
TotalArea | Accumulated Area.
EffectiveTotalDistance | Accumulated Distance in working position.
IneffectiveTotalDistance | Accumulated Distance out of working position.
EffectiveTotalTime | Accumulated Time in working position.
IneffectiveTotalTime | Accumulated Time out of working position.
ProductDensityMassPerVolume | Product Density as mass per volume.
ProductDensityMassPerCount | Product Density as mass per count.
ProductDensityVolumePerCount | Product Density as volume per count.
AuxiliaryValveScalingExtend | Factor to apply to AuxValveCommand PortFlowCommand. The scaling of the port flow relates to flow, not to spool position, although the position of the spool is of course indirectly affected.
AuxiliaryValveScalingRetract | Factor to apply to AuxValveCommand PortFlowCommand. The scaling of the port flow relates to flow, not to spool position, although the position of the spool is of course indirectly affected.
AuxiliaryValveRampExtendUp | The valve will apply a ramp to the Auxiliary ValveCommand PortFlowCommand, to limit the acceleration or deceleration of flow. The valve must apply the ramp to create a linear increase/decrease of flow over time.
AuxiliaryValveRampExtendDown | The valve will apply a ramp to the Auxiliary ValveCommand PortFlowCommand, to limit the acceleration or deceleration of flow. The valve must apply the ramp to create a linear increase/decrease of flow over time.
AuxiliaryValveRampRetractUp | The valve will apply a ramp to theAuxiliary ValveCommand PortFlowCommand, to limit the acceleration or deceleration of flow. The valve must apply the ramp to create a linear increase/decrease of flow over time.
AuxiliaryValveRampRetractDown | The valve will apply a ramp to the Auxiliary ValveCommand PortFlowCommand, to limit the acceleration or deceleration of flow. The valve must apply the ramp to create a linear increase/decrease of flow over time.
AuxiliaryValveFloatThreshold | Safety function. Current output of valve must be above threshold before float command is allowed.
AuxiliaryValveProgressivityExtend | Define non-linear relationship between command and flow by 2nd degree polynomial.
AuxiliaryValveProgressivityRetract | Define non-linear relationship between command and flow by 2nd degree polynomial.
AuxiliaryValveInvertPorts | Tell valve to swap extend and retract ports, easier than redoing plumbing on valve.
DeviceElementOffsetX | X direction offset of a DeviceElement relative to a Device.
DeviceElementOffsetY | Y direction offset of a DeviceElement relative to a Device.
DeviceElementOffsetZ | Z direction offset of a DeviceElement relative to a Device.
DeviceVolumeCapacity | DeviceElement Volume Capacity, dimension of a DeviceElement.
DeviceMassCapacity | DeviceElement Mass Capacity, dimension of a DeviceElement.
DeviceCountCapacity | DeviceElement Count Capacity, dimension of a DeviceElement.
SetpointPercentageApplicationRate | Application Rate expressed as percentage.
ActualWorkState | Actual Work State, 2 bits defined as 00=disabled/off, 01=enabled/on, 10=error, 11=undefined/not installed.
PhysicalSetpointTimeLatency | The Setpoint Value Latency Time is the time lapse between the moment of reception of a setpoint value command by the working set and the moment this setpoint value is physically applied on the device.
PhysicalActualValueTimeLatency | The Actual Value Latency Time is the time lapse between the moment this actual value is communicated to the Task Controller, and the moment that this actual value is physically applied on the device.
YawAngle | Pivot / Yaw Angle of a DeviceElement.
RollAngle | Roll Angle of a DeviceElement.
PitchAngle | Pitch Angle of a DeviceElement.
LogCount | Log Counter, may be used to control data log record generation on a Task Controller.
TotalFuelConsumption | Accumulated Fuel Consumption as Counter.
InstantaneousFuelConsumptionPerTime | Fuel consumption per time.
InstantaneousFuelConsumptionPerArea | Fuel consumption per area.
InstantaneousAreaPerTimeCapacity | Area per time capacity.
ActualNormalizedDifferenceVegetativeIndexNDVI | The Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) computed from crop reflectances.
PhysicalObjectLength | Length of device element (dimension along the X-axis)
PhysicalObjectWidth | Width of device element (dimension along the Y-axis)
PhysicalObjectHeight | Height of device element (dimension along the Z-axis)
ConnectorType | Specification of the type of coupler. See isobus.net for the enumerated values.
PrescriptionControlState | Defines and synchronizes the actual state of the prescription system.
NumberOfSubUnitsPerSection | Specifies the number of sub-units for a section (e.g. number of nozzles per sprayer section or number of planter row units per metering device).
SectionControlState | Specifies the actual state of section control.
