A control-function-focused implementation of the major ISOBUS and J1939 protocols
►Nisobus | This namespace encompasses all of the ISO11783 stack's functionality to reduce global namespace pollution |
►NNMEA2000Messages | A namespace for generic NMEA2000 message definitions |
CCourseOverGroundSpeedOverGroundRapidUpdate | Represents the data sent in the NMEA2K PGN 129026 (0x1F802) |
CDatum | A NMEA2000 message that describes datum (reference frame) information. PGN 129044 (0x1F814) A common one might be the WGS84 datum or the NSRS, for example |
►CGNSSPositionData | Represents the data sent in the NMEA2K PGN 129029 (0x1F805) |
CReferenceStationData | Used to group related reference station data together |
CPositionDeltaHighPrecisionRapidUpdate | This message is a way for a GNSS receiver to provide a current position without using fast packet based on The content of the last position data combined from the GNSS Position Data message and any prior position delta messages. This PGN provides latitude and longitude referenced to WGS84 |
CPositionRapidUpdate | Represents the data sent in the NMEA2K PGN 129025 (0x1F801) |
CRateOfTurn | Represents the data sent in the NMEA2K PGN 127251 (0x1F113) |
CVesselHeading | Represents the data sent in the NMEA2K PGN 127250 (0x1F112) |
►Ntask_controller_object | A namespace that contains the generic task controller objects |
CDeviceElementObject | DeviceElementObject is the object definition of the XML element DeviceElement. The attribute Type specifies the type of this particular element definition |
CDeviceObject | Each device shall have one single DeviceObject in its device descriptor object pool. see A.2 in ISO11783-10 |
CDeviceProcessDataObject | The DeviceProcessDataObject is the object definition of the XML element DeviceProcessData. Each object contains a single process data variable definition |
CDevicePropertyObject | DevicePropertyObject is the object definition of the XML element DeviceProperty. Each object contains a single DeviceElementProperty definition |
CDeviceValuePresentationObject | This object contains the presentation information to display the value of a DeviceProcessData or DeviceProperty object.The device can update these objects when the language and/or units of measure are changed by the operator |
CObject | A base class for a Task Controller Object |
CAddressClaimStateMachine | Forward declare CANMessage |
►CAgriculturalGuidanceInterface | An interface for sending and receiving ISOBUS guidance messages |
CGuidanceMachineInfo | An interface for sending and receiving the ISOBUS agricultural guidance machine message |
CGuidanceSystemCommand | An interface for sending the agricultural guidance system command message |
CAlarmMask | Similar to a data mask, but takes priority and will be shown over data masks |
CAuxiliaryControlDesignatorType2 | Defines an auxiliary control designator type 2 object. Auxiliary Control Designator Type 2 Object Pointers allow the Working Set to place Auxiliary Input Type 2 and Auxiliary Function Type 2 designators in the Data Mask at Working Set defined coordinates |
CAuxiliaryFunctionType1 | Defines an auxiliary function type 1 object |
CAuxiliaryFunctionType2 | Defines an auxiliary function type 2 object |
CAuxiliaryInputType1 | Defines an auxiliary input type 1 object |
CAuxiliaryInputType2 | Defines an auxiliary input type 2 object |
CButton | The Button object defines a button control |
►CCANHardwareInterface | Provides a common queuing and thread layer for running the CAN stack and all CAN drivers |
CCANHardware | Stores the data for a single CAN channel |
CCANHardwarePlugin | An abstract base class for a CAN driver |
CCANIdentifier | A utility class that allows easy interpretation of a 32 bit CAN identifier |
CCANMessage | A class that represents a generic CAN message of arbitrary length |
CCANMessageData | A interface class that represents data payload of a CAN message of arbitrary length |
CCANMessageDataCallback | A class that represents data of a CAN message by using a callback function |
CCANMessageDataVector | A class that represents data of a CAN message by holding a vector of bytes |
CCANMessageDataView | A class that represents data of a CAN message by holding a view of an array of bytes. The view is not owned by this class, it is simply holding a pointer to the array of bytes |
CCANMessageFrame | A CAN frame for interfacing with a hardware layer, like socket CAN or other interface |
CCANNetworkConfiguration | A class that defines stack-wide configuration data. You can set the values in there to suit your specific memory constraints |
