A control-function-focused implementation of the major ISOBUS and J1939 protocols
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
14#include <array>
15#include <map>
16#include <memory>
17#include <string>
18#include <vector>
20namespace isobus
23 enum class VirtualTerminalObjectType : std::uint8_t
24 {
25 WorkingSet = 0,
26 DataMask = 1,
27 AlarmMask = 2,
28 Container = 3,
29 WindowMask = 34,
30 SoftKeyMask = 4,
31 Key = 5,
32 Button = 6,
33 KeyGroup = 35,
34 InputBoolean = 7,
35 InputString = 8,
36 InputNumber = 9,
37 InputList = 10,
38 OutputString = 11,
39 OutputNumber = 12,
40 OutputList = 37,
41 OutputLine = 13,
42 OutputRectangle = 14,
43 OutputEllipse = 15,
44 OutputPolygon = 16,
45 OutputMeter = 17,
48 GraphicsContext = 36,
49 Animation = 44,
50 PictureGraphic = 20,
51 GraphicData = 46,
52 ScaledGraphic = 48,
53 NumberVariable = 21,
54 StringVariable = 22,
55 FontAttributes = 23,
56 LineAttributes = 24,
57 FillAttributes = 25,
58 InputAttributes = 26,
60 ColourMap = 39,
62 ObjectPointer = 27,
66 Macro = 28,
87 Reserved = 255
88 };
92 enum class EventID : std::uint8_t
93 {
94 Reserved = 0,
95 OnActivate = 1,
96 OnDeactivate = 2,
97 OnShow = 3,
98 OnHide = 4,
99 // OnRefresh - An object that is already on display is redrawn (Macros cannot be associated with this event so no event ID is defined).
100 OnEnable = 5,
101 OnDisable = 6,
110 OnChangeSize = 15,
111 OnChangeValue = 16,
112 OnChangePriority = 17,
113 OnChangeEndpoint = 18,
116 OnESC = 21,
117 OnEntryOfAValue = 22,
118 OnEntryOfANewValue = 23,
119 OnKeyPress = 24,
120 OnKeyRelease = 25,
125 ProprietaryRangeEnd = 254,
127 };
131 {
133 std::uint16_t macroID;
134 };
138 {
139 public:
140 float r;
141 float g;
142 float b;
145 constexpr VTColourVector() :
146 r(0.0f), g(0.0f), b(0.0f) {}
152 constexpr VTColourVector(float red, float green, float blue) :
153 r(red), g(green), b(blue) {}
154 };
158 {
159 public:
168 VTColourVector get_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex) const;
173 void set_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex, VTColourVector newColour);
175 private:
176 static constexpr std::size_t VT_COLOUR_TABLE_SIZE = 256;
178 std::array<VTColourVector, VT_COLOUR_TABLE_SIZE> colourTable;
179 };
183 {
184 public:
186 enum class AttributeError : std::uint8_t
187 {
188 InvalidObjectID = 0,
189 InvalidAttributeID = 1,
190 InvalidValue = 2,
191 AnyOtherError = 4
192 };
195 VTObject() = default;
198 virtual ~VTObject() = default;
206 virtual std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const = 0;
211 virtual bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const = 0;
221 virtual bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) = 0;
229 virtual bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const = 0;
233 std::uint16_t get_id() const;
237 void set_id(std::uint16_t value);
241 std::uint16_t get_width() const;
245 void set_width(std::uint16_t value);
249 std::uint16_t get_height() const;
253 void set_height(std::uint16_t value);
257 std::uint8_t get_background_color() const;
261 void set_background_color(std::uint8_t value);
265 std::uint16_t get_number_children() const;
271 void add_child(std::uint16_t objectID, std::int16_t relativeXLocation, std::int16_t relativeYLocation);
277 std::uint16_t get_child_id(std::uint16_t index) const;
282 std::int16_t get_child_x(std::uint16_t index) const;
287 std::int16_t get_child_y(std::uint16_t index) const;
292 void set_child_x(std::uint16_t index, std::int16_t xOffset);
297 void set_child_y(std::uint16_t index, std::int16_t yOffset);
304 bool offset_all_children_with_id(std::uint16_t childObjectID, std::int8_t xOffset, std::int8_t yOffset);
312 void remove_child(std::uint16_t objectIDToRemove, std::int16_t relativeXLocation, std::int16_t relativeYLocation);
316 void pop_child();
320 std::uint8_t get_number_macros() const;
324 void add_macro(MacroMetadata macroToAdd);
329 MacroMetadata get_macro(std::uint8_t index) const;
335 static std::shared_ptr<VTObject> get_object_by_id(std::uint16_t objectID, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool);
337 protected:
340 {
341 public:
343 ChildObjectData() = default;
349 ChildObjectData(std::uint16_t objectId,
350 std::int16_t x,
351 std::int16_t y);
352 std::uint16_t id = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
353 std::int16_t xLocation = 0;
354 std::int16_t yLocation = 0;
355 };
357 std::vector<ChildObjectData> children;
358 std::vector<MacroMetadata> macros;
359 std::uint16_t objectID = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
360 std::uint16_t width = 0;
361 std::uint16_t height = 0;
362 std::uint8_t backgroundColor = 0;
363 };
367 class WorkingSet : public VTObject
368 {
369 public:
372 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
373 {
374 Type = 0,
375 BackgroundColour = 1,
376 Selectable = 2,
377 ActiveMask = 3,
379 NumberOfAttributes = 4
380 };
383 WorkingSet() = default;
386 ~WorkingSet() override = default;
394 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
399 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
409 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
417 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
421 bool get_selectable() const;
425 void set_selectable(bool value);
429 std::uint16_t get_active_mask() const;
433 void set_active_mask(std::uint16_t value);
435 private:
436 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 18;
438 std::vector<std::string> languageCodes;
439 std::uint16_t activeMask = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
440 bool selectable = false;
441 };
444 class DataMask : public VTObject
445 {
446 public:
449 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
450 {
451 Type = 0,
452 BackgroundColour = 1,
453 SoftKeyMask = 2,
455 NumberOfAttributes = 3
456 };
459 DataMask() = default;
462 ~DataMask() override = default;
470 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
475 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
485 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
493 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
500 bool change_soft_key_mask(std::uint16_t newMaskID, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool);
505 void set_soft_key_mask(std::uint16_t newMaskID);
509 std::uint16_t get_soft_key_mask() const;
511 private:
512 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 12;
514 };
517 class AlarmMask : public VTObject
518 {
519 public:
522 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
523 {
524 Type = 0,
525 BackgroundColour = 1,
526 SoftKeyMask = 2,
527 Priority = 3,
528 AcousticSignal = 4,
530 NumberOfAttributes = 5
531 };
534 enum class Priority : std::uint8_t
535 {
536 High = 0,
537 Medium = 1,
538 Low = 2
539 };
543 enum class AcousticSignal : std::uint8_t
544 {
545 Highest = 0,
546 Medium = 1,
547 Lowest = 3,
548 None = 4
549 };
552 AlarmMask() = default;
555 ~AlarmMask() override = default;
563 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
568 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
578 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
586 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
596 void set_mask_priority(Priority value);
613 bool change_soft_key_mask(std::uint16_t newMaskID, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool);
618 void set_soft_key_mask(std::uint16_t newMaskID);
622 std::uint16_t get_soft_key_mask() const;
624 private:
625 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 10;
627 std::uint16_t softKeyMask = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
630 };
635 class Container : public VTObject
636 {
637 public:
640 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
641 {
642 Type = 0,
643 Width = 1,
644 Height = 2,
645 Hidden = 3,
647 NumberOfAttributes = 4
648 };
651 Container() = default;
654 ~Container() override = default;
662 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
667 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
677 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
685 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
689 bool get_hidden() const;
693 void set_hidden(bool value);
695 private:
696 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 9;
698 bool hidden = false;
699 };
705 class SoftKeyMask : public VTObject
706 {
707 public:
710 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
711 {
712 Type = 0,
713 BackgroundColour = 1,
715 NumberOfAttributes = 2
716 };
719 SoftKeyMask() = default;
722 ~SoftKeyMask() override = default;
730 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
735 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
745 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
753 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
755 private:
756 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 6;
757 };
761 class Key : public VTObject
762 {
763 public:
766 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
767 {
768 Type = 0,
769 BackgroundColour = 1,
770 KeyCode = 2,
772 NumberOfAttributes = 3
773 };
776 Key() = default;
779 ~Key() override = default;
787 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
792 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
802 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
810 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
814 std::uint8_t get_key_code() const;
818 void set_key_code(std::uint8_t value);
820 private:
821 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 7;
823 std::uint8_t keyCode = 0;
824 };
827 class KeyGroup : public VTObject
828 {
829 public:
832 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
833 {
834 Type = 0,
835 Options = 1,
836 Name = 2,
838 NumberOfAttributes = 3
839 };
842 enum class Options : std::uint8_t
843 {
844 Available = 0,
845 Transparent = 1
846 };
849 KeyGroup() = default;
852 ~KeyGroup() override = default;
860 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
865 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
875 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
883 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
887 std::uint16_t get_key_group_icon() const;
891 void set_key_group_icon(std::uint16_t value);
896 bool get_option(Options option) const;
900 void set_options(std::uint8_t value);
905 void set_option(Options option, bool value);
910 std::uint16_t get_name_object_id() const;
915 void set_name_object_id(std::uint16_t value);
917 static constexpr std::uint8_t MAX_CHILD_KEYS = 4;
919 private:
924 bool validate_name(std::uint16_t nameIDToValidate, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const;
926 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 10;
928 std::uint16_t keyGroupIcon = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
929 std::uint16_t nameID = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
930 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
931 };
936 class Button : public VTObject
937 {
938 public:
941 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
942 {
943 Type = 0,
944 Width = 1,
945 Height = 2,
946 BackgroundColour = 3,
947 BorderColour = 4,
948 KeyCode = 5,
949 Options = 6, // Version 4 and later
951 NumberOfAttributes = 7
952 };
955 enum class Options : std::uint8_t
956 {
957 Latchable = 0,
959 SuppressBorder = 2,
961 Disabled = 4,
962 NoBorder = 5,
963 Reserved1 = 6,
964 Reserved2 = 7
965 };
968 Button() = default;
971 ~Button() override = default;
979 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
984 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
994 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
1002 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
1006 std::uint8_t get_key_code() const;
1010 void set_key_code(std::uint8_t value);
1014 std::uint8_t get_border_colour() const;
1018 void set_border_colour(std::uint8_t value);
1023 bool get_option(Options option) const;
1027 void set_options(std::uint8_t value);
1032 void set_option(Options option, bool value);
1034 private:
1035 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 13;
1037 std::uint8_t borderColour = 0;
1038 std::uint8_t keyCode = 0;
1039 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
1040 };
1043 class InputBoolean : public VTObject
1044 {
1045 public:
1048 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
1049 {
1050 Type = 0,
1051 BackgroundColour = 1,
1052 Width = 2,
1053 ForegroundColour = 3,
1054 VariableReference = 4,
1055 Value = 5,
1056 Enabled = 6, // Version 4 and later
1058 NumberOfAttributes = 7
1059 };
1062 InputBoolean() = default;
1065 ~InputBoolean() override = default;
1073 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
1078 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
1088 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
1096 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
1101 std::uint8_t get_value() const;
1106 void set_value(std::uint8_t inputValue);
1110 bool get_enabled() const;
1114 void set_enabled(bool isEnabled);
1118 std::uint16_t get_foreground_colour_object_id() const;
1123 void set_foreground_colour_object_id(std::uint16_t fontAttributeValue);
1128 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
1133 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t numberVariableValue);
1135 private:
1136 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 13;
1140 std::uint8_t value = 0;
1141 bool enabled = false;
1142 };
1145 class InputString : public VTObject
1146 {
1147 public:
1150 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
1151 {
1152 Type = 0,
1153 Width = 1,
1154 Height = 2,
1155 BackgroundColour = 3,
1156 FontAttributes = 4,
1157 InputAttributes = 5,
1158 Options = 6,
1159 VariableReference = 7,
1160 Justification = 8,
1161 Enabled = 9, // Version 4 and later
1163 NumberOfAttributes = 10
1164 };
1167 enum class Options : std::uint8_t
1168 {
1169 Transparent = 0,
1170 AutoWrap = 1,
1171 WrapOnHyphen = 2
1172 };
1175 enum class HorizontalJustification : std::uint8_t
1176 {
1177 PositionLeft = 0,
1178 PositionMiddle = 1,
1179 PositionRight = 2,
1180 Reserved = 3
1181 };
1184 enum class VerticalJustification : std::uint8_t
1185 {
1186 PositionTop = 0,
1187 PositionMiddle = 1,
1188 PositionBottom = 2,
1189 Reserved = 3
1190 };
1193 InputString() = default;
1196 ~InputString() override = default;
1204 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
1209 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
1219 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
1227 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
1231 bool get_enabled() const;
1235 void set_enabled(bool value);
1240 bool get_option(Options option) const;
1244 void set_options(std::uint8_t value);
1249 void set_option(Options option, bool value);
1261 void set_justification_bitfield(std::uint8_t value);
1266 std::string get_value() const;
1271 void set_value(const std::string &value);
1275 std::uint16_t get_font_attributes() const;
1280 void set_font_attributes(std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue);
1284 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
1289 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue);
1293 std::uint16_t get_input_attributes() const;
1298 void set_input_attributes(std::uint16_t inputAttributesValue);
1300 private:
1301 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 19;
1303 std::string stringValue;
1307 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
1308 std::uint8_t justificationBitfield = 0;
1309 bool enabled = false;
1310 };
1314 class InputNumber : public VTObject
1315 {
1316 public:
1319 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
1320 {
1321 Type = 0,
1322 Width = 1,
1323 Height = 2,
1324 BackgroundColour = 3,
1325 FontAttributes = 4,
1326 Options = 5,
1327 VariableReference = 6,
1328 MinValue = 7,
1329 MaxValue = 8,
1330 Offset = 9,
1331 Scale = 10,
1332 NumberOfDecimals = 11,
1333 Format = 12,
1334 Justification = 13,
1335 Value = 14,