ActualCondensedWorkState1_16 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 1 to 16 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState17_32 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 17 to 32 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState33_48 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 33 to 48 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState49_64 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 49 to 64 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState65_80 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 65 to 80 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState81_96 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 81 to 96 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState97_112 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 97 to 112 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState113_128 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 113 to 128 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState129_144 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 129 to 144 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState145_160 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 145 to 160 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState161_176 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 161 to 176 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState177_192 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 177 to 192 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState193_208 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 193 to 208 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState209_224 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 209 to 224 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState225_240 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 225 to 240 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualCondensedWorkState241_256 | Combination of the actual work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 241 to 256 into a single actual work state of their parent device element.
ActualLengthOfCut | Actual length of cut for harvested material, e.g. Forage Harvester or Tree Harvester.
ElementTypeInstance | This DDI is used to enumerate and identify multiple device elements (DET) of the same type within one Device Description object pool. The value of this DDI is independent of the DET number.
ActualCulturalPractice | This DDI is used to define the current cultural practice which is performed by an individual device operation. For instance a planter/seeder could provide a sowing and a fertilizing operation at the same time.
DeviceReferencePointDRPtoGroundDistance | This DDI is used to specify the distance from the Device Reference Point (DRP) down to the ground surface.
DryMassPerAreaYield | Actual Dry Mass Per Area Yield. The definition of dry mass is the mass with a reference moisture specified by DDI 184.
DryMassPerTimeYield | Actual Dry Mass Per Time Yield. The definition of dry mass is the mass with a reference moisture specified by DDI 184.
YieldTotalDryMass | Accumulated Yield specified as dry mass. The definition of dry mass is the mass with a reference moisture specified by DDI 184.
ReferenceMoistureForDryMass | Moisture percentage used for the dry mass DDIs 181, 182 and 183.
SeedCottonMassPerAreaYield | Seed cotton yield as mass per area, not corrected for a possibly included lint percentage.
LintCottonMassPerAreaYield | Lint cotton yield as mass per area.
SeedCottonMassPerTimeYield | Seed cotton yield as mass per time, not corrected for a possibly included lint percentage.
LintCottonMassPerTimeYield | Lint cotton yield as mass per time.
YieldTotalSeedCottonMass | Accumulated yield specified as seed cotton mass, not corrected for a possibly included lint percentage.
YieldTotalLintCottonMass | Accumulated yield specified as lint cotton mass.
LintTurnoutPercentage | Percent of lint in the seed cotton.
AmbientTemperature | Ambient temperature measured by a machine. Unit is milli-Kelvin (mK).
SetpointProductPressure | Setpoint Product Pressure to adjust the pressure of the product flow system at the point of dispensing.
ActualProductPressure | Actual Product Pressure is the measured pressure in the product flow system at the point of dispensing.
MinimumProductPressure | Minimum Product Pressure in the product flow system at the point of dispensing.
MaximumProductPressure | Maximum Product Pressure in the product flow system at the point of dispensing.
SetpointPumpOutputPressure | Setpoint Pump Output Pressure to adjust the pressure at the output of the solution pump.
ActualPumpOutputPressure | Actual Pump Output Pressure measured at the output of the solution pump.
MinimumPumpOutputPressure | Minimum Pump Output Pressure for the output pressure of the solution pump.
MaximumPumpOutputPressure | Maximum Pump Output Pressure for the output pressure of the solution pump.
SetpointTankAgitationPressure | Setpoint Tank Agitation Pressure to adjust the pressure for a stir system in a tank.
ActualTankAgitationPressure | Actual Tank Agitation Pressure measured by the tank stir system.
MinimumTankAgitationPressure | Minimum Tank Agitation Pressure for a stir system in a tank.
MaximumTankAgitationPressure | Maximum Tank Agitation Pressure for a stir system in a tank.
SCTurnOnTime | The Section Control Turn On Time defines the overall time lapse between the moment the TC sends a turn on section command to the working set and the moment this section is physically turned on and the product is applied.
SCTurnOffTime | The Section Control Turn Off Time defines the overall time lapse between the moment the TC sends a turn off section command to the working set and the moment this section is physically turned off.
WindSpeed | Wind speed measured in the treated field at the beginning of operations or on the application implement during operations.
WindDirection | Wind direction measured in the treated field at the beginning of operations or on the application implement during operations.
AirHumidity | Ambient humidty measured by a weather station in a treated field or on the application implement.
SkyConditions | This DDE is used to define the current sky conditions during operation. The METAR format and its abbreviations is used.
LastBaleFlakesPerBale | The number of flakes in the most recently produced bale.
LastBaleAverageMoisture | The average moisture in the most recently produced bale.
LastBaleAverageStrokesPerFlake | The number of baler plunger compression strokes per flake that has entered the bale compression chamber. This value is the average valid for the most recently produced bale.
LifetimeBaleCount | The number of bales produced by a machine over its entire lifetime. This DDE value can not be set through the process data interface but can be requested and added to a data log.
LifetimeWorkingHours | The number of working hours of a device element over its entire lifetime. This DDE value can not be set through the process data interface but can be requested and added to a data log.