CCANNetworkManager | The main CAN network manager object, handles protocol management and updating other stack components. Provides an interface for sending CAN messages |
CCANStackLogger | A base class for a CAN logger, used to get diagnostic info from the CAN stack |
CColourMap | Defines a colour map object. The Colour Map object, optionally available in VT version 4 and 5, and mandatory in VT version 6 and later, allows the Working Set designer to alter the transformation of the VT colour index values to the defined RGB value. This provides a mechanism where the colours table can be changed at run-time |
CContainer | The Container object is used to group objects for the purpose of moving, hiding or sharing the group |
CControlFunction | A class that describes an ISO11783 control function, which includes a NAME and address |
►CControlFunctionFunctionalities | Manages the control function functionalities message |
CFunctionalityData | Stores the raw byte data associated with a functionality based on what the user has enabled and what options the user has set for that functionality |
►CDataDictionary | This class contains the definition of an auto-generated lookup of all ISOBUS DDIs |
CEntry | A struct containing the information for a single DDI |
CDataMask | The Data Mask describes the objects that will appear in the Data Mask area of the physical display |
CDeviceDescriptorObjectPool | Defines a device descriptor object pool |
►CDeviceDescriptorObjectPoolHelper | Helper object for parsing DDOPs |
CBoom | A helper class that describes a boom This is used to describe a boom, or more generally, an ISO11783-10 function element |
CImplement | A helper class that describes an implement based on its DDOP |
CObjectPoolValue | A wrapper for a DDOP value which tells you if the value was actually supplied by the DDOP |
CProductControlInformation | A helper class that groups product rate infomation together. A TC server could use this to know quickly what rates are available and how to interact with them. Use the associated element number and DDI to perform value commands and requests with a client |
CRateMetadata | A helper class that groups a DDI with an object id |
CSection | A helper class that describes an individual section of a boom. This is used to describe the sections of a boom. Units are defined in mm as specified in the ISO 11783-10 standard. X offsets are fore/aft. Y offsets are left/right again as defined in the ISO 11783-10 standard |
CSubBoom | A helper class that describes a sub boom (not all devices support this) |
►CDiagnosticProtocol | Manages the DM1, DM2, and DM3 messages for ISO11783 or J1939 |
CDiagnosticTroubleCode | A storage class for describing a complete DTC |
CDM22Data | A structure to hold data about DM22 responses we need to send |
►CExtendedInputAttributes | The Extended Input Attributes object, available in VT version 4 and later, defines the valid or invalid characters for an Input String object |
CCodePlane | Stores data for a code plane (for utf-16 strings) |
►CExtendedTransportProtocolManager | A class that handles the ISO11783 extended transport protocol |
CExtendedTransportProtocolSession | A storage object to keep track of session information internally |
CExternalObjectPointer | The External Object Pointer object, available in VT version 5 and later, allows a Working Set to display objects that exist in another Working Set’s object pool |
►CFastPacketProtocol | A protocol that handles the NMEA 2000 fast packet protocol |
CFastPacketHistory | A structure for keeping track of past sessions so we can resume with the right session number |
CFastPacketProtocolSession | An object for tracking fast packet session state |
CFillAttributes | This object holds attributes related to filling output shape objects |
CFlexCANT4Plugin | An interface for using FlexCAN_T4 on a Teensy4/4.1 device |
CFontAttributes | This object holds attributes related to fonts |
►CHeartbeatInterface | This class is used to send and receive ISOBUS heartbeats |
CHeartbeat | This class is used to store information about a tracked heartbeat |
CInnoMakerUSB2CANWindowsPlugin | A Windows CAN Driver for InnoMaker USB2CAN devices |
CInputAttributes | This object defines the valid or invalid characters for an Input String object |
CInputBoolean | The Input Boolean object is used to input a TRUE/FALSE type indication from the operator |
CInputList | The Input List object is used to show one object out of a set of objects, and to allow operator selection of one object from the set |