1336 Options2 = 15, // Version 4 and after
1338 NumberOfAttributes = 16
1339 };
1342 enum class Options : std::uint8_t
1343 {
1344 Transparent = 0,
1346 DisplayZeroAsBlank = 2,
1347 Truncate = 3
1348 };
1351 enum class Options2 : std::uint8_t
1352 {
1353 Enabled = 0,
1354 RealTimeEditing = 1
1355 };
1358 enum class HorizontalJustification : std::uint8_t
1359 {
1360 PositionLeft = 0,
1361 PositionMiddle = 1,
1362 PositionRight = 2,
1363 Reserved = 3
1364 };
1367 enum class VerticalJustification : std::uint8_t
1368 {
1369 PositionTop = 0,
1370 PositionMiddle = 1,
1371 PositionBottom = 2,
1372 Reserved = 3
1373 };
1376 InputNumber() = default;
1379 ~InputNumber() override = default;
1387 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
1392 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
1402 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
1410 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
1422 void set_justification_bitfield(std::uint8_t newJustification);
1426 float get_scale() const;
1430 void set_scale(float newScale);
1435 std::uint32_t get_maximum_value() const;
1440 void set_maximum_value(std::uint32_t newMax);
1445 std::uint32_t get_minimum_value() const;
1450 void set_minimum_value(std::uint32_t newMin);
1454 std::int32_t get_offset() const;
1458 void set_offset(std::int32_t newOffset);
1462 std::uint8_t get_number_of_decimals() const;
1466 void set_number_of_decimals(std::uint8_t numDecimals);
1472 bool get_format() const;
1478 void set_format(bool newFormat);
1483 bool get_option(Options option) const;
1487 void set_options(std::uint8_t newOptions);
1492 void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue);
1497 bool get_option2(Options2 newOption) const;
1501 void set_options2(std::uint8_t newOptions);
1506 void set_option2(Options2 option, bool newOption);
1510 std::uint32_t get_value() const;
1514 void set_value(std::uint32_t inputValue);
1518 std::uint16_t get_font_attributes() const;
1523 void set_font_attributes(std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue);
1527 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
1532 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue);
1534 private:
1535 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 38;
1537 float scale = 0.0f;
1538 std::uint32_t maximumValue = 0;
1539 std::uint32_t minimumValue = 0;
1540 std::uint32_t value = 0;
1541 std::int32_t offset = 0;
1544 std::uint8_t numberOfDecimals = 0;
1545 std::uint8_t options = 0;
1546 std::uint8_t options2 = 0;
1547 std::uint8_t justificationBitfield = 0;
1548 bool format = false;
1549 };
1553 class InputList : public VTObject
1554 {
1555 public:
1558 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
1559 {
1560 Type = 0,
1561 Width = 1,
1562 Height = 2,
1563 VariableReference = 3,
1564 Value = 4,
1565 Options = 5, // Version 4 and after
1567 NumberOfAttributes = 6
1568 };
1571 enum class Options
1572 {
1573 Enabled = 0,
1574 RealTimeEditing = 1
1575 };
1578 InputList() = default;
1581 ~InputList() override = default;
1589 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
1594 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
1604 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
1612 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
1617 bool get_option(Options option) const;
1621 void set_options(std::uint8_t options);
1626 void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue);
1630 std::uint8_t get_value() const;
1634 void set_value(std::uint8_t inputValue);
1640 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t referencedObjectID);
1644 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
1651 bool change_list_item(std::uint8_t index, std::uint16_t newListItem, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool);
1657 std::uint8_t get_number_of_list_items() const;
1663 void set_number_of_list_items(std::uint8_t value);
1665 private:
1666 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 13;
1669 std::uint8_t numberOfListItems = 0;
1670 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
1671 std::uint8_t value = 0;
1672 };
1675 class OutputString : public VTObject
1676 {
1677 public:
1680 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
1681 {
1682 Type = 0,
1683 Width = 1,
1684 Height = 2,
1685 BackgroundColour = 3,
1686 FontAttributes = 4,
1687 Options = 5,
1688 VariableReference = 6,
1689 Justification = 7,
1691 NumberOfAttributes = 8
1692 };
1695 enum class Options
1696 {
1697 Transparent = 0,
1698 AutoWrap = 1,
1699 WrapOnHyphen = 2
1700 };
1703 enum class HorizontalJustification : std::uint8_t
1704 {
1705 PositionLeft = 0,
1706 PositionMiddle = 1,
1707 PositionRight = 2,
1708 Reserved = 3
1709 };
1712 enum class VerticalJustification : std::uint8_t
1713 {
1714 PositionTop = 0,
1715 PositionMiddle = 1,
1716 PositionBottom = 2,
1717 Reserved = 3
1718 };
1721 OutputString() = default;
1724 ~OutputString() override = default;
1732 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
1737 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
1747 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
1755 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
1760 bool get_option(Options option) const;
1764 void set_options(std::uint8_t value);
1769 void set_option(Options option, bool value);
1781 void set_justification_bitfield(std::uint8_t value);
1785 std::string get_value() const;
1789 void set_value(const std::string &value);
1793 std::uint16_t get_font_attributes() const;
1798 void set_font_attributes(std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue);
1802 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
1807 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue);
1809 private:
1810 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 16;
1812 std::string stringValue;
1815 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
1816 std::uint8_t justificationBitfield = 0;
1817 };
1820 class OutputNumber : public VTObject
1821 {
1822 public:
1825 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
1826 {
1827 Type = 0,
1828 Width = 1,
1829 Height = 2,
1830 BackgroundColour = 3,
1831 FontAttributes = 4,
1832 Options = 5,
1833 VariableReference = 6,
1834 Offset = 7,
1835 Scale = 8,
1836 NumberOfDecimals = 9,
1837 Format = 10,
1838 Justification = 11,
1840 NumberOfAttributes = 12
1841 };
1844 enum class Options : std::uint8_t
1845 {
1846 Transparent = 0,
1848 DisplayZeroAsBlank = 2,
1849 Truncate = 3
1850 };
1853 enum class HorizontalJustification : std::uint8_t
1854 {
1855 PositionLeft = 0,
1856 PositionMiddle = 1,
1857 PositionRight = 2,
1858 Reserved = 3
1859 };
1862 enum class VerticalJustification : std::uint8_t
1863 {
1864 PositionTop = 0,
1865 PositionMiddle = 1,
1866 PositionBottom = 2,
1867 Reserved = 3
1868 };
1871 OutputNumber() = default;
1874 ~OutputNumber() override = default;
1882 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
1887 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
1897 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
1905 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
1910 bool get_option(Options option) const;
1914 void set_options(std::uint8_t value);
1919 void set_option(Options option, bool value);
1931 void set_justification_bitfield(std::uint8_t value);
1935 float get_scale() const;
1939 void set_scale(float scaleValue);
1943 std::int32_t get_offset() const;
1947 void set_offset(std::int32_t offsetValue);
1951 std::uint8_t get_number_of_decimals() const;
1955 void set_number_of_decimals(std::uint8_t decimalValue);
1961 bool get_format() const;
1967 void set_format(bool shouldFormatAsExponential);
1971 std::uint32_t get_value() const;
1975 void set_value(std::uint32_t inputValue);
1981 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t referencedObjectID);
1985 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
1989 std::uint16_t get_font_attributes() const;
1994 void set_font_attributes(std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue);
1996 private:
1997 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 29;
1999 float scale = 1.0f;
2000 std::int32_t offset = 0;
2001 std::uint32_t value = 0;
2004 std::uint8_t numberOfDecimals = 0;
2005 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
2006 std::uint8_t justificationBitfield = 0;
2007 bool format = false;
2008 };
2011 class OutputList : public VTObject
2012 {
2013 public:
2016 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
2017 {
2018 Type = 0,
2019 Width = 1,
2020 Height = 2,
2021 VariableReference = 3,
2022 Value = 4,
2024 NumberOfAttributes = 5
2025 };
2028 OutputList() = default;
2031 ~OutputList() override = default;
2039 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
2044 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
2054 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
2062 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
2068 std::uint8_t get_number_of_list_items() const;
2074 void set_number_of_list_items(std::uint8_t value);
2078 std::uint8_t get_value() const;
2082 void set_value(std::uint8_t value);
2088 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t referencedObjectID);
2092 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
2099 bool change_list_item(std::uint8_t index, std::uint16_t newListItem, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool);
2101 private:
2102 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 12;
2105 std::uint8_t numberOfListItems = 0;
2106 std::uint8_t value = 0;
2107 };
2110 class OutputLine : public VTObject
2111 {
2112 public:
2115 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
2116 {
2117 Type = 0,
2118 LineAttributes = 1,
2119 Width = 2,
2120 Height = 3,
2121 LineDirection = 4,
2123 NumberOfAttributes = 5
2124 };
2127 enum class LineDirection : std::uint8_t
2128 {
2129 TopLeftToBottomRight = 0,
2130 BottomLeftToTopRight = 1
2131 };
2134 OutputLine() = default;
2137 ~OutputLine() override = default;
2145 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
2150 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
2160 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
2168 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
2186 std::uint16_t get_line_attributes() const;
2191 void set_line_attributes(std::uint16_t lineAttributesObject);
2193 private:
2194 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 11;
2197 std::uint8_t lineDirection = 0;
2198 };
2202 {
2203 public:
2206 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
2207 {
2208 Type = 0,
2209 LineAttributes = 1,
2210 Width = 2,
2211 Height = 3,
2212 LineSuppression = 4,
2213 FillAttributes = 5,
2215 NumberOfAttributes = 6
2216 };
2219 {
2220 SuppressTopLine = 0,
2222 SuppressBottomLine = 2,
2224 };
2227 OutputRectangle() = default;
2230 ~OutputRectangle() override = default;
2238 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
2243 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
2253 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
2261 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
2266 std::uint8_t get_line_suppression_bitfield() const;
2271 void set_line_suppression_bitfield(std::uint8_t value);
2275 std::uint16_t get_line_attributes() const;
2280 void set_line_attributes(std::uint16_t lineAttributesObject);
2284 std::uint16_t get_fill_attributes() const;
2289 void set_fill_attributes(std::uint16_t fillAttributesObject);
2291 private:
2292 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 13;
2296 std::uint8_t lineSuppressionBitfield = 0;
2297 };
2301 {
2302 public:
2305 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
2306 {
2307 Type = 0,
2308 LineAttributes = 1,
2309 Width = 2,
2310 Height = 3,
2311 EllipseType = 4,
2312 StartAngle = 5,
2313 EndAngle = 6,
2314 FillAttributes = 7,
2316 NumberOfAttributes = 8
2317 };
2320 enum class EllipseType
2321 {
2322 Closed = 0,
2324 ClosedEllipseSegment = 2,
2325 ClosedEllipseSection = 3
2326 };
2329 OutputEllipse() = default;
2332 ~OutputEllipse() override = default;
2340 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
2345 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
2355 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
2363 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
2371 void set_ellipse_type(EllipseType value);
2378 std::uint8_t get_start_angle() const;
2383 void set_start_angle(std::uint8_t value);
2389 std::uint8_t get_end_angle() const;
2394 void set_end_angle(std::uint8_t value);
2398 std::uint16_t get_line_attributes() const;
2403 void set_line_attributes(std::uint16_t lineAttributesObject);
2407 std::uint16_t get_fill_attributes() const;
2412 void set_fill_attributes(std::uint16_t fillAttributesObject);
2414 private:
2415 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 15;
2419 std::uint8_t ellipseType = 0;
2420 std::uint8_t startAngle = 0;
2421 std::uint8_t endAngle = 0;
2422 };
2426 {
2427 public:
2430 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
2431 {
2432 Type = 0,
2433 Width = 1,
2434 Height = 2,
2435 LineAttributes = 3,
2436 FillAttributes = 4,
2437 PolygonType = 5,
2439 NumberOfAttributes = 6
2440 };
2443 enum class PolygonType
2444 {
2445 Convex = 0,
2446 NonConvex = 1,
2447 Complex = 2,
2448 Open = 3
2449 };
2453 {
2454 std::uint16_t xValue;
2455 std::uint16_t yValue;
2456 };
2459 OutputPolygon() = default;
2462 ~OutputPolygon() override = default;
2470 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
2475 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
2485 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
2493 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
2498 void add_point(std::uint16_t x, std::uint16_t y);
2502 std::uint8_t get_number_of_points() const;
2507 PolygonPoint get_point(std::uint8_t index);
2511 PolygonType get_type() const;
2515 void set_type(PolygonType value);
2519 std::uint16_t get_line_attributes() const;
2524 void set_line_attributes(std::uint16_t lineAttributesObject);
2528 std::uint16_t get_fill_attributes() const;
2533 void set_fill_attributes(std::uint16_t fillAttributesObject);
2535 private:
2536 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 14;
2538 std::vector<PolygonPoint> pointList;
2541 std::uint8_t polygonType = 0;
2542 };
2545 class OutputMeter : public VTObject
2546 {
2547 public:
2550 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
2551 {
2552 Type = 0,
2553 Width = 1,
2554 NeedleColour = 2,
2555 BorderColour = 3,
2556 ArcAndTickColour = 4,
2557 Options = 5,
2558 NumberOfTicks = 6,
2559 StartAngle = 7,
2560 EndAngle = 8,
2561 MinValue = 9,
2562 MaxValue = 10,
2563 VariableReference = 11,
2564 Value = 12,
2566 NumberOfAttributes = 13
2567 };
2570 enum class Options : std::uint8_t
2571 {
2572 DrawArc = 0,
2573 DrawBorder = 1,
2574 DrawTicks = 2,
2576 };
2579 OutputMeter() = default;
2582 ~OutputMeter() override = default;
2590 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
2595 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
2605 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
2613 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
2617 std::uint16_t get_min_value() const;
2621 void set_min_value(std::uint16_t value);
2625 std::uint16_t get_max_value() const;
2629 void set_max_value(std::uint16_t value);
2633 std::uint16_t get_value() const;
2637 void set_value(std::uint16_t value);
2641 std::uint8_t get_needle_colour() const;
2645 void set_needle_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex);
2649 std::uint8_t get_border_colour() const;
2653 void set_border_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex);
2657 std::uint8_t get_arc_and_tick_colour() const;
2661 void set_arc_and_tick_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex);
2665 std::uint8_t get_number_of_ticks() const;
2669 void set_number_of_ticks(std::uint8_t ticks);
2674 bool get_option(Options option) const;
2678 void set_options(std::uint8_t options);