ActualBaleHydraulicPressure | The actual value of the hydraulic pressure applied to the sides of the bale in the bale compression chamber.
LastBaleAverageHydraulicPressure | The average actual value of the hydraulic pressure applied to the sides of the bale in the bale compression chamber. This average is calculated over the most recently produced bale.
SetpointBaleCompressionPlungerLoad | The setpoint bale compression plunger load as a unitless number.
ActualBaleCompressionPlungerLoad | The actual bale compression plunger load as a unitless number.
LastBaleAverageBaleCompressionPlungerLoad | The average bale compression plunger load for the most recently produced bale.
LastBaleAppliedPreservative | The total preservative applied to the most recently produced bale.
LastBaleTagNumber | The Last Bale Tag Number as a decimal number in the range of 0 to 4294967295. Note that the value of this DDI has the limitation of being an unsigned 32 bit number.
LastBaleMass | The mass of the bale that has most recently been produced.
DeltaT | The difference between dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature measured by a weather station in a treated field or on the application equipment.
SetpointWorkingLength | Setpoint Working Length of Device Element.
ActualWorkingLength | Actual Working Length of a Device Element.
MinimumWorkingLength | Minimum Working Length of Device Element.
MaximumWorkingLength | Maximum Working Length of Device Element.
ActualNetWeight | Actual Net Weight value specified as mass.
NetWeightState | Net Weight State.
SetpointNetWeight | Setpoint Net Weight value.
ActualGrossWeight | Actual Gross Weight value specified as mass.
GrossWeightState | Gross Weight State.
MinimumGrossWeight | Minimum Gross Weight specified as mass.
MaximumGrossWeight | Maximum Gross Weight specified as mass.
ThresherEngagementTotalTime | Accumulated time while the threshing mechanism is engaged.
ActualHeaderWorkingHeightStatus | Actual status of the header being above or below the threshold height for the in-work state.
ActualHeaderRotationalSpeedStatus | Actual status of the header rotational speed being above or below the threshold for in-work state.
YieldHoldStatus | Status indicator for the yield measurement system. When enabled/on, the measurements from the yield measurement system are ignored and the yield is held constant.
ActualUnLoadingSystemStatus | Actual status of the Unloading and/or Loading system. This DDE covers both Unloading and Loading of the device element wherein it is listed.
CropTemperature | Temperature of harvested crop.
SetpointSieveClearance | Setpoint separation distance between Sieve elements.
ActualSieveClearance | Actual separation distance between Sieve elements.
MinimumSieveClearance | Minimal separation distance between Sieve elements.
MaximumSieveClearance | Maximum separation distance between Sieve elements.
SetpointChafferClearance | Setpoint separation distance between Chaffer elements.
ActualChafferClearance | Actual separation distance between Chaffer elements.
MinimumChafferClearance | Minimum separation distance between Chaffer elements.
MaximumChafferClearance | Maximum separation distance between Chaffer elements.
SetpointConcaveClearance | Setpoint separation distance between Concave elements.
ActualConcaveClearance | Actual separation distance between Concave elements.
MinimumConcaveClearance | Minimum separation distance between Concave elements.
MaximumConcaveClearance | Maximum separation distance between Concave elements.
SetpointSeparationFanRotationalSpeed | Setpoint rotational speed of the fan used for separating product material from non product material.
ActualSeparationFanRotationalSpeed | Actual rotational speed of the fan used for separating product material from non product material.
MinimumSeparationFanRotationalSpeed | Minimum rotational speed of the fan used for separating product material from non product material.
MaximumSeparationFanRotationalSpeed | Maximum rotational speed of the fan used for separating product material from non product material.
HydraulicOilTemperature | Temperature of fluid in the hydraulic system.
YieldLagIgnoreTime | Amount of time to ignore yield data, starting at the transition from the in-work to the out-of-work state. During this time, the yield sensor provides inconsistent or unreliable crop flow data.
YieldLeadIgnoreTime | Amount of time to ignore yield data, starting at the transition from the out-of-work to the in-work state. During this time, the yield sensor provides inconsistent or unreliable crop flow data.
AverageYieldMassPerTime | Average Yield expressed as mass per unit time, not corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184. This value is the average for a Task and may be reported as a total.
AverageCropMoisture | Average Moisture of the harvested crop. This value is the average for a Task and may be reported as a total.
AverageYieldMassPerArea | Average Yield expressed as mass per unit area, not corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184. This value is the average for a Task and may be reported as a total.
ConnectorPivotXOffset | X direction offset of a connector pivot point relative to DRP.
RemainingArea | Remaining Area of a field, which is calculated from the total area and the processed area.
LifetimeApplicationTotalMass | Entire Application Total Mass of the device lifetime.
LifetimeApplicationTotalCount | Entire Application Total Count of the device lifetime.