CInputNumber | This object is used to format, display and change a numeric value based on a supplied integer value |
CInputString | This object is used to input a character string from the operator |
CInternalControlFunction | Describes an internal ECU's NAME and address data. Used to send CAN messages |
CKey | The Key object defines the designator and key code for a Soft Key. Any object located outside of a Soft Key designator is clipped |
CKeyGroup | The Key objects contained in this object shall be a grouping of Key objects, or Object Pointers to Key objects |
CLanguageCommandInterface | An interface for requesting and parsing the ISO11783 language command PGN, 0xFE0F |
CLineAttributes | Defines a line attributes object, which describes how lines should be displayed on the VT |
CMacCANPCANPlugin | A Mac OS CAN Driver for PEAK PCAN Devices |
CMacro | Defines a macro object. Performs a list of commands based on a message or event |
CMacroMetadata | A helper structure to group a macro ID with an event ID |
►CMaintainPowerInterface | Manages sending and receiving the maintain power message (PGN 65095) |
CMaintainPowerData | Stores information sent/received in a maintain power message |
CMCP2515CANInterface | A CAN Driver for the MCP2515 CAN controller |
CNAME | A class that represents an ISO11783 control function NAME from an address claim |
CNAMEFilter | A class that associates a NAME parameter with a value of that parameter |
CNMEA2000MessageInterface | An interface for sending and receiving common NMEA2000 messages on an ISO11783 network |
CNumberVariable | A number variable holds a 32-bit unsigned integer value |
CObjectPointer | Points to another object |
COutputArchedBarGraph | TThis object is similar in concept to a linear bar graph but appears arched. Arched bar graphs are drawn about an Output Ellipse object enclosed within a defined rectangle |
COutputEllipse | This object outputs an ellipse or circle shape |
COutputLine | This object outputs a line shape. The starting point for the line is found in the parent object |
COutputLinearBarGraph | This is a linear bar graph or thermometer, defined by an enclosing rectangle |
COutputList | Used to show one object out of a set of objects |
COutputMeter | This object is a meter. Meter is drawn about a circle enclosed within a defined square |
COutputNumber | This object is used to format and output a numeric value based on a supplied integer value |
►COutputPolygon | This object outputs a polygon |
CPolygonPoint | Stores a cartesian polygon point |
COutputRectangle | This object outputs a rectangle shape |
COutputString | This object is used to output a string of text |
CParameterGroupNumberCallbackData | A storage class to hold data about callbacks for a specific PGN |
►CParameterGroupNumberRequestProtocol | A protocol that handles PGN requests |
CPGNRequestCallbackInfo | A storage class for holding PGN callbacks and their associated PGN |
CPGNRequestForRepetitionRateCallbackInfo | A storage class for holding PGN callbacks and their associated PGN |
CPartneredControlFunction | This represents any device on the bus you want to talk to |
CPCANBasicWindowsPlugin | A Windows CAN Driver for PEAK PCAN Devices |
CPictureGraphic | This object displays a picture graphic (bitmap) |
►CShortcutButtonInterface | An interface for communicating as or interpreting the messages of ISOBUS Shortcut Buttons |
CISBServerData | Stores data about a sender of the stop all implement operations switch state |
CSocketCANdNetworkInterface | A CAN Driver for using socket CAN remotely over TCP socket |
CSocketCANInterface | A CAN Driver for Linux socket CAN |
CSoftKeyMask | The Soft Key Mask is a Container object that contains Key objects, Object Pointer objects, or External Object Pointer objects |
►CSpeedMessagesInterface | This interface manages and parses ISOBUS speed messages |
CGroundBasedSpeedData | Message normally sent by the Tractor ECU on the implement bus on construction and agricultural implements providing to connected systems the current measured ground speed (also includes a free-running distance counter and an indication of the direction of travel) |
CMachineSelectedSpeedCommandData | Message that provides the control of the machine speed and direction. If you receive this message, you can sniff the speed commands being sent to the TECU or act as the TECU or propulsion interface yourself |
CMachineSelectedSpeedData | Message that provides the current machine selected speed, direction and source parameters |