2683 void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue);
2688 std::uint8_t get_start_angle() const;
2693 void set_start_angle(std::uint8_t value);
2698 std::uint8_t get_end_angle() const;
2703 void set_end_angle(std::uint8_t value);
2708 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
2714 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue);
2716 private:
2717 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 21;
2719 std::uint16_t minValue = 0;
2720 std::uint16_t maxValue = 0;
2721 std::uint16_t value = 0;
2723 std::uint8_t needleColour = 0;
2724 std::uint8_t borderColour = 0;
2725 std::uint8_t arcAndTickColour = 0;
2726 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
2727 std::uint8_t numberOfTicks = 0;
2728 std::uint8_t startAngle = 0;
2729 std::uint8_t endAngle = 0;
2730 };
2734 {
2735 public:
2738 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
2739 {
2740 Type = 0,
2741 Width = 1,
2742 Height = 2,
2743 Colour = 3,
2744 TargetLineColour = 4,
2745 Options = 5,
2746 NumberOfTicks = 6,
2747 MinValue = 7,
2748 MaxValue = 8,
2749 VariableReference = 9,
2750 TargetValueVariableReference = 10,
2751 TargetValue = 11,
2752 Value = 12,
2754 NumberOfAttributes = 13
2755 };
2758 enum class Options : std::uint8_t
2759 {
2760 DrawBorder = 0,
2761 DrawTargetLine = 1,
2762 DrawTicks = 2,
2763 BarGraphType = 3,
2764 AxisOrientation = 4,
2765 Direction = 5
2766 };
2772 ~OutputLinearBarGraph() override = default;
2780 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
2785 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
2795 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
2803 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
2807 std::uint16_t get_min_value() const;
2812 void set_min_value(std::uint16_t value);
2816 std::uint16_t get_max_value() const;
2820 void set_max_value(std::uint16_t value);
2824 std::uint16_t get_value() const;
2828 void set_value(std::uint16_t value);
2832 std::uint16_t get_target_value() const;
2836 void set_target_value(std::uint16_t valueTarget);
2842 std::uint16_t get_target_value_reference() const;
2848 void set_target_value_reference(std::uint16_t valueReferenceObjectID);
2852 std::uint8_t get_number_of_ticks() const;
2856 void set_number_of_ticks(std::uint8_t value);
2860 std::uint8_t get_colour() const;
2864 void set_colour(std::uint8_t graphColour);
2868 std::uint8_t get_target_line_colour() const;
2872 void set_target_line_colour(std::uint8_t lineColour);
2877 bool get_option(Options option) const;
2881 void set_options(std::uint8_t options);
2886 void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue);
2891 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
2897 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue);
2899 private:
2900 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 24;
2902 std::uint16_t minValue = 0;
2903 std::uint16_t maxValue = 0;
2904 std::uint16_t targetValue = 0;
2906 std::uint16_t value = 0;
2908 std::uint8_t numberOfTicks = 0;
2909 std::uint8_t colour = 0;
2910 std::uint8_t targetLineColour = 0;
2911 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
2912 };
2917 {
2918 public:
2921 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
2922 {
2923 Type = 0,
2924 Width = 1,
2925 Height = 2,
2926 Colour = 3,
2927 TargetLineColour = 4,
2928 Options = 5,
2929 StartAngle = 6,
2930 EndAngle = 7,
2931 BarGraphWidth = 8,
2932 MinValue = 9,
2933 MaxValue = 10,
2934 VariableReference = 11,
2935 TargetValueVariableReference = 12,
2936 TargetValue = 13,
2938 NumberOfAttributes = 14
2939 };
2942 enum class Options : std::uint8_t
2943 {
2944 DrawBorder = 0,
2945 DrawTargetLine = 1,
2946 Undefined = 2,
2947 BarGraphType = 3,
2948 Deflection = 4
2949 };
2955 ~OutputArchedBarGraph() override = default;
2963 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
2968 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
2978 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
2986 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
2990 std::uint16_t get_bar_graph_width() const;
2994 void set_bar_graph_width(std::uint16_t width);
2999 std::uint16_t get_min_value() const;
3004 void set_min_value(std::uint16_t minimumValue);
3009 std::uint16_t get_max_value() const;
3014 void set_max_value(std::uint16_t maximumValue);
3018 std::uint16_t get_value() const;
3022 void set_value(std::uint16_t value);
3026 std::uint8_t get_target_line_colour() const;
3030 void set_target_line_colour(std::uint8_t value);
3034 std::uint8_t get_colour() const;
3038 void set_colour(std::uint8_t value);
3043 bool get_option(Options option) const;
3047 void set_options(std::uint8_t options);
3052 void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue);
3056 std::uint8_t get_start_angle() const;
3060 void set_start_angle(std::uint8_t value);
3064 std::uint8_t get_end_angle() const;
3068 void set_end_angle(std::uint8_t value);
3072 std::uint16_t get_target_value() const;
3076 void set_target_value(std::uint16_t value);
3082 std::uint16_t get_target_value_reference() const;
3088 void set_target_value_reference(std::uint16_t value);
3093 std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const;
3099 void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue);
3101 private:
3102 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 27;
3104 std::uint16_t barGraphWidth = 0;
3105 std::uint16_t minValue = 0;
3106 std::uint16_t maxValue = 0;
3107 std::uint16_t value = 0;
3108 std::uint16_t targetValue = 0;
3111 std::uint8_t targetLineColour = 0;
3112 std::uint8_t colour = 0;
3113 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
3114 std::uint8_t startAngle = 0;
3115 std::uint8_t endAngle = 0;
3116 };
3120 {
3121 public:
3124 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3125 {
3126 Type = 0,
3127 Width = 1,
3128 Options = 2,
3129 TransparencyColour = 3,
3130 ActualWidth = 4,
3131 ActualHeight = 5,
3132 Format = 6,
3134 NumberOfAttributes = 7
3135 };
3138 enum class Format
3139 {
3140 Monochrome = 0,
3141 FourBitColour = 1,
3142 EightBitColour = 2
3143 };
3146 enum class Options
3147 {
3148 Transparent = 0,
3149 Flashing = 1,
3150 RunLengthEncoded = 2
3151 };
3154 PictureGraphic() = default;
3157 ~PictureGraphic() override = default;
3165 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3170 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3180 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
3188 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
3192 std::vector<std::uint8_t> &get_raw_data();
3197 void set_raw_data(const std::uint8_t *data, std::uint32_t size);
3201 void add_raw_data(std::uint8_t dataByte);
3205 std::uint32_t get_number_of_bytes_in_raw_data() const;
3209 void set_number_of_bytes_in_raw_data(std::uint32_t value);
3213 std::uint16_t get_actual_width() const;
3217 void set_actual_width(std::uint16_t value);
3221 std::uint16_t get_actual_height() const;
3225 void set_actual_height(std::uint16_t value);
3229 Format get_format() const;
3233 void set_format(Format value);
3238 bool get_option(Options option) const;
3242 void set_options(std::uint8_t value);
3247 void set_option(Options option, bool value);
3251 std::uint8_t get_transparency_colour() const;
3255 void set_transparency_colour(std::uint8_t value);
3257 private:
3258 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 17;
3260 std::vector<std::uint8_t> rawData;
3261 std::uint32_t numberOfBytesInRawData = 0;
3262 std::uint16_t actualWidth = 0;
3263 std::uint16_t actualHeight = 0;
3264 std::uint8_t formatByte = 0;
3265 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
3266 std::uint8_t transparencyColour = 0;
3267 };
3271 {
3272 public:
3275 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3276 {
3277 Type = 0,
3278 Value = 1,
3280 NumberOfAttributes = 2
3281 };
3284 NumberVariable() = default;
3287 ~NumberVariable() override = default;
3295 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3300 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3310 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
3318 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
3322 std::uint32_t get_value() const;
3326 void set_value(std::uint32_t value);
3328 private:
3329 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 7;
3331 std::uint32_t value = 0;
3332 };
3336 {
3337 public:
3340 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3341 {
3342 Type = 0,
3344 NumberOfAttributes = 1
3345 };
3348 StringVariable() = default;
3351 ~StringVariable() override = default;
3359 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3364 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3374 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
3382 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
3386 std::string get_value() const;
3390 void set_value(const std::string &value);
3392 private:
3393 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 5;
3395 std::string value;
3396 };
3400 {
3401 public:
3404 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3405 {
3406 Type = 0,
3407 FontColour = 1,
3408 FontSize = 2,
3409 FontType = 3,
3410 FontStyle = 4,
3412 NumberOfAttributes = 5
3413 };
3416 enum class FontSize : std::uint8_t
3417 {
3418 Size6x8 = 0,
3419 Size8x8 = 1,
3420 Size8x12 = 2,
3421 Size12x16 = 3,
3422 Size16x16 = 4,
3423 Size16x24 = 5,
3424 Size24x32 = 6,
3425 Size32x32 = 7,
3426 Size32x48 = 8,
3427 Size48x64 = 9,
3428 Size64x64 = 10,
3429 Size64x96 = 11,
3430 Size96x128 = 12,
3431 Size128x128 = 13,
3432 Size128x192 = 14
3433 };
3436 enum class FontStyleBits : std::uint8_t
3437 {
3438 Bold = 0,
3439 CrossedOut = 1,
3440 Underlined = 2,
3441 Italic = 3,
3442 Inverted = 4,
3443 Flashing = 5,
3444 FlashingHidden = 6,
3446 };
3449 enum class FontType : std::uint8_t
3450 {
3451 ISO8859_1 = 0,
3452 ISO8859_15 = 1,
3453 ISO8859_2 = 2,
3454 Reserved_1 = 3,
3455 ISO8859_4 = 4,
3456 ISO8859_5 = 5,
3457 Reserved_2 = 6,
3458 ISO8859_7 = 7,
3459 ReservedEnd = 239,
3460 ProprietaryBegin = 240,
3461 ProprietaryEnd = 255
3462 };
3465 FontAttributes() = default;
3468 ~FontAttributes() override = default;
3476 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3481 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3491 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
3499 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
3503 FontType get_type() const;
3507 void set_type(FontType value);
3511 std::uint8_t get_style() const;
3516 bool get_style(FontStyleBits styleSetting) const;
3521 void set_style(FontStyleBits bit, bool value);
3525 void set_style(std::uint8_t value);
3529 FontSize get_size() const;
3533 void set_size(FontSize value);
3537 std::uint8_t get_colour() const;
3541 void set_colour(std::uint8_t value);
3545 std::uint8_t get_font_width_pixels() const;
3549 std::uint8_t get_font_height_pixels() const;
3551 private:
3552 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 8;
3554 std::uint8_t colour = 0;
3555 std::uint8_t size = 0;
3556 std::uint8_t type = 0;
3557 std::uint8_t style = 0;
3558 };
3562 {
3563 public:
3566 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3567 {
3568 Type = 0,
3569 LineColour = 1,
3570 LineWidth = 2,
3571 LineArt = 3,
3573 NumberOfAttributes = 4
3574 };
3577 LineAttributes() = default;
3580 ~LineAttributes() override = default;
3588 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3593 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3603 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
3611 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
3615 std::uint16_t get_line_art_bit_pattern() const;
3619 void set_line_art_bit_pattern(std::uint16_t value);
3621 private:
3622 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 8;
3624 std::uint16_t lineArtBitpattern = 0;
3625 };
3629 {
3630 public:
3633 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3634 {
3635 Type = 0,
3636 FillType = 1,
3637 FillColour = 2,
3638 FillPattern = 3,
3640 NumberOfAttributes = 4
3641 };
3644 enum class FillType : std::uint8_t
3645 {
3646 NoFill = 0,
3647 FillWithLineColor = 1,
3650 };
3653 FillAttributes() = default;
3656 ~FillAttributes() override = default;
3664 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3669 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3679 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
3687 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
3691 std::uint16_t get_fill_pattern() const;
3695 void set_fill_pattern(std::uint16_t value);
3699 FillType get_type() const;
3703 void set_type(FillType value);
3705 private:
3706 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 8;
3708 std::uint16_t fillPattern = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
3710 };
3714 {
3715 public:
3718 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3719 {
3720 Type = 0,
3721 ValidationType = 1,
3723 NumberOfAttributes = 2
3724 };
3728 enum class ValidationType : std::uint8_t
3729 {
3730 ValidCharactersAreListed = 0,
3731 InvalidCharactersAreListed = 1
3732 };
3735 InputAttributes() = default;
3738 ~InputAttributes() override = default;
3746 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3751 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3761 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
3769 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
3773 std::string get_validation_string() const;
3777 void set_validation_string(const std::string &value);
3785 void set_validation_type(ValidationType newValidationType);
3787 private:
3788 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 7;
3790 std::string validationString;
3791 ValidationType validationType = ValidationType::ValidCharactersAreListed;
3792 };
3797 {
3798 public:
3801 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3802 {
3803 Type = 0,
3804 ValidationType = 1,
3806 NumberOfAttributes = 2
3807 };
3811 enum class ValidationType : std::uint8_t
3812 {
3813 ValidCharactersAreListed = 0,
3814 InvalidCharactersAreListed = 1
3815 };
3821 ~ExtendedInputAttributes() override = default;
3829 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3834 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3844 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
3852 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
3856 std::uint8_t get_number_of_code_planes() const;
3860 void set_number_of_code_planes(std::uint8_t value);
3872 private:
3875 {
3876 public:
3877 std::vector<std::vector<wchar_t>> characterRanges;
3879 };
3880 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 5;
3882 std::vector<CodePlane> codePlanes;
3883 ValidationType validationType = ValidationType::ValidCharactersAreListed;
3884 };
3888 {
3889 public:
3892 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3893 {
3894 Type = 0,
3895 Value = 1,
3897 NumberOfAttributes = 2
3898 };
3901 ObjectPointer() = default;
3904 ~ObjectPointer() override = default;
3912 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3917 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3927 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
3935 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
3939 std::uint16_t get_value() const;
3944 void set_value(std::uint16_t objectIDToPointTo);
3946 private:
3947 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 5;
3948 std::uint16_t value = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
3949 };
3954 {
3955 public:
3958 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
3959 {
3960 Type = 0,
3961 DefaultObjectID = 1,
3962 ExternalReferenceNAMEID = 2,
3963 ExternalObjectID = 3,
3965 NumberOfAttributes = 4
3966 };
3972 ~ExternalObjectPointer() override = default;
3980 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
3985 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
3995 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
4003 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
4009 std::uint16_t get_default_object_id() const;
4015 void set_default_object_id(std::uint16_t id);