LifetimeYieldTotalVolume | Entire Yield Total Volume of the device lifetime.
LifetimeYieldTotalMass | Entire Yield Total Mass of the device lifetime.
LifetimeYieldTotalCount | Entire Yield Total Count of the device lifetime.
LifetimeTotalArea | Entire Total Area of the device lifetime.
LifetimeEffectiveTotalDistance | Entire Total Distance of the device lifetime.
LifetimeIneffectiveTotalDistance | Entire Ineffective Total Distance of the device lifetime.
LifetimeEffectiveTotalTime | Entire Effective Total Time of the device lifetime.
LifetimeIneffectiveTotalTime | Entire Ineffective Total Time of the device lifetime.
LifetimeFuelConsumption | Entire Fuel Consumption of the device lifetime.
LifetimeAverageFuelConsumptionPerTime | Entire Average Fuel Consumption per Time of the device lifetime.
LifetimeAverageFuelConsumptionPerArea | Entire Average Fuel Consumption per Area of the device lifetime.
LifetimeYieldTotalDryMass | Entire Yield Total Dry Mass of the device lifetime.
LifetimeYieldTotalSeedCottonMass | Entire Yield Total Seed Cotton Mass of the device lifetime.
LifetimeYieldTotalLintCottonMass | Entire Yield Total Lint Cotton Mass of the device lifetime.
LifetimeThreshingEngagementTotalTime | Entire Threshing Engagement Total Time of the device lifetime.
PrecutTotalCount | The total number of pre-cut product units produced by a device during an operation.
UncutTotalCount | The total number of un-cut product units produced by a device during an operation.
LifetimePrecutTotalCount | Entire Precut Total Count of the device lifetime.
LifetimeUncutTotalCount | Entire Uncut Total Count of the device lifetime.
SetpointPrescriptionMode | This DDE defines the source of the Task Controller set point value sent to the Control Function.
ActualPrescriptionMode | This DDE defines the actual source of the set point value used by the Control Function.
SetpointWorkState | The Setpoint Work State DDI is the control command counterparts to the Work State DDI (141).
SetpointCondensedWorkState1_16 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 1 to 16 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState17_32 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 17 to 32 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState33_48 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 33 to 48 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState49_64 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 49 to 64 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState65_80 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 65 to 80 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState81_96 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 81 to 96 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState97_112 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 97 to 112 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState113_128 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 113 to 128 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState129_144 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 129 to 144 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState145_160 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 145 to 160 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState161_176 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 161 to 176 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState177_192 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 177 to 192 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState193_208 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 193 to 208 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState209_224 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 209 to 224 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState225_240 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 225 to 240 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
SetpointCondensedWorkState241_256 | The value is a combination of the setpoint work states of individual sections or units (e.g. nozzles) number 241 to 256 into a single setpoint work state of their parent device element.
TrueRotationPointXOffset | X direction offset of the device rotation point relative to the DRP.
TrueRotationPointYOffset | Y direction offset of the device rotation point relative to the DRP.
ActualPercentageApplicationRate | Actual Application Rate expressed as percentage.
MinimumPercentageApplicationRate | Minimum Application Rate expressed as percentage.
MaximumPercentageApplicationRate | Maximum Application Rate expressed as percentage.
RelativeYieldPotential | Relative yield potential provided by a FMIS or a sensor or entered by the operator for a certain task expressed as percentage.
MinimumRelativeYieldPotential | Minimum potential yield expressed as percentage.
MaximumRelativeYieldPotential | Maximum potential yield expressed as percentage.
ActualPercentageCropDryMatter | Actual Percentage Crop Dry Matter expressed as parts per million.
AveragePercentageCropDryMatter | Average Percentage Crop Dry Matter expressed as parts per million.
EffectiveTotalFuelConsumption | Accumulated total fuel consumption in working position.
IneffectiveTotalFuelConsumption | Accumulated total fuel consumption in non working position.
EffectiveTotalDieselExhaustFluidConsumption | Accumulated total Diesel Exhaust Fluid consumption in working position.
IneffectiveTotalDieselExhaustFluidConsumption | Accumulated total Diesel Exhaust Fluid consumption in non working position.
LastLoadedWeight | Last loaded Weight value specified as mass.
LastUnloadedWeight | Last unloaded Weight value specified as mass.
LoadIdentificationNumber | The Load Identification Number as a decimal number in the range of 0 to 4294967295. Note that the value of this DDI has the limitation of being an unsigned 32 bit number.
UnloadIdentificationNumber | The Unload Identification Number as a decimal number in the range of 0 to 2147483647. Note that the value of this DDI has the limitation of being an unsigned 32 bit number.
ChopperEngagementTotalTime | Accumulated time while the chopping mechanism is engaged.
LifetimeApplicationTotalVolume | Entire Application Total Volume of the device lifetime.