CWheelBasedMachineSpeedData | Groups the data encoded in an ISO "Wheel-based Speed and Distance" message |
CSPIHardwarePlugin | An abstract base class for SPI communication |
CSPIInterfaceESP | A driver for (synchronous) SPI communication on ESP platforms |
CSPITransactionFrame | A class containing the data for a single SPI transaction |
CStringVariable | A String Variable holds a fixed length string |
CSysTecWindowsPlugin | A Windows CAN Driver for SYS TEC electronic AG USB CAN modules |
►CTaskControllerClient | A class to manage a client connection to a ISOBUS field computer's task controller or data logger |
CProcessDataCallbackInfo | Stores data related to requests and commands from the TC |
CRequestValueCommandCallbackInfo | Stores a TC value command callback along with its parent pointer |
CValueCommandCallbackInfo | Stores a TC value command callback along with its parent pointer |
CTaskControllerOptions | A helper class to assign TC server options. You can use this by doing something like this: TaskControllerServer::TaskControllerOptions().with_documentation().with_tc_geo_with_position_based_control(); Or you can set the settings yourself, manually |
►CTaskControllerServer | An ISO11783-10 task controller (or data logger) server. A task controller collects task data from connected implements, and optionally controls them. This interface supports the CAN layer of TC-SC, TC-GEO, and TC-BAS |
CActiveClient | Stores information about a client that is currently being communicated with |
CTouCANPlugin | An interface for using a Rusoku TouCAN device via the VSCP CANAL api |
►CTransportProtocolManager | A class that handles the ISO11783/J1939 transport protocol |
CTransportProtocolSession | A storage object to keep track of session information internally |
CTransportProtocolSessionBase | An object to keep track of session information internally |
►CVirtualCANPlugin | An OS and hardware independent virtual CAN interface driver for testing purposes |
CVirtualDevice | A struct holding information about a virtual CAN device |
►CVirtualTerminalClient | An client interface for interacting with a virtual terminal (VT) server |
CAssignedAuxiliaryFunction | A struct for storing information of a function assigned to an auxiliary input |
CAssignedAuxiliaryInputDevice | A struct for storing information about an auxiliary input device |
CAuxiliaryFunctionEvent | A struct for storing information of an auxilary function event |
CAuxiliaryInputState | Struct for storing the state of an auxiliary input on our device |
CObjectPoolDataStruct | An object for storing information regarding an object pool upload |
CVTAudioSignalTerminationEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT control audio signal termination event |
CVTChangeActiveMaskEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT change active mask event |
CVTChangeNumericValueEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT change numeric value event |
CVTChangeSoftKeyMaskEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT change soft key mask event |
CVTChangeStringValueEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT change string value event |
CVTESCMessageEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT ESC message event |
CVTKeyEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT key input event |
CVTPointingEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT pointing event |
CVTSelectInputObjectEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT input object selection event |
CVTUserLayoutHideShowEvent | A struct for storing information of a VT on user-layout hide/show event |
►CVirtualTerminalClientStateTracker | A helper class to update and track the state of an active working set |
CChangeAttributeCommand | Data structure to hold the properties of a change attribute command |
CVirtualTerminalClientUpdateHelper | A helper class to update and track the state of an active working set |
CVTColourTable | An object that represents the VT's active colour table |
CVTColourVector | VT 3 component colour vector |
►CVTObject | Generic VT object base class |
CChildObjectData | Storage for child object data |
CWindowMask | Defines a window mask object |
CWorkingSet | This object shall include one or more objects that fit inside a Soft Key designator for use as an identification of the Working Set |
►Nstd | |
Chash< isobus::VirtualTerminalClient::FontSize > | Hashes a font size |
CCANLibBadge | This is a way to protect functions on public interfaces from being accessed by objects that shouldn't access them |