4019 std::uint16_t get_external_reference_name_id() const;
4023 void set_external_reference_name_id(std::uint16_t id);
4032 std::uint16_t get_external_object_id() const;
4041 void set_external_object_id(std::uint16_t id);
4043 private:
4044 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 5;
4049 };
4052 class Macro : public VTObject
4053 {
4054 public:
4057 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
4058 {
4059 Type = 0,
4061 NumberOfAttributes = 1
4062 };
4065 enum class Command
4066 {
4067 HideShowObject = 0xA0,
4068 EnableDisableObject = 0xA1,
4069 SelectInputObject = 0xA2,
4070 ControlAudioSignal = 0xA3,
4071 SetAudioVolume = 0xA4,
4072 ChangeChildLocation = 0xA5,
4073 ChangeSize = 0xA6,
4074 ChangeBackgroundColour = 0xA7,
4075 ChangeNumericValue = 0xA8,
4076 ChangeEndPoint = 0xA9,
4077 ChangeFontAttributes = 0xAA,
4078 ChangeLineAttributes = 0xAB,
4079 ChangeFillAttributes = 0xAC,
4080 ChangeActiveMask = 0xAD,
4081 ChangeSoftKeyMask = 0xAE,
4082 ChangeAttribute = 0xAF,
4083 ChangePriority = 0xB0,
4084 ChangeListItem = 0xB1,
4085 ChangeStringValue = 0xB3,
4086 ChangeChildPosition = 0xB4,
4087 ChangeObjectLabel = 0xB5,
4088 ChangePolygonPoint = 0xB6,
4089 LockUnlockMask = 0xBD,
4090 ExecuteMacro = 0xBE,
4091 ChangePolygonScale = 0xB7,
4092 GraphicsContextCommand = 0xB8,
4093 SelectColourMap = 0xBA,
4094 ExecuteExtendedMacro = 0xBC
4095 };
4098 Macro() = default;
4101 ~Macro() override = default;
4109 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
4114 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
4124 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
4132 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
4138 bool add_command_packet(const std::vector<std::uint8_t> &command);
4142 std::uint8_t get_number_of_commands() const;
4149 bool get_command_packet(std::uint8_t index, std::vector<std::uint8_t> &command);
4154 bool remove_command_packet(std::uint8_t index);
4158 bool get_are_command_packets_valid() const;
4160 private:
4161 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 5;
4162 static const std::array<std::uint8_t, 28> ALLOWED_COMMANDS_LOOKUP_TABLE;
4163 std::vector<std::vector<std::uint8_t>> commandPackets;
4164 };
4169 class ColourMap : public VTObject
4170 {
4171 public:
4174 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
4175 {
4176 Type = 0,
4178 NumberOfAttributes = 1
4179 };
4182 ColourMap() = default;
4185 ~ColourMap() override = default;
4193 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
4198 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
4208 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
4216 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
4222 bool set_number_of_colour_indexes(std::uint16_t value);
4226 std::uint16_t get_number_of_colour_indexes() const;
4232 bool set_colour_map_index(std::uint8_t index, std::uint8_t value);
4237 std::uint8_t get_colour_map_index(std::uint8_t index) const;
4239 private:
4240 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 5;
4241 std::vector<std::uint8_t> colourMapData;
4242 };
4245 class WindowMask : public VTObject
4246 {
4247 public:
4250 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
4251 {
4252 Type = 0,
4253 BackgroundColour = 1,
4254 Options = 2,
4255 Name = 3,
4257 NumberOfAttributes = 4
4258 };
4285 enum class Options
4286 {
4287 Available = 0,
4288 Transparent = 1
4289 };
4292 WindowMask() = default;
4295 ~WindowMask() override = default;
4303 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
4308 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
4318 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
4326 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
4331 std::uint16_t get_name_object_id() const;
4336 void set_name_object_id(std::uint16_t object);
4342 std::uint16_t get_title_object_id() const;
4348 void set_title_object_id(std::uint16_t object);
4352 std::uint16_t get_icon_object_id() const;
4356 void set_icon_object_id(std::uint16_t object);
4364 void set_window_type(WindowType type);
4369 bool get_option(Options option) const;
4373 void set_options(std::uint8_t value);
4378 void set_option(Options option, bool value);
4380 private:
4381 static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH = 17;
4382 std::uint16_t name = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
4383 std::uint16_t title = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
4384 std::uint16_t icon = NULL_OBJECT_ID;
4385 std::uint8_t optionsBitfield = 0;
4386 std::uint8_t windowType = 0;
4387 };
4393 {
4394 public:
4397 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
4398 {
4399 Type = 0,
4401 NumberOfAttributes = 1
4402 };
4405 enum class FunctionType : std::uint8_t
4406 {
4407 LatchingBoolean = 0,
4408 Analogue = 1,
4409 NonLatchingBoolean = 2
4410 };
4416 ~AuxiliaryFunctionType1() override = default;
4424 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
4429 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
4439 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
4447 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
4457 private:
4458 FunctionType functionType = FunctionType::LatchingBoolean;
4459 };
4464 {
4465 public:
4468 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
4469 {
4470 Type = 0,
4471 BackgroundColour = 1,
4472 FunctionAttributes = 2,
4474 NumberOfAttributes = 3
4475 };
4512 ~AuxiliaryFunctionType2() override = default;
4520 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
4525 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
4535 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
4543 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
4556 bool get_function_attribute(FunctionAttribute attributeToCheck) const;
4561 void set_function_attribute(FunctionAttribute attributeToSet, bool value);
4563 private:
4565 };
4572 {
4573 public:
4576 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
4577 {
4578 Type = 0,
4580 NumberOfAttributes = 1
4581 };
4584 enum class FunctionType : std::uint8_t
4585 {
4586 LatchingBoolean = 0,
4587 Analogue = 1,
4588 NonLatchingBoolean = 2
4589 };
4595 ~AuxiliaryInputType1() override = default;
4603 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
4608 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
4618 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
4626 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
4640 std::uint8_t get_input_id() const;
4647 bool set_input_id(std::uint8_t id);
4649 private:
4650 FunctionType functionType = FunctionType::LatchingBoolean;
4651 std::uint8_t inputID = 0;
4652 };
4656 {
4657 public:
4660 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
4661 {
4662 Type = 0,
4663 BackgroundColour = 1,
4664 FunctionAttributes = 2,
4666 NumberOfAttributes = 3
4667 };
4681 ~AuxiliaryInputType2() override = default;
4689 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
4694 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
4704 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
4712 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
4725 bool get_function_attribute(FunctionAttribute attributeToCheck) const;
4730 void set_function_attribute(FunctionAttribute attributeToSet, bool value);
4732 private:
4734 };
4740 {
4741 public:
4744 enum class AttributeName : std::uint8_t
4745 {
4746 Type = 0,
4747 PointerType = 1,
4748 AuxiliaryObjectID = 2,
4750 NumberOfAttributes = 3
4751 };
4765 std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override;
4770 bool get_is_valid(const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool) const override;
4780 bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map<std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<VTObject>> &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override;
4788 bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override;
4793 std::uint16_t get_auxiliary_object_id() const;
4798 void set_auxiliary_object_id(std::uint16_t id);
4809 std::uint8_t get_pointer_type() const;
4813 void set_pointer_type(std::uint8_t type);
4815 private:
4817 std::uint8_t pointerType = 0;
4818 };
4820} // namespace isobus
General constants used throughout this library.
Similar to a data mask, but takes priority and will be shown over data masks.
Enumerates the different mask priorities. Higher priority masks will be shown over lower priority one...
@ Low
Low, information only.
@ High
High, operator is in danger or urgent machine malfunction.
@ Medium
Medium, normal alarm, machine is malfunctioning.
AcousticSignal signalPriority
The acoustic signal priority for this mask.
Priority get_mask_priority() const
Returns the priority of the alarm mask.
void set_mask_priority(Priority value)
Sets the priority of the alarm mask.
bool change_soft_key_mask(std::uint16_t newMaskID, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool)
Changes the soft key mask associated to this alarm mask to a new object ID. Performs error checking o...
AcousticSignal get_signal_priority() const
Returns the acoustic signal priority for the alarm mask.
Priority maskPriority
The priority of this mask.
void set_soft_key_mask(std::uint16_t newMaskID)
Changes the soft key mask associated to this alarm mask to a new object ID, but does no checking on t...
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint16_t softKeyMask
Object ID of a soft key mask for this alarm mask, or the null ID.
Enumerates the acoustic signal values for the alarm mask. Works only if your VT has a way to make sou...
@ Highest
Most aggressive beeping.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
~AlarmMask() override=default
Virtual destructor for a alarm mask object.
Constructor for a alarm mask object.
std::uint16_t get_soft_key_mask() const
Returns the object ID of the soft key mask associated with this alarm mask.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
void set_signal_priority(AcousticSignal value)
Sets the acoustic signal priority for the alarm mask.
Defines an auxiliary control designator type 2 object. Auxiliary Control Designator Type 2 Object Poi...
std::uint16_t get_auxiliary_object_id() const
Returns the object ID of the referenced auxiliary object or the null object ID. Used in conjunction w...
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Constructor for a auxiliary control designator type 2 object.
~AuxiliaryControlDesignatorType2() override=default
Virtual destructor for a auxiliary control designator type 2 object.
std::uint16_t auxiliaryObjectID
Object ID of a referenced Auxiliary Function or Auxiliary Input object or NULL_OBJECT_ID.
std::uint8_t pointerType
The pointer type, defines how this should be rendered.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint8_t get_pointer_type() const
Returns the pointer type, which describes how this object should be rendered.
void set_auxiliary_object_id(std::uint16_t id)
Sets the object ID of the referenced auxiliary object Used in conjunction with the pointer type.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
void set_pointer_type(std::uint8_t type)
Sets the pointer type which describes how this object should be rendered.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
Defines an auxiliary function type 1 object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
~AuxiliaryFunctionType1() override=default
Virtual destructor for a auxiliary function type 1 object.
Enumerates the different kinds of auxiliary functions (type 1)
Constructor for a auxiliary function type 1 object.
FunctionType get_function_type() const
Returns the function type.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
void set_function_type(FunctionType type)
Sets the function type.
Defines an auxiliary function type 2 object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint8_t functionAttributesBitfield
Bitfield of function attributes defined in FunctionAttribute enum plus the FunctionType
~AuxiliaryFunctionType2() override=default
Virtual destructor for a auxiliary function type 2 object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
void set_function_attribute(FunctionAttribute attributeToSet, bool value)
Sets the value of a specified function attribute.
FunctionType get_function_type() const
Returns the function type.
Constructor for a auxiliary function type 2 object.
Enumerates bit offsets of attributes of auxiliary functions to be assigned to an input control.
@ CriticalControl
If this bit is 1, This function can only be controlled by a critical Auxiliary Input (see ISO 15077)
@ SingleAssignment
If 1, Function shall not be assigned with other Auxiliary Functions to same input....
@ AssignmentRestriction
If this bit is 1, This function, if assigned, can only be assigned as specified in the Preferred Assi...
void set_function_type(FunctionType type)
Sets the function type.
Aux inputs must be one of these types, and the input and function types must match.
@ ReservedRangeStart
Reserved for future use.
@ DualBooleanBothNonLatching
Three-Position Switch, (returning to centre position) (Momentary Single Pole, Three Position,...
@ BidirectionalEncoder
Count increases when turning in the encoders "increase" direction and count decreases when turning in...
@ CombinedAnalougeReturnTo50PercentWithDualBooleanLatching
Two way analogue (return to centre position) with latching Boolean at 0% and 100% positions.
@ DualBooleanLatchingUp
Three-Position Switch, latching in up position, momentary down (Single Pole, Three Position,...
@ Analouge
Maintains position setting.
@ BooleanNonLatchingIncreaseValue
Two-position switch (return to off) (Momentary Single Pole, Double Throw)
@ AnalougeReturnTo50Percent
Two way analogue (return to centre position)
@ ReservedRangeEnd
Used for Remove assignment command.
@ QuadratureBooleanNonLatching
Two quadrature mounted Three-Position Switches, (returning to centre position) (Momentary Single Pole...
@ DualBooleanBothLatching
Three-Position Switch (latching in all positions) (Single Pole, Three Position, Centre Off)
@ CombinedAnalougeMaintainsPositionWithDualBooleanLatching
Analogue maintains position setting with latching Boolean at 0% and 100% positions.
@ QuadratureAnalouge
Two quadrature mounted analogue maintain position setting. The centre position of each analogue axis ...
@ DualBooleanLatchingDown
Three-Position Switch, latching in down position, momentary up (Single Pole, Three Position,...
@ QuadratureAnalougeReturnTo50Percent
Two quadrature mounted analogue returns to centre position (The centre position of each analogue axis...
@ AnalougeReturnTo0PercentIncreaseValue
One way analogue input (returns to 0%)
@ BooleanLatchingOnOff
Two-position switch (maintains position) (Single Pole, Double Throw)
bool get_function_attribute(FunctionAttribute attributeToCheck) const
returns the value of a specified function attribute
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
Defines an auxiliary input type 1 object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
~AuxiliaryInputType1() override=default
Virtual destructor for a auxiliary input type 1 object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
Constructor for a auxiliary input type 1 object.
FunctionType functionType
The function type.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
Enumerates the different kinds of auxiliary functions (type 1)
bool set_input_id(std::uint8_t id)
Sets the identification number of the input. Maximum value is 250.
FunctionType get_function_type() const
Returns the function type.
std::uint8_t get_input_id() const
Returns the identification number of the input. Maximum value is 250.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
void set_function_type(FunctionType type)
Sets the function type.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint8_t inputID
The identification number of the input. This number is used by the Auxiliary Input units to identify ...
Defines an auxiliary input type 2 object.