SetpointHeaderSpeed | The setpoint rotational speed of the header attachment of a chopper, mower or combine.
ActualHeaderSpeed | The actual rotational speed of the header attachment of a chopper, mower or combine.
MinimumHeaderSpeed | The minimum rotational speed of the header attachment of a chopper, mower or combine.
MaximumHeaderSpeed | The maximum rotational speed of the header attachment of a chopper, mower or combine.
SetpointCuttingDrumSpeed | The setpoint speed of the cutting drum of a chopper.
ActualCuttingDrumSpeed | The actual speed of the cutting drum of a chopper.
MinimumCuttingDrumSpeed | The minimum speed of the cutting drum of a chopper.
MaximumCuttingDrumSpeed | The maximum speed of the cutting drum of a chopper.
OperatingHoursSinceLastSharpening | This value describes the working hours since the last sharpening of the cutting device.
FrontPTOhours | The hours the Front PTO of the machine was running for the current Task.
RearPTOhours | The hours the Rear PTO of the machine was running for the current Task.
LifetimeFrontPTOhours | The hours the Front PTO of the machine was running for the lifetime of the machine.
LifetimeRearPTOHours | The hours the Rear PTO of the machine was running for the lifetime of the machine.
EffectiveTotalLoadingTime | The total time needed in the current task to load a product such as crop.
EffectiveTotalUnloadingTime | The total time needed in the current task to unload a product crop.
SetpointGrainKernelCrackerGap | The setpoint gap (distance) of the grain kernel cracker drums in a chopper.
ActualGrainKernelCrackerGap | The actual gap (distance) of the grain kernel cracker drums in a chopper.
MinimumGrainKernelCrackerGap | The minimum gap (distance) of the grain kernel cracker drums in a chopper.
MaximumGrainKernelCrackerGap | The maximum gap (distance) of the grain kernel cracker drums in a chopper.
SetpointSwathingWidth | This is the setpoint swathing width of the swath created by a raker.
ActualSwathingWidth | This is the width of the swath currently created by a raker.
MinimumSwathingWidth | This is the minimum swath width the raker can create.
MaximumSwathingWidth | This is the maximum with of the swath the raker can create.
NozzleDriftReduction | The Nozzle Drift Reduction classification value of the spraying equipment as percentage.
FunctionOrOperationTechnique | The Function or Operation Technique DDE can be used to define the operation technique or functionality performed by a device element defined within the DDOP.
ApplicationTotalVolume_ml | Accumulated Application specified as volume in milliliter [ml].
ApplicationTotalMassGram_g | Accumulated Application specified as mass in gram [g].
TotalApplicationOfNitrogen | Accumulated application of nitrogen [N2] specified as gram [g].
TotalApplicationOfAmmonium | Accumulated application of ammonium [NH4] specified as gram [g].
TotalApplicationOfPhosphor | Accumulated application of phosphor (P2O5) specified as gram [g].
TotalApplicationOfPotassium | Accumulated application of potassium (K2) specified as gram [g].
TotalApplicationOfDryMatter | Accumulated application of dry matter in kilogram [kg]. Dry matter measured at zero percent of moisture.
AverageDryYieldMassPerTime | Average Yield expressed as mass per unit time, corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184. This value is the average for a Task and may be reported as a total.
AverageDryYieldMassPerArea | Average Yield expressed as mass per unit area, corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184. This value is the average for a Task and may be reported as a total.
LastBaleSize | The bale size of the most recently produced bale. Bale Size as length for a square baler or diameter for a round baler.
LastBaleDensity | The bale density of the most recently produced bale. Unit : mg / l(mass per unit volume)
TotalBaleLength | Gives the total baled meters during a task. This is calculated as the sum of the lengths of all knotted bales (square baler).
LastBaleDryMass | The dry mass of the bale that has most recently been produced. This is the bale mass corrected for the average moisture of this bale (DDI 212).
ActualFlakeSize | Actual size of the flake that is currently produced by the chamber.
SetpointDownForcePressure | Setpoint downforce pressure for an operation.
ActualDownForcePressure | Actual downforce pressure for an operation.
CondensedSectionOverrideState1_16 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState17_32 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState33_48 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState49_64 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState65_80 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState81_96 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState97_112 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState113_128 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState129_144 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState145_160 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState161_176 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState177_192 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState193_208 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState209_224 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState225_240 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
CondensedSectionOverrideState241_256 | This DDE is used by the implement to communicate that a certain section is overridden and will not follow the section control commands.
ApparentWindDirection | The apparent wind is the wind which is measured on a moving vehicle. It is the result of two motions: the actual true wind and the motion of the vehicle.
ApparentWindSpeed | The apparent wind is the wind which is measured on a moving vehicle. It is the result of two motions: the actual true wind and the motion of the vehicle.
MSLAtmosphericPressure | The atmospheric pressure MSL (Mean Sea Level) is the air pressure related to mean sea level.