AuxiliaryFunctionType2::FunctionType get_function_type() const
Returns the type of input function that the input control performs when assigned.
void set_function_attribute(FunctionAttribute attributeToSet, bool value)
Sets the value of a specified function attribute.
std::uint8_t functionAttributesBitfield
Bitfield of function attributes defined in FunctionAttribute enum plus the FunctionType
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
Constructor for a auxiliary input type 2 object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
bool get_function_attribute(FunctionAttribute attributeToCheck) const
returns the value of a specified function attribute
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Enumerates bit offsets of attributes of auxiliary inputs.
@ CriticalControl
If this bit is 1, This input can control a critical (auxiliary) function.
@ SingleAssignment
If 1, Input shall only be assigned to a single Auxiliary Function.
~AuxiliaryInputType2() override=default
Virtual destructor for a auxiliary input type 2 object.
void set_function_type(AuxiliaryFunctionType2::FunctionType type)
Sets the type of input function that the input control performs when assigned.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
The Button object defines a button control.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
void set_border_colour(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the border colour.
void set_options(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint8_t get_border_colour() const
Returns the colour of the button's border as an index into the VT colour table.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Constructor for a button object.
void set_key_code(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the key code associated with this button's events.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint8_t keyCode
Key code assigned by ECU. VT reports this code in the Button Activation message.
void set_option(Options option, bool value)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
Enumerates the options encoded into the options bitfield for a button.
@ TransparentBackground
If FALSE, the Button's interior background is filled using the background colour attribute....
@ SuppressBorder
If FALSE, VT draws the proprietary border. If TRUE, no border is ever drawn.
@ NoBorder
If FALSE, the Button Border area is used by the VT as described in Bit 2. If TRUE,...
@ CurrentButtonStateIfLatchable
For latchable Buttons. 0=released, 1=latched.
@ Latchable
If TRUE, the Button is latchable and remains pressed until the next activation. If FALSE,...
@ Disabled
If FALSE, the Button is enabled and can be selected and activated by the operator....
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint8_t borderColour
Border colour.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Bitfield of options defined in Options enum.
~Button() override=default
Virtual destructor for a button object.
std::uint8_t get_key_code() const
Returns the key code associated with this button's events.
Defines a colour map object. The Colour Map object, optionally available in VT version 4 and 5,...
std::vector< std::uint8_t > colourMapData
The actual colour map data, which remaps each index from the default table based on the size of this ...
bool set_number_of_colour_indexes(std::uint16_t value)
This is used to initialize the colour map data to either 2, 16, or 256 colour indexes....
bool set_colour_map_index(std::uint8_t index, std::uint8_t value)
Sets the colour map index to the specified value/colour.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t get_number_of_colour_indexes() const
Returns the number of colour indexes in this colour map.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint8_t get_colour_map_index(std::uint8_t index) const
Returns the colour index into the VT colour table at the specified index in this colour map.
~ColourMap() override=default
Virtual destructor for a colour map object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
Constructor for a colour map object.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
The Container object is used to group objects for the purpose of moving, hiding or sharing the group.
Constructor for a container object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
~Container() override=default
Virtual destructor for a container object.
bool get_hidden() const
Returns the "hidden" attribute for this container.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool hidden
The hidden attribute state for this container object. True means it will be hidden when rendered.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
void set_hidden(bool value)
Sets the "hidden" attribute for this container.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
The Data Mask describes the objects that will appear in the Data Mask area of the physical display.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t get_soft_key_mask() const
Returns the object ID of the soft key mask associated with this data mask.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
void set_soft_key_mask(std::uint16_t newMaskID)
Changes the soft key mask associated to this data mask to a new object ID, but does no checking on th...
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool change_soft_key_mask(std::uint16_t newMaskID, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool)
Changes the soft key mask associated to this data mask to a new object ID. Performs error checking on...
~DataMask() override=default
Virtual destructor for a data mask object.
Constructor for a data mask object.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint16_t softKeyMaskObjectID
The object ID of the soft key mask associated with this data mask.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Stores data for a code plane (for utf-16 strings)
std::uint8_t numberOfCharacterRanges
The number of expected character ranges for this code plane.
std::vector< std::vector< wchar_t > > characterRanges
A list of character ranges for this code plane.
The Extended Input Attributes object, available in VT version 4 and later, defines the valid or inval...
void set_number_of_code_planes(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the number of code planes in this extended input attributes object.
Constructor for an extended input attributes object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
~ExtendedInputAttributes() override=default
Virtual destructor for an extended input attributes object.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::vector< CodePlane > codePlanes
Code planes to which the character ranges belong.
ValidationType get_validation_type() const
Returns the validation type setting for this object.
Enumerates the different validation types for this object, which describe how to interpret the valida...
void set_validation_type(ValidationType value)
Sets the validation type setting for this object.
ValidationType validationType
Describes how to interpret the validation string.
std::uint8_t get_number_of_code_planes() const
Returns the number of code planes in this extended input attributes.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
The External Object Pointer object, available in VT version 5 and later, allows a Working Set to disp...
std::uint16_t get_external_object_id() const
Returns the external object ID. The referenced object is found in the object pool of the Working Set ...
std::uint16_t defaultObjectID
Object ID of an object which shall be displayed if the External Object ID is not valid,...
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint16_t externalObjectID
Object ID of a referenced object or the NULL Object ID.
std::uint16_t get_default_object_id() const
Returns the default object id which is the object ID of an object which shall be displayed if the Ext...
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
~ExternalObjectPointer() override=default
Virtual destructor for a object pointer object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Constructor for a object pointer object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
void set_default_object_id(std::uint16_t id)
Sets the default object id which is the object ID of an object which shall be displayed if the Extern...
std::uint16_t get_external_reference_name_id() const
Returns the external reference NAME ID.
void set_external_reference_name_id(std::uint16_t id)
Sets the external reference NAME ID.
void set_external_object_id(std::uint16_t id)
Sets the external object ID. The referenced object is found in the object pool of the Working Set Mas...
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint16_t externalReferenceNAMEID
Object id of an External Reference NAME object or the NULL Object ID.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
This object holds attributes related to filling output shape objects.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
~FillAttributes() override=default
Virtual destructor for a fill attributes object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
FillType type
The fill type/mode associated with this object.
FillType get_type() const
Returns the fill type/mode associated with this object.
std::uint16_t get_fill_pattern() const
Returns the fill pattern associated with this fill attributes object.
void set_fill_pattern(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the fill pattern for this fill attributes object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint16_t fillPattern
Object id of a Picture Graphic object to use as a Fill pattern.
Constructor for a fill attributes object.
void set_type(FillType value)
Sets the fill type/mode associated with this object.
Enumerates the different fill types for an object.
@ FillWithSpecifiedColorInFillColorAttribute
Fill with the color specified by a fill attribute.
@ FillWithLineColor
Fill with the color of the outline of the shape.
@ FillWithPatternGivenByFillPatternAttribute
Fill with a patter provided by a fill pattern attribute.
@ NoFill
No fill will be applied.
This object holds attributes related to fonts.
Constructor for a font attributes object.
~FontAttributes() override=default
Virtual destructor for a font attributes object.
Enumerates the different font types.
@ ProprietaryBegin
The beginning of the proprietary range.
@ ReservedEnd
Reserved from ISO8859_7 to this value.
@ ProprietaryEnd
The end of the proprietary region.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
Enumerates the font style options that can be encoded in a font style bitfield.
@ CrossedOut
Crossed-out font style (strikethrough)
@ ProportionalFontRendering
Enables proportional font rendering if supported by the server.
@ Inverted
Inverted font style (upside down)
@ FlashingHidden
Flashing between hidden and shown font style.
@ Underlined
Underlined font style.
std::uint8_t get_font_width_pixels() const
Returns the width of the associated font size in pixels.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
void set_colour(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the colour of the font to a new VT colour.
void set_size(FontSize value)
Sets the font size to a new value.
void set_style(FontStyleBits bit, bool value)
Sets a specific font style bit to a new value.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
FontType get_type() const
Returns the font type associated to this font attributes object.
Enumerates the different font sizes.
@ Size128x128
128x128 Font size
@ Size128x192
128x192 Font size
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint8_t get_colour() const
Returns the font colour as an index into the VT colour table.
std::uint8_t get_font_height_pixels() const
Returns the height of the associated font size in pixels.
std::uint8_t get_style() const
Returns the font style bitfield.
FontSize get_size() const
Returns the font size.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
void set_type(FontType value)
Sets the font type.
This object defines the valid or invalid characters for an Input String object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
~InputAttributes() override=default
Virtual destructor for a input attributes object.
std::string get_validation_string() const
Returns the validation string associated to this input attributes object.
void set_validation_type(ValidationType newValidationType)
Sets the validation type setting for this object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
ValidationType validationType
Describes how to interpret the validation string.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
Enumerates the different validation types for this object, which describe how to interpret the valida...
Constructor for a input attributes object.
ValidationType get_validation_type() const
Returns the validation type setting for this object.
void set_validation_string(const std::string &value)
Sets the validation string for this object.
std::string validationString
String containing all valid or invalid character codes.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
The Input Boolean object is used to input a TRUE/FALSE type indication from the operator.
void set_foreground_colour_object_id(std::uint16_t fontAttributeValue)
Sets the object ID of the foreground colour object. Does not perform error checking on the type of th...
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint16_t get_foreground_colour_object_id() const
Returns the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the foreground colour,...
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t numberVariableValue)
Sets the object ID of the number variable object that contains the value of the Input Boolean object....
void set_enabled(bool isEnabled)
Sets the enabled attribute on this object to a new value.
std::uint8_t value
Used only if it has no number variable child object.
Constructor for an input boolean object.
bool enabled
If the bool is interactable.
std::uint16_t variableReference
Object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Boolean object.
std::uint16_t foregroundColourObjectID
Object ID of a font attributes that contains the foreground colour of the Input Boolean object.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Boolean object...
~InputBoolean() override=default
Virtual destructor for an input boolean object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint8_t get_value() const
Returns the value of the boolean (only matters if a reference object is not present)
void set_value(std::uint8_t inputValue)
Sets the value of the boolean object (only matters if a reference object is not present)
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool get_enabled() const
Returns if this object is enabled based on the enabled attribute.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
The Input List object is used to show one object out of a set of objects, and to allow operator selec...
Enumerates the bits in the options bitfield for an InputList.
@ Enabled
If true the object shall be enabled.
@ RealTimeEditing
If true the value shall be transmitted to the ECU as it is being changed.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the variable reference, which is an object ID of a number variable or NULL_OBJECT_ID (0xFFFF)
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint8_t numberOfListItems
Number of object references to follow. The size of the list can never exceed this number and this att...
std::uint8_t get_value() const
Returns the value of the selected list index (only matters if there is no child number variable)
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
void set_value(std::uint8_t inputValue)
Sets the selected list index (only matters when the object has no child number variable)
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
bool change_list_item(std::uint8_t index, std::uint16_t newListItem, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool)
Changes a list item to a new ID by index.
void set_options(std::uint8_t options)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
~InputList() override=default
Virtual destructor for an input list object.
Constructor for an input list object.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Options byte.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t referencedObjectID)
A dedicated way to set the stored variable reference so we don't have to worry about the child object...
std::uint8_t get_number_of_list_items() const
Returns the number of items in the list.
void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
std::uint16_t variableReference
Stores the object ID of a number variable that will be used as the value, or the NULL_OBJECT_ID if no...
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint8_t value
Selected list index of this object. Used only if variable reference attribute is NULL.
void set_number_of_list_items(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the number of items in the list.
This object is used to format, display and change a numeric value based on a supplied integer value.
std::uint32_t get_minimum_value() const
Returns the minimum value for this input number.
float scale
Scale to be applied to the input value and min/max values.
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue)
Sets the object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Number object....
The allowable vertical justification options.
@ PositionBottom
The input number is vertically justified to the bottom of its bounding box.
@ PositionTop
The input number is vertically justified to the top of its bounding box.
HorizontalJustification get_horizontal_justification() const
Returns the horizontal justification setting of the input number.
void set_option2(Options2 option, bool newOption)
Sets a single option in the second options bitfield to the specified value.
void set_font_attributes(std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue)
Sets the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input Number o...
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the object ID of a number variable object that contains the value of the Input Number object.
float get_scale() const
Returns the scale factor that is applied to the value of the input number.
void set_offset(std::int32_t newOffset)
Sets the offset that will be applied to the number's value when it is displayed.
std::uint32_t get_maximum_value() const
Returns the maximum value for the input number.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
void set_value(std::uint32_t inputValue)
Sets the value of the input number (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
~InputNumber() override=default
Virtual destructor for an input number object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
void set_justification_bitfield(std::uint8_t newJustification)
Sets the justification bitfield of the input number.
std::uint8_t get_number_of_decimals() const
Returns the number of decimals to display when rendering this input number.
std::uint32_t get_value() const
Returns the value of the input number (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
void set_minimum_value(std::uint32_t newMin)
Sets the minimum value for the input number.
void set_maximum_value(std::uint32_t newMax)
Sets the maximum value for the input number.
void set_options(std::uint8_t newOptions)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
Options that can be applied to the input number.
@ Transparent
If TRUE, the input field is displayed with background showing through instead of using the background...
@ DisplayZeroAsBlank
When this option bit is set, a blank field is displayed if and only if the displayed value of the obj...
@ DisplayLeadingZeros
If TRUE, fill left to width of field with zeros; justification is applied after filling.
@ Truncate
If TRUE the value shall be truncated to the specified number of decimals. Otherwise it shall be round...
More options, for some reason they are different bytes.
@ Enabled
If TRUE the object shall be enabled.
@ RealTimeEditing
If TRUE the value shall be transmitted to the ECU as it is being changed.
void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
std::uint8_t options2
Options byte 2.
The allowable horizontal justification options.
@ PositionLeft
The input number is horizontally justified to the left side of its bounding box.
@ PositionRight
The input number is horizontally justified to the right side of its bounding box.
@ PositionMiddle
The input number is horizontally justified to the center of its bounding box.
bool get_format() const
Returns if the format option is set for this input number.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool get_option2(Options2 newOption) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's second option bitfield.
std::int32_t offset
Offset to be applied to the input value and min/max values.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint32_t value
The raw value of the object, used if no number variable child has been set.
std::uint8_t justificationBitfield
Indicates how the number is positioned in the field defined by height and width.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint16_t get_font_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input Numbe...
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint8_t options
Options byte 1.
std::uint16_t variableReference
Stores the object ID of a number variable object that will be used in place of the value attribute if...
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint32_t minimumValue
Raw minimum value for the input before scaling.
std::uint16_t fontAttributes
Stores the object ID of a font attributes object that will be used to display this object.
void set_scale(float newScale)
Sets the scale factor that is applied to the value of the input number.
VerticalJustification get_vertical_justification() const
Returns the vertical justification setting of the input number.
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
bool format
0 = use fixed format decimal display (####.nn), 1 = use exponential format ([-]###....
void set_options2(std::uint8_t newOptions)
Sets the second options bitfield for this object to a new value.
std::uint32_t maximumValue
Raw maximum value for the input.
void set_format(bool newFormat)
Sets the format option.
void set_number_of_decimals(std::uint8_t numDecimals)
Sets the number of decimals to display when rendering this number.
std::uint8_t numberOfDecimals
Specifies number of decimals to display after the decimal point.
std::int32_t get_offset() const
Returns the offset that will be applied to the number's value when it is displayed.
Constructor for an input number object.
This object is used to input a character string from the operator.
void set_font_attributes(std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue)
Sets the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input String o...
void set_enabled(bool value)
Sets the enable/disable state of the input string.
void set_option(Options option, bool value)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the object ID of a string variable object that contains the value of the Input String object.
bool enabled
If the string is interactable.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t get_input_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of a input attributes object that defines what can be input into the Input Stri...
Options that can be applied to the input string.
@ WrapOnHyphen
If TRUE, Auto-Wrapping can occur between a hyphen and the following character.
@ Transparent
If TRUE, the input field is displayed with background showing through instead of using the background...
@ AutoWrap
Auto-Wrapping rules apply.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint16_t inputAttributes
Stores the object ID of a input attributes object that will be used to determine what can be input in...
void set_options(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
void set_input_attributes(std::uint16_t inputAttributesValue)
Sets the object ID of a input attributes object that defines what can be input into the Input String ...
void set_justification_bitfield(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the justification bitfield of the string.
VerticalJustification get_vertical_justification() const
Returns the vertical justification setting of the string.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
std::uint16_t get_font_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Input Strin...
The allowable vertical justification options.
@ PositionBottom
The input string is vertically justified to the bottom of its bounding box.
@ PositionTop
The input string is vertically justified to the top of its bounding box.
~InputString() override=default
Virtual destructor for a input string object.
std::string get_value() const
Returns a copy of the stored string value. Used only when no string variable objects are children of ...
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue)
Sets the object ID of a string variable object that contains the value of the Input String object....
void set_value(const std::string &value)
Changes the stored string value. Use only when no string variable objects are children of this object...
std::uint16_t variableReference
Stores the object ID of a string variable object that will be used in place of the string value attri...
Constructor for a input string object.
std::uint16_t fontAttributes
Stores the object ID of a font attributes object that will be used to display this object.
bool get_enabled() const
Returns if the input string is enabled for text entry.
The allowable horizontal justification options.
@ PositionLeft
The input string is horizontally justified to the left side of its bounding box.
@ PositionRight
The input string is horizontally justified to the right side of its bounding box.
@ PositionMiddle
The input string is horizontally justified to the center of its bounding box.
std::uint8_t justificationBitfield
Bitfield of justification options.
HorizontalJustification get_horizontal_justification() const
Returns the horizontal justification setting of the string.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Bitfield of options defined in Options enum.
std::string stringValue
The actual string. Used only if variable reference attribute is NULL. Pad with spaces as necessary to...
The Key objects contained in this object shall be a grouping of Key objects, or Object Pointers to Ke...
void set_name_object_id(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the Object ID of an Output String object or an Object Pointer object that points to an Output St...
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
Enumerates the options bits in the options bitfield of a KeyGroup.
@ Transparent
If this bit is 1, the VT shall ignore the background colour attribute in all child Key objects.
@ Available
If 0 (FALSE) this object is not available for use at the present time, even though defined.
void set_options(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
Constructor for a key group object.
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
std::uint16_t get_name_object_id() const
Sets the Object ID of an Output String object or an Object Pointer object that points to an Output St...
static constexpr std::uint8_t MAX_CHILD_KEYS
There shall be a max of 4 keys per group according to the standard.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
void set_key_group_icon(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the object ID of the icon to use when representing this key group.
std::uint16_t nameID
Object ID of a string variable that contains the name of the key group.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Bitfield of options defined in Options enum.
~KeyGroup() override=default
Virtual destructor for a key group object.
std::uint16_t keyGroupIcon
The VT may use this in the proprietary mapping screen to represent the key group.
bool validate_name(std::uint16_t nameIDToValidate, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const
Validates that the specified name ID is valid for this object.
std::uint16_t get_key_group_icon() const
Returns the key group icon that represents this key group.
void set_option(Options option, bool value)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
The Key object defines the designator and key code for a Soft Key. Any object located outside of a So...
std::uint8_t get_key_code() const
Returns the key code associated to this key object.
std::uint8_t keyCode
They key code associated with events from this key object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Constructor for a key object.
void set_key_code(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the key code associated to this key object.
~Key() override=default
Virtual destructor for a key object.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
Defines a line attributes object, which describes how lines should be displayed on the VT.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
~LineAttributes() override=default
Virtual destructor for a line attributes object.
Constructor for a line attributes object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
std::uint16_t lineArtBitpattern
Bit pattern art for line. Each bit represents a paintbrush spot.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
void set_line_art_bit_pattern(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the line art bit patter for the line attribute.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint16_t get_line_art_bit_pattern() const
Sets the line art bit pattern. Each bit represents 1 pixel's on/off state.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Defines a macro object. Performs a list of commands based on a message or event.
bool remove_command_packet(std::uint8_t index)
Deletes a command packet from the macro by index.
std::vector< std::vector< std::uint8_t > > commandPackets
Macro command list.
A subset of the VT command multiplexors that support use in macros.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
std::uint8_t get_number_of_commands() const
Returns the number of stored command packets inside this macro (max 255)
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool add_command_packet(const std::vector< std::uint8_t > &command)
Adds a macro command packet to this macro. Essentially these are CAN messages that represent normal E...
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
bool get_command_packet(std::uint8_t index, std::vector< std::uint8_t > &command)
Returns a command packet by index.
~Macro() override=default
Virtual destructor for a macro object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
static const std::array< std::uint8_t, 28 > ALLOWED_COMMANDS_LOOKUP_TABLE
The list of all allowed commands in a table for easy lookup when validating macro content.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
bool get_are_command_packets_valid() const
Returns if the command packets in this macro are valid.
Constructor for a macro object.
A number variable holds a 32-bit unsigned integer value.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint32_t get_value() const
Returns the number variable's value.
void set_value(std::uint32_t value)
Sets the number variable's value.
Constructor for a number variable object.
~NumberVariable() override=default
Virtual destructor for a number variable object.
std::uint32_t value
32-bit unsigned integer value
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
~ObjectPointer() override=default
Virtual destructor for a object pointer object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
void set_value(std::uint16_t objectIDToPointTo)
Sets the object id of the object this object points to. Does not do error checking on the type of obj...
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint16_t value
Object ID of the object this object points to, or the NULL Object ID if the pointer should not be dra...
Constructor for a object pointer object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
std::uint16_t get_value() const
Returns the object id of the object this object points to.
TThis object is similar in concept to a linear bar graph but appears arched. Arched bar graphs are dr...
void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
std::uint8_t get_target_line_colour() const
Returns the colour of the target line.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t get_target_value() const
Returns the target value of the graph (only matters when no target value reference is used)
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
void set_target_line_colour(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the colour of the target line.
std::uint16_t get_max_value() const
Returns the maximum value of the bar graph.
std::uint16_t get_target_value_reference() const
Returns the target value reference object ID.
std::uint16_t maxValue
Maximum value. Represents when the needle is at the end of the arc.
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
void set_max_value(std::uint16_t maximumValue)
Sets the max value of the bar graph.
void set_target_value(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the target value of the graph (only matters when no target value reference is used)
void set_value(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the value of the bar graph (only matters when no child number variable is used)
void set_bar_graph_width(std::uint16_t width)
Sets the width (px) of the bar graph.
void set_end_angle(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the end angle for the graph.
void set_colour(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the colour of the bar graph.
std::uint8_t startAngle
Start angle / 2 in degrees from positive X axis counterclockwise.
std::uint8_t colour
Bar graph fill and border colour.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t targetValueReference
Object ID of a Number Variable object in which to retrieve the bar graph’s target value.
std::uint16_t get_min_value() const
Returns the minimum value of the bar graph.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint16_t barGraphWidth
Bar graph width in pixels. Bar graph width should be less than half the total width,...
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Bitfield of options defined in Options enum.
void set_target_value_reference(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the target value reference object ID.
Options that can be applied to the input number.
@ BarGraphType
bar graph type. If this bit is FALSE (0), bar graph is filled
@ Deflection
0 = anticlockwise and 1 = clockwise
@ Undefined
Undefined, set to 0 recommended.
void set_start_angle(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the start angle for the graph.
std::uint16_t get_value() const
Returns the value of the bar graph (only matters when no child number variable is used)
std::uint16_t variableReference
Object ID of a Number Variable object in which to retrieve the bar graph’s value.
std::uint16_t targetValue
Current target value. Used only if Target value variable Reference attribute is NULL.
std::uint8_t endAngle
End angle / 2 in degrees from positive X axis counterclockwise.
std::uint16_t value
Current value. Needle position set to this value, used if variable ref is NULL.
std::uint8_t get_start_angle() const
Returns the start angle of the graph.
std::uint8_t get_end_angle() const
Returns the end angle of the graph.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
Constructor for an output arched bar graph object.
std::uint16_t get_bar_graph_width() const
Returns the width (px) of the bar graph.
std::uint8_t get_colour() const
Returns the colour of the bar graph.
void set_min_value(std::uint16_t minimumValue)
Sets the minimum value for the bar graph.
std::uint8_t targetLineColour
Target line colour (if drawn)
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue)
Sets the value reference object ID, which is a number variable object that should be used to determin...
void set_options(std::uint8_t options)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
std::uint16_t minValue
Minimum value. Represents value when needle is at the start of arc.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the value reference object ID, which is a number variable object that should be used to deter...
~OutputArchedBarGraph() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output arched bar graph object.
This object outputs an ellipse or circle shape.
std::uint16_t fillAttributes
Object ID of fill attributes used to display this ellipse.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
Constructor for an output ellipse object.
void set_ellipse_type(EllipseType value)
Sets the ellipse type.
void set_line_attributes(std::uint16_t lineAttributesObject)
Sets the object ID of the line attributes used to display this ellipse's lines. Does not perform any ...
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint8_t endAngle
End angle/2 (in degrees) from positive X axis counter clockwise (90° is straight up)
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
void set_start_angle(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the start angle for the ellipse.
void set_end_angle(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the end angle for the ellipse.
std::uint8_t get_end_angle() const
Returns the end angle/2 (in degrees) from positive X axis counter clockwise(90° is straight up).
void set_fill_attributes(std::uint16_t fillAttributesObject)
Sets the object ID of the fill attributes used to display this ellipse's fill. Does not perform any e...
std::uint16_t get_line_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of the line attributes used to display this ellipse's lines.
EllipseType get_ellipse_type() const
Returns the type of the ellipse.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
~OutputEllipse() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output ellipse object.
std::uint16_t lineAttributes
Object ID of line attributes used to display this ellipse.
@ OpenDefinedByStartEndAngles
The ellipse is defined by start and end angles.
std::uint8_t ellipseType
The type of ellipse.
std::uint8_t get_start_angle() const
Returns the Start angle/2 (in degrees) from positive X axis counter clockwise(90° is straight up) for...
std::uint8_t startAngle
Start angle/2 (in degrees) from positive X axis counter clockwise (90° is straight up).
std::uint16_t get_fill_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of the fill attributes used to display this ellipse's fill.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
This object outputs a line shape. The starting point for the line is found in the parent object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint8_t lineDirection
0 = Line is drawn from top left to bottom right of enclosing virtual rectangle, 1 = Line is drawn fro...
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint16_t get_line_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of the line attributes used to display this line.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
LineDirection get_line_direction() const
Returns the line's direction.
Constructor for an output line object.
Enumerates the different directions a line can be drawn.
std::uint16_t lineAttributes
Object ID of line attributes used to display this line.
void set_line_direction(LineDirection value)
Sets the line's direction.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
void set_line_attributes(std::uint16_t lineAttributesObject)
Sets the object ID of the line attributes used to display this line. Does not perform any error check...
~OutputLine() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output line object.
This is a linear bar graph or thermometer, defined by an enclosing rectangle.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint8_t get_number_of_ticks() const
Returns the number of ticks to render across the graph.
std::uint16_t get_min_value() const
Returns the minimum value on the graph. Used to scale the graph's range.
void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
void set_value(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the value of the graph (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
std::uint8_t get_target_line_colour() const
Returns the target line colour as an index into the VT colour table.
std::uint16_t get_target_value_reference() const
Returns the target value reference object ID.
void set_options(std::uint8_t options)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
void set_number_of_ticks(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the number of ticks to render when drawing the graph.
std::uint8_t targetLineColour
Target line colour (if drawn).
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
Constructor for an output linear bar graph object.
~OutputLinearBarGraph() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output linear bar graph object.
std::uint16_t get_target_value() const
Returns the graph's target value (only matters if there's no target value reference).
void set_target_line_colour(std::uint8_t lineColour)
Sets the target line colour.
void set_target_value_reference(std::uint16_t valueReferenceObjectID)
Sets the target value reference object ID.
std::uint8_t numberOfTicks
Number of ticks to draw along the bar graph.
std::uint16_t value
Current value. Needle position set to this value, used if variable ref is NULL.
std::uint16_t get_max_value() const
Returns the max value for the graph.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Bitfield of options defined in Options enum.