ActualAtmosphericPressure | The Actual Atmospheric Pressure is the air pressure currently measured by the weather station.
TotalRevolutionsInFractionalRevolutions | Accumulated Revolutions specified with fractional revolutions.
TotalRevolutionsInCompleteRevolutions | Accumulated Revolutions specified as completed integer revolutions.
SetpointRevolutionsSpecifiedAsCountPerTime | Setpoint Revolutions specified as count per time.
ActualRevolutionsPerTime | Actual Revolutions specified as count per time.
DefaultRevolutionsPerTime | Default Revolutions specified as count per time.
MinimumRevolutionsPerTime | Minimum Revolutions specified as count per time.
MaximumRevolutionsPerTime | Maximum Revolutions specified as count per time.
ActualFuelTankContent | The actual content of the fuel tank.
ActualDieselExhaustFluidTankContent | The actual content of the diesel exhaust fluid tank.
SetpointSpeed | The setpoint speed that can be specified in a process data variable for communication between farm management information systems and mobile implement control systems.
ActualSpeed | The actual speed as measured on or used by a device for the execution of task based data, e.g. to convert a setpoint rate expressed per area to device specific control data that is expressed as a rate per time.
MinimumSpeed | The minimum speed that can be specified in a process data variable for communication between farm management information systems and mobile implement control systems.
MaximumSpeed | The maximum speed that can be specified in a process data variable for communication between farm management information systems and mobile implement control systems.
SpeedSource | The Speed Source that the device uses to report actual speed and to process the setpoint, minimum and maximum speeds. See isobus.net.
ActualApplicationOfNitrogen | Actual application of Nitrogen [N2] specified as milligram per liter [mg/l].
ActualApplicationOfAmmonium | Actual application of Ammonium [NH4] specified as milligram per liter [mg/l].
ActualApplicationOfPhosphor | Actual application of Phosphor [P2O5] specified as milligram per liter [mg/l].
ActualApplicationOfPotassium | Actual application of Potassium [K2] specified as gram [g].
ActualApplicationOfDryMatter | Actual application of Dry Matter in kilogram [kg]. Dry matter measured at Zero percent of moisture.
ActualProteinContent | Actual Protein content of a harvested crops.
AverageProteinContent | Average protein content in a harvested crop.
AverageCropContamination | Average amount of dirt or foreign in a harvested crop.
TotalDieselExhaustFluidConsumption | Accumulated Diesel Exhaust Fluid Consumption as a Task Total.
InstantaneousDieselExhaustFluidConsumptionperTime | Diesel Exhaust Fluid consumption per time.
InstantaneousDieselExhaustFluidConsumptionperArea | Diesel Exhaust Fluid consumption per area.
LifetimeDieselExhaustFluidConsumption | Accumulated Diesel Exhaust Fluid Consumption over the entire lifetime of the device.
LifetimeAverageDieselExhaustFluidConsumptionperTime | Average Diesel Exhaust Fluid Consumption per Time over the entire lifetime of the device.
LifetimeAverageDieselExhaustFluidConsumptionperArea | Average Diesel Exhaust Fluid Consumption per Area over the entire lifetime of the device.
ActualSeedSingulationPercentage | Actual Seed Singulation Percentage calculated from measured seed spacing using ISO 7256-1 "Quality of Feed Index" algorithm.
AverageSeedSingulationPercentage | Average Seed Singulation Percentage calculated from measured seed spacing using ISO 7256-1 "Quality of Feed Index" algorithm. The value is the average for a Task.
ActualSeedSkipPercentage | Actual Seed Skip Percentage calculated from measured seed spacing using ISO 7256-1 "Miss Index" algorithm.
AverageSeedSkipPercentage | Average Seed Skip Percentage calculated from measured seed spacing using ISO 7256-1 "Miss Index" algorithm. The value is the average for a Task.
ActualSeedMultiplePercentage | Actual Seed Multiple Percentage calculated from measured seed spacing using ISO 7256-1 "Multiples Index" algorithm.
AverageSeedMultiplePercentage | Average Seed Multiple Percentage calculated from measured seed spacing using ISO 7256-1 "Multiples Index" algorithm. The value is the average for a Task.
ActualSeedSpacingDeviation | Actual Seed Spacing Deviation from setpoint seed spacing.
AverageSeedSpacingDeviation | Average Seed Spacing Deviation from setpoint seed spacing. The value is the average for a Task.
ActualCoefficientofVariationofSeedSpacingPercentage | Actual Coefficient of Variation of Seed Spacing Percentage calculated from measured seed spacing using ISO 7256-1 algorithm.
AverageCoefficientofVariationofSeedSpacingPercentage | Average Coefficient of Variation of Seed Spacing Percentage calculated from measured seed spacing using ISO 7256-1 algorithm. The value is the average for a Task.