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue)
Sets the value reference object ID, which is a number variable object that should be used to determin...
void set_colour(std::uint8_t graphColour)
Sets the colour of the graph.
void set_target_value(std::uint16_t valueTarget)
Sets the target value for the graph (only matters if there's no target value reference).
void set_max_value(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the max value for the graph.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint16_t get_value() const
Returns the value of the graph (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
std::uint8_t colour
Bar graph fill and border colour.
void set_min_value(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the minimum value on the graph.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint8_t get_colour() const
Returns the colour of the graph.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t targetValueReference
Object ID of a Number Variable object in which to retrieve the bar graph’s target value.
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the value reference object ID, which is a number variable object that should be used to deter...
std::uint16_t targetValue
Current target value. Used only if Target value variable Reference attribute is NULL.
Options that can be applied to the input number.
@ Direction
0 = Grows negative, 1 = Grows positive
@ BarGraphType
0 = Filled, 1 = not filled with value line
@ AxisOrientation
0 = vertical, 1 = horizontal
std::uint16_t variableReference
Object ID of a Number Variable object in which to retrieve the bar graph’s value.
Used to show one object out of a set of objects.
std::uint8_t get_number_of_list_items() const
Returns the number of items in the list.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint8_t numberOfListItems
Number of object references to follow. The size of the list can never exceed this number and this att...
void set_value(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the value of the selected list index (only matters if no child number variable object is present...
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint8_t value
Selected list index of this object. Used only if variable reference attribute is NULL.
~OutputList() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output list object.
std::uint16_t variableReference
The object ID of a number variable to use for the value/selected index, or NULL_OBJECT_ID.
std::uint8_t get_value() const
Returns the value of the selected list index (only matters if no child number variable object is pres...
bool change_list_item(std::uint8_t index, std::uint16_t newListItem, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool)
Changes a list item to a new ID by index.
void set_number_of_list_items(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the number of items in the list.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
Constructor for an output list object.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the variable reference, which is an object ID of a number variable or NULL_OBJECT_ID (0xFFFF)
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t referencedObjectID)
A dedicated way to set the stored variable reference so we don't have to worry about the child object...
This object is a meter. Meter is drawn about a circle enclosed within a defined square.
std::uint8_t get_number_of_ticks() const
Returns the number of ticks to render across the meter.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint8_t numberOfTicks
Number of ticks to draw about meter arc.
std::uint8_t get_needle_colour() const
Returns the value of the needle colour.
void set_options(std::uint8_t options)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint8_t get_end_angle() const
Returns the end angle of the meter.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the value reference object ID, which is a number variable object that should be used to deter...
void set_option(Options option, bool optionValue)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
std::uint8_t get_start_angle() const
Returns the start angle for the meter.
void set_needle_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex)
Sets the value of the needle colour.
void set_border_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex)
Sets the border colour of the meter.
void set_end_angle(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the end angle for this meter in degrees from the +x axis counter clockwise.
std::uint16_t get_min_value() const
Returns the minimum value of the output meter.
std::uint16_t get_value() const
Returns the value for the output meter (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
void set_min_value(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the minimum value of the output meter.
std::uint16_t minValue
Minimum value. Represents value when needle is at the start of arc.
void set_arc_and_tick_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex)
Sets the arc and tick colour for the meter.
void set_value(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the value of the output meter (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue)
Sets the value reference object ID, which is a number variable object that should be used to determin...
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint16_t variableReference
Object ID of a number variable to use for the value, or NULL_OBJECT_ID if not used.
std::uint16_t maxValue
Maximum value. Represents when the needle is at the end of the arc.
std::uint8_t startAngle
Start angle / 2 in degrees from positive X axis counterclockwise.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Bitfield of options defined in Options enum.
void set_number_of_ticks(std::uint8_t ticks)
Sets the number of ticks to render when drawing the meter.
std::uint8_t arcAndTickColour
Meter arc and tick colour (if drawn)
void set_max_value(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the max value for the output meter.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
void set_start_angle(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the start angle for the meter.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint16_t get_max_value() const
Returns the max value for the output meter.
Options that can be applied to the input number.
@ DeflectionDirection
0 = From min to max, counterclockwisee. 1 = from min to max, clockwise
~OutputMeter() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output meter object.
std::uint8_t get_arc_and_tick_colour() const
Returns the arc and tick colour for the meter.
std::uint8_t endAngle
End angle / 2 in degrees from positve X axis counterclockwise.
std::uint8_t needleColour
Needle (indicator) colour.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint8_t borderColour
Border colour (if drawn)
Constructor for an output meter object.
std::uint8_t get_border_colour() const
Returns the border colour of the meter.
std::uint16_t value
Current value. Needle position set to this value, used if variable ref is NULL.
This object is used to format and output a numeric value based on a supplied integer value.
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
std::uint16_t get_font_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Output Numb...
std::uint8_t get_number_of_decimals() const
Returns the number of decimals to render in the output number.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint8_t numberOfDecimals
Specifies number of decimals to display after the decimal point.
void set_number_of_decimals(std::uint8_t decimalValue)
Sets the number of decimals to render in the output number.
The allowable horizontal justification options.
@ PositionLeft
The output number is horizontally justified to the left side of its bounding box.
@ PositionRight
The output number is horizontally justified to the right side of its bounding box.
@ PositionMiddle
The output number is horizontally justified to the center of its bounding box.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t referencedObjectID)
A dedicated way to set the stored variable reference so we don't have to worry about the child object...
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Bitfield of options defined in Options enum.
float get_scale() const
Returns the scale factor of the output number.
void set_font_attributes(std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue)
Sets the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Output Number ...
std::uint32_t get_value() const
Returns the value of the output number (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
std::int32_t offset
Offset to be applied to the input value and min/max values.
void set_scale(float scaleValue)
Sets the scale factor for the output number.
void set_format(bool shouldFormatAsExponential)
Sets the format option for this object.
The allowable vertical justification options.
@ PositionBottom
The output number is vertically justified to the bottom of its bounding box.
@ PositionTop
The output number is vertically justified to the top of its bounding box.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
std::uint8_t justificationBitfield
Bitfield of justification options.
void set_value(std::uint32_t inputValue)
Sets the value of the output number (only matters if there's no child number variable object).
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t variableReference
Stores the object ID of a number variable that will be used as the value, or the NULL_OBJECT_ID if no...
bool get_format() const
Returns if the "format" option is set for this object.
Options that can be applied to the input number.
@ Transparent
If true, the input field is displayed with background showing through instead of using the background...
@ DisplayZeroAsBlank
When this option bit is set, a blank field is displayed if and only if the displayed value of the obj...
@ DisplayLeadingZeros
If true, fill left to width of field with zeros; justification is applied after filling.
@ Truncate
If true the value shall be truncated to the specified number of decimals. Otherwise it shall be round...
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::int32_t get_offset() const
Returns the offset that is applied to the output number.
VerticalJustification get_vertical_justification() const
Returns the vertical justification of the output number within its bounding box.
std::uint32_t value
Raw unsigned value of the output field before scaling (unsigned 32-bit integer). Used only if variabl...
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
void set_justification_bitfield(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the justification bitfield to a new value.
~OutputNumber() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output number object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint16_t fontAttributes
Stores the object ID of a font attributes object that will be used to display this object.
void set_option(Options option, bool value)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
Constructor for an output number object.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the variable reference, which is an object ID of a number variable or NULL_OBJECT_ID (0xFFFF)
void set_options(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
float scale
Scale to be applied to the input value and min/max values.
bool format
0 = use fixed format decimal display (####.nn), 1 = use exponential format ([-]###....
void set_offset(std::int32_t offsetValue)
Sets the offset of the output number.
HorizontalJustification get_horizontal_justification() const
Returns the horizontal justification of the output number within its bounding box.
This object outputs a polygon.
void set_type(PolygonType value)
Sets the polygon type for this object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint16_t get_line_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of the line attributes used to display this polygon's lines.
void set_fill_attributes(std::uint16_t fillAttributesObject)
Sets the object ID of the fill attributes used to display this polygon's fill. Does not perform any e...
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
void add_point(std::uint16_t x, std::uint16_t y)
Adds a point to the polygon, defined by x and y coordinates.
void set_line_attributes(std::uint16_t lineAttributesObject)
Sets the object ID of the line attributes used to display this polygon's lines. Does not perform any ...
std::vector< PolygonPoint > pointList
List of points that make up the polygon. Must be at least 3 points!
std::uint16_t get_fill_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of the fill attributes used to display this polygon's fill.
std::uint8_t polygonType
The polygon type. Affects how the object gets drawn.
Polygon type. The first three types are useful only if the polygon is to be filled.
@ Complex
Similar to Non-convex but edges cross. Uses Complex Fill Algorithm.
@ Convex
On any given horizontal line, only two points on the polygon are encountered.
@ Open
This type cannot be filled.
@ NonConvex
On any given horizontal line, more than two points on the polygon edges can be encountered but the po...
std::uint8_t get_number_of_points() const
Returns the number of polygon points.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
PolygonType get_type() const
Returns the polygon type of this object.
PolygonPoint get_point(std::uint8_t index)
Returns a point from the polygon by index.
~OutputPolygon() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output polygon object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Constructor for an output polygon object.
std::uint16_t fillAttributes
Object ID of fill attributes used to display this polygon.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint16_t lineAttributes
Object ID of line attributes used to display this polygon.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
This object outputs a rectangle shape.
std::uint8_t get_line_suppression_bitfield() const
Returns the line suppression bitfield.
~OutputRectangle() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output rectangle object.
std::uint16_t lineAttributes
Object ID of line attributes used to display this rectangle.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
void set_line_suppression_bitfield(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the line suppression bitfield value.
void set_line_attributes(std::uint16_t lineAttributesObject)
Sets the object ID of the line attributes used to display this rectangle's lines. Does not perform an...
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t fillAttributes
Object ID of fill attributes used to display this rectangle.
std::uint16_t get_line_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of the line attributes used to display this rectangle's lines.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
Constructor for an output rectangle object.
std::uint16_t get_fill_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of the fill attributes used to display this rectangle's fill.
std::uint8_t lineSuppressionBitfield
Bitfield of line suppression options.
The different line suppression options.
@ SuppressLeftSideLine
Suppress the left line of the rectangle.
@ SuppressBottomLine
Suppress the bottom line of the rectangle.
@ SuppressTopLine
Suppress the top line of the rectangle.
@ SuppressRightSideLine
Suppress the right side of the rectangle.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
void set_fill_attributes(std::uint16_t fillAttributesObject)
Sets the object ID of the fill attributes used to display this rectangle's fill. Does not perform any...
This object is used to output a string of text.
The allowable vertical justification options.
@ PositionBottom
Output string is vertically aligned to the bottom of its bounding box.
@ PositionTop
Output string is vertically aligned to the top of its bounding box.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
Constructor for an output string object.
void set_font_attributes(std::uint16_t fontAttributesValue)
Sets the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Output String ...
The allowable horizontal justification options.
@ PositionLeft
Output string is horizontally aligned to the left of its bounding box.
@ PositionRight
Output string is horizontally aligned to the right of its bounding box.
@ PositionMiddle
Output string is horizontally aligned to the center of its bounding box.
std::string get_value() const
Returns the value of the string, used only if the variable reference (a child var string) is NULL_OBJ...
std::string stringValue
The actual string. Used only if variable reference attribute is NULL. Pad with spaces as necessary to...
void set_justification_bitfield(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the justification bitfield for the object to a new value.
void set_options(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
void set_variable_reference(std::uint16_t variableReferenceValue)
Sets the object ID of a string variable object that contains the value of the Output String object....
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
std::uint16_t get_variable_reference() const
Returns the object ID of a string variable object that contains the value of the Output String object...
HorizontalJustification get_horizontal_justification() const
Returns the horizontal justification of the output string within its bounding box.
std::uint16_t fontAttributes
Stores the object ID of a font attributes object that will be used to display this object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
Enumerates the option bits in the options bitfield for an output string.
@ WrapOnHyphen
If TRUE, Auto-Wrapping can occur between a hyphen and the next character.
@ Transparent
If TRUE, the output field is displayed with background showing through instead of using the backgroun...
@ AutoWrap
Auto-Wrapping rules apply.
void set_option(Options option, bool value)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
void set_value(const std::string &value)
Sets the value of the string (only matters if it has no child string variable)
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint16_t get_font_attributes() const
Returns the object ID of a font attributes object that defines the font attributes of the Output Stri...
std::uint8_t justificationBitfield
Bitfield of justification options.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t variableReference
Stores the object ID of a string variable object that will be used in place of the string value attri...
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Bitfield of options defined in Options enum.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
VerticalJustification get_vertical_justification() const
Returns the vertical justification of the output string within its bounding box.
~OutputString() override=default
Virtual destructor for an output string object.
This object displays a picture graphic (bitmap)
void set_format(Format value)
Sets the picture's colour format.
std::uint32_t get_number_of_bytes_in_raw_data() const
Returns the number of bytes in the raw data that comprises the underlying bitmap.
std::uint16_t get_actual_height() const
Returns the actual height of the underlying bitmap.
void set_raw_data(const std::uint8_t *data, std::uint32_t size)
Sets a large chunk of data to the underlying bitmap.
std::uint16_t actualHeight
The actual height of the bitmap.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Options bitfield, see the options enum.
std::uint8_t formatByte
The format option byte.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Enumerates the different options bits in the options bitfield.
@ RunLengthEncoded
Data is RLE See Clause B.12.2 Picture Graphic object raw data format and compression.
@ Transparent
0 = Opaque, 1 = Transparent
@ Flashing
0 = Normal, 1 = Flashing
void set_number_of_bytes_in_raw_data(std::uint32_t value)
Sets the number of bytes in the raw data that comprises the underlying bitmap.
void set_actual_height(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the actual height of the underlying bitmap.
std::vector< std::uint8_t > rawData
The raw picture data. Not a standard bitmap, but rather indicies into the VT colour table.
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
std::vector< std::uint8_t > & get_raw_data()
Returns a reference to the underlying bitmap data.
void set_actual_width(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the actual width of the underlying bitmap.
std::uint8_t transparencyColour
The colour to render as transparent if so set in the options.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
~PictureGraphic() override=default
Virtual destructor for a picture graphic (bitmap) object.
std::uint32_t numberOfBytesInRawData
Number of bytes of raw data.
void set_transparency_colour(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the transparency colour to use when rendering the object as an index into the VT colour table.
Enumerates the different colour formats a picture graphic can have (mutually exclusive)
@ EightBitColour
colour pixel per byte. Each byte represents a colour palette index of 0 through 255
@ FourBitColour
2 colour pixels per byte. Each nibble(4 bits) represents a colour palette index of 0 through 15.
@ Monochrome
Monochrome; 8 pixels per byte. Each bit represents a colour palette index of 0 or 1.
std::uint16_t actualWidth
The actual width of the bitmap.
std::uint16_t get_actual_width() const
Returns the actual width of the underlying bitmap.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
Format get_format() const
Returns the picture's colour format.
Constructor for a picture graphic (bitmap) object.
void set_options(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
void set_option(Options option, bool value)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
void add_raw_data(std::uint8_t dataByte)
Sets one byte of raw data to the underlying bitmap.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
std::uint8_t get_transparency_colour() const
Returns the transparency colour to use when rendering the object as an index into the VT colour table...
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
The Soft Key Mask is a Container object that contains Key objects, Object Pointer objects,...
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
Constructor for a soft key mask object.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
~SoftKeyMask() override=default
Virtual destructor for a soft key mask object.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
A String Variable holds a fixed length string.
~StringVariable() override=default
Virtual destructor for a string variable object.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::string get_value() const
Returns the actual string value stored in this object.
void set_value(const std::string &value)
Sets the actual string value stored in this object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
Constructor for a string variable object.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::string value
The actual value of the string, for non utf-16 strings.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
An object that represents the VT's active colour table.
static constexpr std::size_t VT_COLOUR_TABLE_SIZE
The size of the VT colour table as specified in ISO11783-6.
Constructor for a VT colour table.
std::array< VTColourVector, VT_COLOUR_TABLE_SIZE > colourTable
Colour table data. Associates VT colour index with RGB value.
VTColourVector get_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex) const
Returns the colour vector associated to the specified VT colour index, which is what gets provided no...
void set_colour(std::uint8_t colourIndex, VTColourVector newColour)
Sets the specified VT colour index to a new RGB colour value.
float g
Green value for a pixel, range 0.0f to 1.0f.
constexpr VTColourVector()
Default constructor for a VT Colour, which produces the colour black.
constexpr VTColourVector(float red, float green, float blue)
Constructor for a VT Colour which initializes to an arbitrary colour.
float r
Red value for a pixel, range 0.0f to 1.0f.
float b
Blue value for a pixel, range 0.0f to 1.0f.
std::int16_t yLocation
Relative Y location of the top left corner of the object.
std::int16_t xLocation
Relative X location of the top left corner of the object.
Default constructor for child object data with default values.
Generic VT object base class.
bool offset_all_children_with_id(std::uint16_t childObjectID, std::int8_t xOffset, std::int8_t yOffset)
Offsets all child objects with the specified ID by the amount specified relative to its parent.
std::uint16_t width
The width of the object. Not always applicable, but often used.
void set_child_x(std::uint16_t index, std::int16_t xOffset)
Sets the X offset of the child object associated with the specified index into the parent object.
MacroMetadata get_macro(std::uint8_t index) const
Returns the macro ID at the specified index.
virtual VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const =0
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
std::uint16_t get_id() const
Returns the object ID of this VT object.
Enumerates the bit indices of the error fields that can be set when changing an attribute.
std::uint16_t height
The height of the object. Not always applicable, but often used.
static std::shared_ptr< VTObject > get_object_by_id(std::uint16_t objectID, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool)
Returns a VT object from its member pool by ID, or the null id if it does not exist.
void pop_child()
Removes the last added child object. This is meant to be a faster way to deal with objects that only ...
void add_macro(MacroMetadata macroToAdd)
Adds a macro to the list of macros referenced by this object.
std::uint16_t get_child_id(std::uint16_t index) const
Returns the ID of the child by index, if one was added previously.
void add_child(std::uint16_t objectID, std::int16_t relativeXLocation, std::int16_t relativeYLocation)
Adds an object as a child to another object, which essentially creates a tree of object association.
void set_child_y(std::uint16_t index, std::int16_t yOffset)
Sets the Y offset of the child object associated with the specified index into the parent object.
std::uint16_t objectID
Object identifier. Shall be unique within the object pool.
std::uint16_t get_number_children() const
Returns the number of child objects within this object.
std::int16_t get_child_y(std::uint16_t index) const
Returns the Y offset of the child object associated with the specified index into the parent object.
void set_width(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the width of this object in px.
virtual bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError)=0
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Constructor for a generic VT object. Sets up default values and the pointer to the member object pool...
void remove_child(std::uint16_t objectIDToRemove, std::int16_t relativeXLocation, std::int16_t relativeYLocation)
Removes an object reference from another object. All fields must exactly match for the object to be r...
std::uint8_t backgroundColor
The background color (from the VT colour table)
virtual bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const =0
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::int16_t get_child_x(std::uint16_t index) const
Returns the X offset of the child object associated with the specified index into the parent object.
void set_background_color(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the background color attribute of this object.
std::uint16_t get_height() const
Returns the height of this object in px.
std::vector< MacroMetadata > macros
List of macros referenced by this object.
void set_id(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the object ID of this VT object.
std::vector< ChildObjectData > children
List of child objects.
void set_height(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the height of this object in px.
std::uint8_t get_number_macros() const
Returns the number of macros referenced by this object.
std::uint16_t get_width() const
Returns the width of this object in px.
std::uint8_t get_background_color() const
Returns the background color attribute of this object.
virtual std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const =0
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
virtual ~VTObject()=default
Virtual destructor for a generic VT object.
virtual bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const =0
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
Defines a window mask object.
Constructor for a window mask object.
void set_option(Options option, bool value)
Sets a single option in the options bitfield to the specified value.
~WindowMask() override=default
Virtual destructor for a window mask object.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
std::uint16_t get_title_object_id() const
Returns Object ID of an Output String object or an Object Pointer object that points to an Output Str...
Enumerates the different kinds of window masks which imply how they are displayed and what they conta...
@ NumericOutputValueNoUnits2x1
This window displays a single numeric output with no units of measure in two horizontal window cells.
@ NumericInputValueWithUnits1x1
This window displays a single numeric input with units of measure in a single window cell.
@ NumericOutputValueWithUnits2x1
This window displays a single numeric output with units of measure in two horizontal window cells.
@ NumericInputValueWithUnits2x1
This window displays a single numeric input with units of measure in two horizontal window cells.
@ StringInputValue1x1
This window displays a single string input in a single window cell.
@ Freeform
the Working Set supplies and positions all child objects contained inside the window....
@ NumericInputValueNoUnits2x1
This window displays a single numeric input with no units of measure in two horizontal window cells.
@ NumericInputValueNoUnits1x1
This window displays a single numeric input with no units of measure in a single window cell.
@ StringInputValue2x1
This window displays a single string input in two horizontal window cells.
@ HorizontalLinearBarGraphNoUnits1x1
This window displays a single horizontal linear bar graph in a single window cell.
@ SingleButton2x1
This window displays a single Button object in two horizontal window cells.
@ SingleButton1x1
This window displays a single Button object in a single window cell.
@ HorizontalLinearBarGraphNoUnits2x1
This window displays a single horizontal linear bar graph in two horizontal window cells.
@ NumericOutputValueWithUnits1x1
This window displays a single numeric output with units of measure in a single window cell.
@ DoubleButton1x1
This window displays two Button objects in a single window cell.
@ StringOutputValue2x1
This window displays a single string output in two horizontal window cells.
@ StringOutputValue1x1
This window displays a single string output in a single window cell.
@ NumericOutputValueNoUnits1x1
This window displays a single numeric output with no units of measure in a single window cell.
@ DoubleButton2x1
This window displays two Button objects in two horizontal window cells.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
std::uint16_t name
Object ID of an Output String object or an Object Pointer object that points to an Output String obje...
bool get_option(Options option) const
Returns the state of a single option in the object's option bitfield.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
void set_window_type(WindowType type)
Sets the window type for this object.
WindowType get_window_type() const
Returns the window type for this object.
std::uint8_t windowType
The window type, which implies its size.
void set_icon_object_id(std::uint16_t object)
Sets the object ID of an output object that contains an icon for the window.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
std::uint8_t optionsBitfield
Bitfield of options defined in Options enum.
std::uint16_t icon
Object ID of an Output object or an Object Pointer object that points to an Output object that contai...
std::uint16_t title
Object ID of an Output String object or an Object Pointer object that points to an Output String obje...
void set_title_object_id(std::uint16_t object)
Sets the Object ID of an Output String object or an Object Pointer object that points to an Output St...
void set_name_object_id(std::uint16_t object)
Sets the object ID of an Output String object or an Object Pointer object that points to an Output St...
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
std::uint16_t get_name_object_id() const
Returns object ID of an Output String object or an Object Pointer object that points to an Output Str...
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
std::uint16_t get_icon_object_id() const
Returns the object ID of an output object that contains an icon for the window.
Enumerates the bit indexes of options encoded in the object's options bitfield.
@ Transparent
Transparent. If this bit is 1, the background colour attribute shall not be used and the Window shall...
@ Available
If 0 (FALSE) this window is not available for use at the present time, even though defined.
void set_options(std::uint8_t value)
Sets the options bitfield for this object to a new value.
This object shall include one or more objects that fit inside a Soft Key designator for use as an ide...
std::vector< std::string > languageCodes
A list of 2 character language codes, like "en".
std::uint16_t activeMask
The currently active mask for this working set.
std::uint16_t get_active_mask() const
Returns tha currently active mask for this working set.
Enumerates this object's attributes which are assigned an attribute ID. The Change Attribute command ...
bool selectable
If this working set is selectable right now.
void set_active_mask(std::uint16_t value)
Sets the object id of the active mask for this working set.
std::uint32_t get_minumum_object_length() const override
Returns the minimum binary serialized length of the associated object.
bool get_is_valid(const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool) const override
Performs basic error checking on the object and returns if the object is valid.
void set_selectable(bool value)
Sets if the working set is selectable.
static constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_OBJECT_LENGTH
The fewest bytes of IOP data that can represent this object.
bool get_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t &returnedAttributeData) const override
Gets an attribute and returns the raw data in the last parameter.
~WorkingSet() override=default
Virtual destructor for a working set object.
bool get_selectable() const
Returns if the working set is currently selectable.
VirtualTerminalObjectType get_object_type() const override
Returns the VT object type of the underlying derived object.
bool set_attribute(std::uint8_t attributeID, std::uint32_t rawAttributeData, const std::map< std::uint16_t, std::shared_ptr< VTObject > > &objectPool, AttributeError &returnedError) override
Sets an attribute and optionally returns an error code in the last parameter.
Constructor for a working set object.
This namespace encompasses all of the ISO11783 stack's functionality to reduce global namespace pollu...
constexpr std::uint16_t NULL_OBJECT_ID
Special ID used to indicate no object.
Enumerates VT events. Events can be uniquely associated with a Macro object to execute when the event...
@ OnChangeSize
Change Size command.
@ OnShow
For Container objects, triggered by the hide/show command, with "show" indicated; For mask objects,...
@ OnEntryOfANewValue
Operator completes entry by activating the ENTER means - value has changed.
@ OnChangeAttribute
Change Attribute command.
@ OnHide
For Container objects, triggered by the hide/show command, with "hide" indicated; for mask objects,...
@ OnChangeValue
Change numeric value or change string value command.
@ OnChangePriority
Change Priority command.
Input aborted on an input field either by the operator or the Working Set.
@ OnKeyPress
A Soft Key or Button is pressed.
@ OnDisable
Input object is disabled (only enabled input objects can be navigated to). An Animation object is dis...
@ OnChangeEndpoint
Change Endpoint command.
@ OnPointingEventRelease
Operator touch/click is released.
@ OnChangeSoftKeyMask
Change Soft Key mask command.
@ OnChangeBackgroundColour
Change Background Colour command.
@ OnInputFieldDeselection
The input field, Key or Button has lost focus, operator has navigated off of the input field or Butto...
@ OnActivate
Working set is made active.
@ ChangeLineAttributes
Change Line Attributes command.
@ OnEnable
Input object is enabled (only enabled input objects can be navigated to). An Animation object is enab...
@ ProprietaryRangeBegin
Proprietary range begin.
@ OnDeactivate
Working set is made inactive.
@ OnEntryOfAValue
Operator completes entry by activating the ENTER means - value does not have to change.
@ OnPointingEventPress
Operator touches/clicks an area that causes a pointing event.
@ ProprietaryRangeEnd
Proprietary range end.
@ OnInputFieldSelection
The input field, Key or Button has received focus, operator has navigated onto the input field or But...
@ ChangeFontAttributes
Change Font Attributes command.
@ ChangeFillAttributes
Change Fill Attributes command.
@ UseExtendedMacroReference
This is not an event. When value is found in the event list of an object, it indicates that a 16 bit ...
@ OnKeyRelease
A Soft Key or Button is released.
@ ChangeChildLocation
Change Child Location command.
@ OnChangeActiveMask
Change Active mask command.
@ OnChangeChildPosition
Change Child Position command.
The types of objects in an object pool by object type byte value.
@ ManufacturerDefined9
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ GraphicData
Used to define the data for a graphic image.
@ ExternalReferenceNAME
Used to identify the WS Master of a Working Set that can be referenced.
@ ManufacturerDefined3
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined14
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ObjectLabelRefrenceList
Used to specify an object label.
@ ManufacturerDefined4
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined5
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined10
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined8
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined6
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined7
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined11
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ GraphicsContext
Used to output a graphics context.
@ ManufacturerDefined2
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined13
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined15
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ScaledGraphic
Used to display a scaled representation of a graphic object.
@ ExternalObjectDefinition
Used to list the objects that may be referenced from another Working Set.
@ Animation
The Animation object is used to display simple animations.
@ ManufacturerDefined1
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
@ ManufacturerDefined12
Manufacturer defined objects should not be sent to any other Vendors VT.
A helper structure to group a macro ID with an event ID.
EventID event
The event that triggers this macro.
std::uint16_t macroID
The ID of the macro to execute.
std::uint16_t yValue
Y value of a point relative to the top left corner of the polygon.
std::uint16_t xValue
X value of a point relative to the top left corner of the polygon.