SetpointMaximumAllowedSeedSpacingDeviation | Setpoint Maximum Allowed Seed Spacing Deviation.
SetpointDownforceasForce | Setpoint Downforce as Force.
ActualDownForceAsForce | Actual Downforce as Force.
LoadedTotalMass | Accumulated Loads specified as mass, not corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184.
UnloadedTotalMass | Accumulated Unloads specified as mass, not corrected for the reference moisture percentage DDI 184.
LifetimeLoadedTotalMass | Entire Yield Total Mass of the device lifetime.
LifetimeUnloadedTotalMass | Entire Unloaded Total Mass of the device lifetime.
SetpointApplicationRateOfNitrogen | Setpoint application rate of nitrogen specified as a mass per area.
ActualApplicationRateOfNitrogen | Actual application rate of nitrogen specified as a mass per area.
MinimumApplicationRateOfNitrogen | Minimum application rate of nitrogen specified as a mass per area.
MaximumApplicationRateOfNitrogen | Maximum application rate of nitrogen specified as a mass per area.
SetpointApplicationRateOfAmmonium | Setpoint application rate of Ammonium specified as a mass per area.
ActualApplicationRateOfAmmonium | Actual application rate of Ammonium specified as a mass per area.
MinimumApplicationRateOfAmmonium | Minimum application rate of Ammonium specified as a mass per area.
MaximumApplicationRateOfAmmonium | Maximum application rate of Ammonium specified as a mass per area.
SetpointApplicationRateOfPhosphor | Setpoint application rate of phosphor specified as a mass per area.
ActualApplicationRateOfPhosphor | Actual application rate of phosphor specified as a mass per area.
MinimumApplicationRateOfPhosphor | Minimum application rate of phosphor specified as a mass per area.
MaximumApplicationRateOfPhosphor | Maximum application rate of phosphor specified as a mass per area.
SetpointApplicationRateOfPotassium | Setpoint application rate of potassium specified as a mass per area.
ActualApplicationRateOfPotassium | Actual application rate of potassium specified as a mass per area.
MinimumApplicationRateOfPotassium | Minimum application rate of potassium specified as a mass per area.
MaximumApplicationRateOfPotassium | Maximum application rate of potassium specified as a mass per area.
SetpointApplicationRateOfDryMatter | Setpoint application rate of dry matter expressed as percentage.
ActualApplicationRateOfDryMatter | Actual application rate of dry matter expressed as percentage.
MinimumApplicationRateOfDryMatter | Minimum application rate of dry matter expressed as percentage.
MaximumApplicationRateOfDryMatter | Maximum application rate of dry matter expressed as percentage.
LoadedTotalVolume | Accumulated Loaded Volume specified as volume.
UnloadedTotalVolume | Accumulated Unloaded Volume specified as volume.
LifetimeLoadedTotalVolume | Entire loaded Volume of the device lifetime.
LifetimeUnloadedTotalVolume | Entire unloaded Volume of the device lifetime.
LastLoadedVolume | Last loaded Volume value specified as volume.
LastUnloadedVolume | Last unloaded Volume value specified as volume.
LoadedTotalCount | Accumulated Loads specified as count.
UnloadedTotalCount | Accumulated Unloaded specified as count.
LifetimeLoadedTotalCount | Entire Loaded Total Count of the device lifetime.
LifetimeUnloadedTotalCount | Entire Unloaded Total Count of the device lifetime.
LastLoadedCount | Last loaded Count value specified as count.
LastUnloadedCount | Last unloaded Count value specified as count.
HaulCounter | Each Time a Device Element is filled and emptied this is called a haul cycle. This counter counts the cycles.
LifetimeHaulCounter | The number of haul cycles done by a machine over its entire lifetime.
ActualRelativeConnectorAngle | The DDI Actual relative connector angle shall be placed in the device element of type connector in the DDOP of the TC-SC Client.
ActualPercentageContent | Actual Device Element Content specified as percent.
SetpointLengthOfCut | Setpoint length of cut for harvested material, e.g. Forage Harvester or Tree Harvester.
MinimumLengthOfCut | Minimum length of cut for harvested material, e.g. Forage Harvester or Tree Harvester.
MaximumLengthOfCut | Maximum length of cut for harvested material, e.g. Forage Harvester or Tree Harvester.
SetpointBaleHydraulicPressure | The setpoint value of the hydraulic pressure applied to the sides of the bale in the bale compression chamber.
MinimumBaleHydraulicPressure | The minimum value of the hydraulic pressure applied to the sides of the bale in the bale compression chamber.
MaximumBaleHydraulicPressure | The maximum value of the hydraulic pressure applied to the sides of the bale in the bale compression chamber.
SetpointFlakeSize | Setpoint size of the flake to be produced by the chamber.
MinimumFlakeSize | Minimum size of the flake that can be produced by the chamber.
MaximumFlakeSize | Maximum size of the flake that can be produced by the chamber.
SetpointNumberofSubbales | Number of smaller bales that shall be included in one bigger bale.
LastBaleNumberofSubbales | Number of smaller bales included in the latest produced bale.
SetpointEngineSpeed | The setpoint of the rotational speed of the engine.
ActualEngineSpeed | Actual rotational speed of the engine.
MinimumEngineSpeed | The minimum of the rotational speed of the engine.
MaximumEngineSpeed | The maximum of the rotational speed of the engine.
DieselExhaustFluidTankPercentageLevel | The actual level of the Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank in percent.
MaximumDieselExhaustFluidTankContent | This value describes the maximum amount of Diesel Exhaust fluid, that can be filled into the tank of the machine.
MaximumFuelTankContent | This value describes the maximum amount of fuel that can be filled into the machines Fuel tank.
FuelPercentageLevel | The actual level of the machine fuel tank in percent.
TotalEngineHours | The total time the engine was running when the task was active.
LifetimeEngineHours | The total time, when the engine was running over the whole lifetime of the machine.
LastEventPartnerIDByte1_4 | Last Event Partner ID as a decimal number of 128bit length.
LastEventPartnerIDByte5_8 | Last Event Partner ID as a decimal number of 128bit length.
LastEventPartnerIDByte9_12 | Last Event Partner ID as a decimal number of 128bit length.
LastEventPartnerIDByte13_16 | Last Event Partner ID as a decimal number of 128bit length.
LastEventPartnerIDType | Defines The Type of the Partner ID Device. See Attachment for Definition.
LastEventPartnerIDManufacturerIDCode | The Partner ID has to tell its Manufacturer, and the Manufacturer Numbers from SAE J1939 / ISO 11783 shall be used.
LastEventPartnerIDDeviceClass | This DDI should tell the Device Class of the Partner Device.
SetpointEngineTorque | The setpoint of the engine torque.
ActualEngineTorque | The current torque of the engine.
MinimumEngineTorque | The minimum value of the engine torque.
MaximumEngineTorque | The maximum value of the engine torque.
TramlineControlLevel | This DDI defines the Tramline Control capability of the Implement.
SetpointTramlineControlLevel | This DDI defines the Tramline Control capability of the Task Controller that is used with the appropriate Implement.
TramlineSequenceNumber | This DDI defines a group of DDIs which belong together.
UniqueABGuidanceReferenceLineID | This DDI defines a unique ID to identify which Guidance Reference Line is the base for the Tramline calculation.
ActualTrackNumber | This DDI defines a unique number of the Guidance Track the Implement is currently located on.
TrackNumberToTheRight | This DDI defines a unique number of the Guidance Track to right hand side in direction of Implement orientation.
TrackNumberToTheLeft | This DDI defines a unique number of the Guidance Track to left hand side in direction of Implement orientation.
GuidanceLineSwathWidth | The Swath Width is the Distance between two adjacent Guidance Lines in a Guidance Pattern.
GuidanceLineDeviation | Deviation of the Device-Reference-Point (DRP) to the actual guidance line, in driving direction.
GNSSQuality | GNSS Quality Identifier to inform the implement about the used Position Status.
TramlineControlState | Specifies the actual state of Tramline Control. See isobus.net.
TramlineOverdosingRate | Overdosing Rate for the rows adjacent to the Tramline Track.
SetpointTramlineCondensedWorkState1_16 | The Setpoint Tramline Condensed Work State DDIs are the control command counterparts to the Actual Tramline Condensed Work States DDIs.
ActualTramlineCondensedWorkState1_16 | Combination of the Actual States of individual Tramline Valves number 1 to 16 into a single Actual Tramline State of their parent DeviceElement.
LastBaleLifetimeCount | The Lifetime Bale Count of the bale that leaves the machine. The value shall be equal to the Lifetime Bale Count that was reported when this bale is knotted.
ActualCanopyHeight | Actual height of the canopy above ground.
GNSSInstallationType | The GNSS Installation Type DDE is used by the device to provide additional information about the type and location of the GPS receiver with reference to the overall system.
TwineBaleTotalCount | The total number of twine bound product units for which Twine binding method was used during operation.
MeshBaleTotalCount | The total number of mesh product units for which Net binding method was used during operation.
LifetimeTwineBaleTotalCount | Entire total number of twine bound product units for which Twine binding method was used during operation, of a device lifetime.
LifetimeMeshBaleTotalCount | Entire total number of mesh product units for which Net binding method was used during operation, of a device lifetime.
ActualCoolingFluidTemperature | The actual temperature of the cooling fluid for the machine.
LastBaleCapacity | The capacity of the bale that leaves the machine.
PGNBasedData | This DDI is used in the XML files to identify PGN based data.
RequestDefaultProcessData | Request Default Process Data. This DDE is the highest ISO assigned entity. The range above this number is reserved for manufacture specific DDE's.